I'm so glad they announced the dub for Dragon Ball super. I was really putting off watching it. I hate watching Dragon Ball in Japanese. The voice of Goku is just so fucking terrible. Goku's voice is Sean Schemmel not some japanese grandma.
I'm so glad they announced the dub for Dragon Ball super. I was really putting off watching it...
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Why does vegeta wear armor again? I thought he grew outta that shit.
He didn't wear armor in the Buu Saga because the tournament forbid it. The silly thing in the Super anime is that he uses the armor as casual wear too (although he wears other outfits in the manga, so it seems to be just the animators being lazy).
Nobody cares about your dub, amerifat.
>You watch super?
>no im waiting for the dub
DBs audience are bigger dub fans
Only the cancerous burger part of them.
>o one cares about the dub
>thats the cancer portion
pick one
Some cancerous retards that have no business being on Sup Forums like the dub for some reason.
Fuck off back to GameFAQs or wherever you came from now.
Use the catalog dumbass
>DBs audience are bigger dub fans
Assuming the American dub....yeah, in America. You're forgetting the other massive Dragon Ball fanbases that exist in other countries.
>"reeeeee stop liking things I don't"
the only language that db appeares to be more popular subbed is spainish, they fan sub super really fast
>Americans are the only people on earth that want to watch Dragon ball
The saiyan armor weights almost nothing so its comfortable enough to wear it even in free time.
>some retarded dubnigger isn't obviously American
are you guys actually making a big deal about some guys preference for dub over sub?
get lives
Hi Sup Forums
Big Green dub when?
get out new fag
use the catalog retarded super newfag
sssjb looks dumb
It looks great con Vegetto
If Xenoverse and the Kuririn wishing for 17 and 18 to not have bombs in their bodies anymore clip on youtube is indicative of the rest of the dub then no thanks.
>If Xenoverse is indicative of the rest of the dub
It's not. That game was pretty top tier as far as the dub is concerned.
Yes, it's sad
He looks silly wearing that shit when he's just hanging around the house. He never does that in the manga.
>like the dub for some reason
>some reason
He already said why he prefers the dub, turbo-weeb. Goku doesn't sound like a granny.
The dub isn't even out yet they just announced they will be working on it which was something we already knew because it's DBZ.
They're going to skip the first two shit arcs and go right to the tournament.
>uses weeb as an insult on Sup Forums
I think one of the VA's already mentioned at a con that they've dubbed the first 10 episodes so far