Post characters that make you happy, but are not your waifu.
Not your waifu
Every gatcha is simultaneously my waifu and also not
all smiles whenever she's on the page
I have a thing for the archetype, similar to the broad from Solaris
She's my sunshine, but not my waifu.
I love Lisha-sama but she belongs to Lux.
So why aren't they your waifus?
I just can't ditch my waifu I had for almost 5 years. Some girls came damn close, but in the end I keep going back to my one and only.
RIP, I'm sorry for your lose.
Dropped this show because this annoying bitch.
What a cuck
Why do you even like anime if you can't handle anime voices?
u're mum
It wasn't her voice, she was just annoying as a character. And I'm not new to Anime at all, i just generally found her annoying.
The only smart character is annoying? okay.
>similar to the broad from Solaris
Damn son, good taste.
Seo was too far best girl
both girls
me on the right
t. Soma
no, he only liked Himeko
I love both of them
claimed as not my waifu
Things probably would have ended up differently if I watched this before the show my waifu is in.
It's basically like that with my #2 and #3 favorite girls. You just know there's an alt route where one of them could be my waifu instead, but this is not it. pic sorta related
Shit, I think I've read this before but I can't for the life of my remember the name.
Nigga, it's SAO.
I don't know why, but when she does this my heart feels lighter.
I can't deny it.
Why not Ozu?
Radishead is too smart to befriend with me
How do you keep your waifu? Mine's for 3 years but her position is currently being challenged
By nurturing your feelings. Writing stuff about her, buying merchandise, reading new things about her if you haven't already, that kind of things.
I dare not stand between her and Homura
You already posted my #2, excellent taste user.
Reminded me of the vape nation pose
She makes me happy.
She's my favorite character by far.
This whole story has been gold so far.
all anime girls are my waifu and make me happy. except galko because she's fat
this one
She's just too cute
you understand me user-kun.
the fallen angel
Who's she? She looks familiar, but I just don't remember...
My waifu BFF.
She's just too perfect.
I want to be friends with Hibiki.
Thought it might be easier just to post this, I know the quality is shit also.
One of these girls is my actual waifu though.
Excellent taste.
By not being a faggot and choosing wisely on who your waifu is. Understand commitment before picking a waifu.
Same waifu for 9 years.