What did Sup Forums think of the original?
What does Sup Forums think 70 episodes later?
What did Sup Forums think of the original?
What does Sup Forums think 70 episodes later?
Does anybody remember the scene where the second one is in the original series? It was my favorite.
Episodes 10-30 were its prime.
>10 years old
Why did he play the seal?
Looking back the audio and video quality were really bad back then. And now the actual quality is bad.
unfunny meme garbage
Gay clown, Kemo's hair jokes and Bandit Keith jokes were great.
That is all.
Was alright in the beginning, because it was mostly pointing out how absurd the plot was. Eventually LK just kept sticking jokes in there that got less funny as the show went on.
The Good:
Gay Clown, Kemo's hair jokes, Bandit Keith, anything Kaiba, Dan Green jokes, and the little non-sequitur clips at the end of each episode that, personal favorite is Tea DDR/She's a Maniac on The Floor
The Bad:
The fanbase, The spawn of all the other abridged series because of this, Tristan jokes, Mae jokes, Mokuba jokes, Pegasus jokes, BROOKLYN RAGE, etc.
I can't tell if it got stale or I got older or both.
I think he got stuck trying to pander to his fanbase and all the other abridgers out there.
His Naruto abridgement where he just goes crazy and does whatever the fuck he wants is actually really good and shows he does have some great comedic sense. When he's just working for himself and not a bunch of asshats.
It's gotten pretty bad but YGOTAS used to be my shit back in the day. It's all just catchphrases and memes now though.
The only overused jokes i liked were "Brooklin rage" and Tristans voice. The quality dwindled though, Yugi has become insuferable.
*Duke Delvin theme in the background
>Learned that from super mario world
meh, kinda funn
>Yep I always sacrifice Yoshi down the pit. Just in case you didn't get the joke
fucking hell
There was some point in my life where I thought this was absolutely hilarious.
>9 years ago
Oh, that explains it.
This was literally the first person to do that sort of stuff so it makes sense
I dropped out around the time when
1) Releases slowed down a lot,
2) He opted not to comically skip the dragon filler arc, and
3) He got a guest VA for Noa. Doing all the voices himself was part of the charm.
I dropped out when he got fucking Linkara
One of the best newer episodes
wow that animation is awful
>this is new
Not as good as it was before, but still miles better than any other abridged series out there.
I am confused, I go to crunchyroll.com, and I can watch anything without joining.
Why is it talking about getting 30 days free? What is going on?
I actually think the zork animation is pretty fucking good.
Clearly used someone different than for the marrik/bakura fight.
Who did linkara voice?
it was some random egyptian villager from one of mariks flashbacks.
cant remember the episode number...
I demand you find it and spoonfeed me.
Higher resolutions and no ads. Also, the manga are paywalled.
The show was a bad adaptation, and it was a filler arc. You should be able to solve this.
>A rhetorical wanker
I like the show, but it has only served to decay the western fanbase even further.
Fuck you, you don't get a timecode.
user, that episode is 6 years old. It's more than half the series' run old.
Best "modern" episode, prove me wrong.
>demanded spoonfeeding
>do not get spoonfed
I have to say user, you have done a real shit job. Give me that timecode.
I rewatched the show recently just subbed for the first time
That joke about Ishuzu makes perfect sense now
I actually never got that joke. I just thought it was supposed to be random.
It is still better than most of abridged series out there
Kek. Might pick it back up one of these days.
OG stuff was genuinely laugh out loud funny when I was 16 and is still amusing to rewatch.
Newer stuff isn't quite as good but there's still some okay jokes.
I would probably like it more still if I never got old and cynical.
that arc was my favorite yu-gi-oh arc in general, even as a kid i liked the concept of stands i guess.
The video quality back then has a nostalgic feel to it and it was actual comedy. Now it's barely better than teamfourshit.
DOMA arc is non canon filler just don't think about it.
I think anyone who watches this type of shit is an underage reddit faggot.