Would you live with a girl who is 4x your size?
Would you live with a girl who is 4x your size?
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if i were to die, i would only, only accept it in the form of being crushed between the thighs of a girl 4x my size
the most honorable of deaths
Snu Snu is the ultimate destiny of man.
It is my ultimate dream. Big hugs
What about living with your mom who is 7x your size?
>crushed between the thighs of a girl
Good taste in dying?
jesus christ more
Sauce, kek wills it
Yes, and I would work extra hard to afford to be able to feed and house her!
Is it so wrong to want to wake up to a bust onee-chan hugging you every morning?
I am going to need sauce on that, please.
(Yandex and Google did not get me results.)
Would you have a choice?
saucenao, idiots
Fuck yeah I would.
This isn't do you like big girls is it? It looks very similar. I know the artist but I can't place it.
No, but I'd live with a girl who is 4x smaller than my size
sick fuck, liking midgets and shit
I like thick and thin girls.
Not Raita though, he makes well designed girls but his artstyle itself is horrid.
dont hold out on us man, cant find sauce
>tfw no death by snu snu
Artist is Methonium
It's literally the only thing I want in life.
How do you people asking for sauce not immediately recognize possibly the best h-artist out right now?
These girls look disgusting
Good job being a homosexual.
Is she still cute and petite, just 4x as big/heavy?
Sign me the fuck up.
Bein' a nice guy, I'll go ahead and say it:
Artist is Synecdoche
this shit is so cringy
I know what I"m doing tonight
not gonna lie bro, I fapped to it and it wasn't even difficult
you're either gay or you don't like girls feet
Fuck I've already fapped today
But I dunno if I can go to bed before having gone for round 2
In a heart beat
Kill yourself, faggots.
This doujin is so good. I hadn't fapped to doujins in years, but when I read that one I could not resist. Top tier material.
I have the thiccness siccness
>6 foot 6 inches tall monster
>Into tall girls
You know nothing of my suffering.
Funny enough, the only thing that stops this from being a perfect 10 for me is the awful hairstyle
八尺様 (Hasshaku-sama, lit. Ms. Eight-feet-tall)
>Titular monster of a 2008 fictional ghost story that was posted in "Let's gather up seriously, deadly scary stories, shall we? (死ぬ程洒落にならない怖い話を集めてみない?)" thread/topic of 2ch's Occult Board. This is regarded as one of the best stories in the thread.
>Essentially a female Slenderman, she stalks and kills her young targets when they're out in the open space after seeing her tall visage. She makes her presence known with her signature laugh "Po, po, po..." with a somewhat masculine voice.
Well, if you can find one.
There's a hentai about her coming out at the end of the month
Go to netherlands
There's two, actually.
Jyoka's seems more in line with the original story, almost exactly.
>Pink Pineapple
Dis gun be gud
Fugg I highlighted the wrong one
I'll manage
im just glad he stopped drawing furries
>Jyoka's work getting animated
>it is my favorite one
There needs to be more giant content of roughly that size. So tired of skyscraper sized women.
This even a question?
Can they animate the snek?
Can they PLEASE animate the snek?
I can't fucking wait for this. How soon do you think a subbed version will be out?
Sneks are for cuddling
Body pillow when?
>im just glad he stopped drawing furries
It's what the man truly likes, I don't think he would ever stop. I am just hoping he would branch out more with these monster girls and their perfect bodies. The way he draws tits is just the right type for my fetish.
>into girls just a a couple of cm taller than me
>living in a country where girls rarely hit 170
Do I have to move to Scandinavia or the Netherlands?
I want a girl 10 times my size
I want to get inside her
I want to develop PTSD because of the brutal giant high school girl mech warfare
He must be one hell of a superman. Even if you don't count her displacement forward lifting someone that much larger then you takes serious muscle.