/IOTBW/ - 2 Weeks In Edition

It's okay to be white general.

Let's talk strategies, stories from posting, the week ahead, etc.

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=White privilege checklist

Updated (Version 4) of compilation of IOTBW postings.

Instructions. Some important points to highlight:

>Do NOT depart (in any way) from the following instructions: the flyer should say nothing except “It’s okay to be white” in black text. No images, watermarks, or changes to the message AT ALL. Stickers also work fine, as do banners if hung at night when nobody can see you.
>Do NOT host any kind of “rally.” Do not talk to anyone in the media or even strangers when you are posting the flyers. Instead, stay completely anonymous, post only at night, and leave the area immediately thereafter.
>Do NOT post in this thread your suggestions for “phase 2” or variations of phase 1. Every conceivable variation of the original plan has already been suggested discussed since the idea was hatched. Remember: there is no phase 2. The only people suggesting ideas here are shills trying to trick/subvert newfags like you.

Understanding the rationale:
> The central focus is NOT for people to see the flyers and think, “Hmm, I guess I would agree that it's okay to be white." The flyer itself does not redpill people.
> Rather, the central purpose of IOTBW is to elicit absurd outrage from certain people, thus leaving third parties thinking, “Wow, the Media/Leftists really don’t think it’s okay to be white.” Third party observations of negative reactions to the poster, rather than a viewer’s own direct positive reactions to the poster, is what redpills people.

Success depends on the media being able to attack one thing and one thing only: the phrase “it’s okay to be white.” When the message is ONLY those 5 words, when the message is posted in a legal manner, and when the people who posted the flyers cannot be tracked down, then the only thing the media can attack is the phrase "it's okay to be white." That is the very point. Even if you don’t appreciate this nuance, you MUST NOT depart from the instructions in any way.


Concealment Tips:

Work alone, work quickly, work quietly, work at night, wear dull dark colored clothing.

If you get spotted, keep moving. Make a pursuer come to you. Get your cardio way up and your physical strength up a bit too.

Use a bicycle or car if you want to play "paperboy" with this action. Have a bag on you to make the grab and throw method effective. Practice a few times to get your accuracy up.

Vary the areas you operate in and don't over operate in a single area. It will get heavily watched if you work it frequently. Take a few weeks of break in between actions. (Brass balled anons can do one or several heavy strikes in an area, then lay low for a few weeks.)

If you have broken some of the rules and scared the living shit out of a community take a break for a few months to a year. Do the same if you had to fight and you fucked up some freak that thought he was tough.

Look like a resident of the area you operate in. Especially if you are a resident you need to blend in. Some suggestions for dress styles are Preppy (great for the ritzy part of town.) Shaggy (because shaggy dudes don't do anything controversial.) Hippie (makes you invisible to SJW's. Can backfire if Law Enforcement is anti hippie is X area.)

We need more banner drops



Strange Media Behavior:

So you've just done your Nth flyering and something very weird has happened. Where the media barely reported on the flyers before, now they scream as if the sky is falling. Every day for several days straight a new article is written with the usual hand wringing and exhortations against the horrible monsters who did such a terrible thing.

But something is very far off in each story. Though certain elements of are true, you know this because you did it that way, other elements are completely false. You know this because you didn't do it that way. (Unless someone has come along and changed your work or done their own work, which is very unlikely, YOU ARE BEING TAUNTED IN THE HOPES THAT YOU WILL REVEAL YOURSELF. Do not correct the false story. It is to your advantage if everyone who doesn't know the truth believes the false narrative. Don't contact the media and don't leave clues in a future action that prove to the investigators that you know they are liars.

Instead, lay low for at least one month and strike again in an area you have never hit before.

Stay alert, stay healthy, stay tough. Have fun.


Creative Placement Of Flyers:

Top of a vending machine. (If you also did an obvious placement, this one is a great second strike for very little risk. The maintenance or restocker will find it and either freak out or maybe even agree with it.)

Bed of a pickup truck. (The owner can drive down the road and have it blow out without every knowing it was there. Thus doing some great work for you.)

Bulletin Boards and Newspaper boxes. (Give the people the information they need to make informed decisions.)

Car Windshields. (Works like a traditional ad campaign to get the word out.)

Driveways. (All the news that the MSM dares not print. Delivered to you under cover of darkness.)

Mail your politicians. (Don't leave your name or address unless confrontation is your thing. Wear gloves when making the letters. Use printer or stencil to write your message. Get the peal and seal envelopes/stamps or use a q tip and water to wet them.)

any good salt lately?


Dangerous Encounters On The Mean Streets:

I hope you are fast, tough, or both. As you walk the night you will encounter a variety of loners who tend strongly toward poor social skills and strong bodies. Why? Because if he was a great socializer he would probably have a regular job and if he was a weakling he would be too scared to walk around at night without a group of people to protect him.

There are a few way to handle dangerous people who confront you. If you have a weapon this is the time to ready it. I recommend a pistol in something like .38, 9mm or 45 acp. Big boys use whatever you like. Small boys use 9mm or 38 special. (Learn to shoot.)

Being a stone cold fool one night, I get spotted doing some mean stuff. I have a pistol in my right hip pocket. I stop my action and look at my possible rival. I move to escape and glare back in case my rival want's to play rough. He doesn't move and no sound is heard except for my foot steps leaving the area.

That's a clean get away.

Nice work.

What did I miss?



It's ok to be straight.

Bad Weather Is Your Friend, Cold Weather Is Your Friend.

If you live alone, some harsh weather nights open themselves up to having some prankster fun. Normal people dread the darkness and shriek with terror at bad weather. Cold, windy nights are great because you can do all kinds of pranks without rain washing them off.

For the purposes of IOTBW, that means you can spend more time at a target area and hide the flyers like Easter eggs if you want. You might just be the only person out at a given time because of the harsh conditions.

Rain can be an ally too. Very few people, but more than you think, will be walking in the rain. Place flyers only in dry areas if you do a rain operation. If you live with people make sure you have a good excuse when you come home. If you live alone, change your rain clothes right away, maybe take a hot shower, to keep from getting sick.

If you have a brass set of balls, try to do an action right before a heavy rain or heavy snow. You don't want your tracks in the snow and you want to put at least a few hours between your action and discovery. (The best pranks are discovered quickly but not immediately.)

Dont stop anons, this is what we need to build up that whites are now a minority globally so we can take away all the rights of blacks and jews etc.

Keep up the good work anons, this is a great counter social engineering project. Friendly bump.

you can feel the hatred in these ones

>when your country falls under such degeneracy that being white is looked down upon

>see picture for details

>if you print out small slips with iotbw, you can 'laminate' them with clear tape. You can make these ahead of time by putting the tape over the paper on wax paper. The tape peels off the wax paper and still sticks. This makes something like a sticker, but it's easy to remove so it's not 'vandalism' like stickers can be considered.

>change network names to 'it's ok to be white'.

>go to places like omegle and spam it

>make and aggregate video and post them on video sites.

>IRC networks. Freenode is pretty big. Been thinking about starting a group there.

>techanons can figure out how to automate

>twatter, youtube, news site comments

>email lists. IOTBW in the subject or at the end of the email, walk the dinosaur style

>use lights or projectors to post iotbw. I haven't experimented with this one yet, but I'm sure that it's possible to simply cut out the lettering on an opaque substrate then tape it to a light of some kind that shines on a flat surface. There are plenty of ground level lights that illuminate buildings in the city. I can't imagine that this could ever be considered vandalism, and it has potential to make really big 'signs'.

>put iotbw in memes and post throughout the internet. Bonus points for being subtle.

>fake profiles on dating sites like pof, using iotbw in the profile somewhere. Using realistically hot chick profile pics attract mass views. Don't sperg out and draw too much attention though, or you shall be banhammered.

>mass sms messages using sms services

Try to be lowkey in the application of the message and its delivery. Don't commit vandalism. Vandalism is "action involving deliberate destruction of or damage to public or private property." We are protected under the 1st Amendment with this project, especially under the the most highly guarded form of speech, core political speech.

bump. keep it up. dont let the campaign stifle.

Awesome. More of this. They are validating the point of the campaign. They chimp out at an innocuous statement proving how anti white they really are.

Then /ourguys/ will make it go viral.

>what does that make you?

The First Amendment elevates core political speech above all other forms of individual expression by prohibiting laws that regulate it unless the laws are narrowly tailored to serve a compelling state interest. Known as “strict scrutiny” analysis, the application of this analysis by a court usually sounds the death knell for the law that is being challenged. This application is especially true when the core political speech is expressed in traditional public forums, such as streets, sidewalks, parks, and other venues that have been traditionally devoted to public assembly and social debate.

> the core political speech is expressed in traditional public forums, such as streets, sidewalks, parks, and other venues that have been traditionally devoted to public assembly and social debate.

Some ideas that just came to me: sidewalk chalk, signs 'laminated' with clear tape on trees in parks, benches, 'signs' made with 2-part epoxy and small pieces of scrap metal then discretely deposited in fountains like a wishful penny, you could even do this in such a way that it's impossible to take out without getting wet, and if you're a weldfag or have access to CNC cutting tools it would be even faster.

We really need to start addressing this particular caveat of the 1st Amendment in any attempt to suppress our free speech.

I have only seen IOTBB at PSU.

my principal found out that I posted around 9 flyers around campus, she wants to meet with me, I need an argument to minimize the amount of trouble I'll get in.

interesting that the faggot richard spencer tried to take ownership of the meme for his little group. seems he's more interested in taking credit and attention, rather than actually making this work.

it needs to be as simple as it currently is. no complications. no credit-taking. no baggage. only then does it expose the neolibs as just anti-white.

>I need an argument to minimize the amount of trouble I'll get in.

Are you american?

Is a next poster day planned? Christmas perhaps?

No, Canadian. I'm also black if that helps, if there's a way I can pull the race card in this situation.

just tell them the truth that all you think is its okay to be white and nothing more. and that you think its uncool that white people should feel ike shit over something they cant even have control over.
also no roman salutes. that shit gets you in teh can pronto

>I need an argument to minimize the amount of trouble I'll get in.
>see picture
pointing out double standard is allowed for a addressing issues

It's okay to be white. Just take ownership of your privilege, recognise your racism and try listening to others when they talk about their experience with oppression and the hands of white people instead of telling them to get over it.

All anyone wants you to do is acknowledge the role you play in perpetuating systemic oppression and violence and you immediately are like “I DONT DESERVE TO FEEL GUILTY”

Like, you don’t have to feel guilty, just fucking read a book, go to a seminar or lecture from people who have been hurt by the system and... idk try to exercise some fucking compassion

Being proud of the colour of skin you were born with is pretty stupid anyways. The only white people saying that shit are white supremacists, because they're the ones who feel insecure and threatened.

Ask if it's not okay to be white. Go on the offensive. "Is something wrong with me because of how I was born? Am i not allowed to exist as who I am?" Fuck them, make em squirm

Neolibs are looking for someone to hang over this. Do not give them any excuse to paint you as a "white supremacist".

1. Keep it simple and innocent. You just don't want white ppl to feel bad because of their race. You want peace and harmony. You're anti-bullying. Whatever. Do not introduce anything right-wing into it. They'll twist it into evidence against you.

2. Remove all controversial material from your social media. It will likely be used against you.

3. If you can, think of examples when you were bullied or attacked because of your race. Use this to bolster your benevolent anti-bullying argument.

>1488 dislikes

>see this paper on the front page of my local newspaper
>"hate speech? Or is it?"
Good work boys.

I'm a little late to the party. Has anyone post any posters at UNL?

>good troll
reddit spacing

ISD is coming for you, boy.

It's not okay to be a fucking leaf. Get out.

A man is only responsible for his own actions. You faggots not only decalre that White people should bear responsibility for the actions of all other Whites in present day and all of recorded history but at the time declare that blacks, natives, spics, muzzies etc are not only NOT responsible for their own action but that Whites are responsible for their behaviour as well.

>faggots like you are why this country is being ruined, if you are white just know that once we become the minority and the darkies start running things you will not escape their low IQ racist hate.

>Canadian. I'm also black if that helps

>I'm also black

lel. I don't know the constitution of canada, but all you have to do is tell her that you're simply making a political statement in a traditionally relevant public forum. Point out that colleges have adopted an increasingly antiwhite indoctrination in their course content, and you are worried that it's creating anger and resentment among white students, so you are merely trying to diffuse a future scenario in which you might be endangered. Point out their double standard concerning the suppression of iotbw but not cases in which literal promotion of genocide was protected by universities: see Bahar Mustafa in England, pic related. Point out that iotbw is ridiculously innocuous. If you were American I'd tell you to invoke 'core political speech' and tell her that you're being suppressed. Imply that she's acting like the gestapo or some other subtle nazi allusion. Point out that your involvement proves the fact that iotbw is not a 'white supremacist' message. Since you're a protected minority, I doubt that anything will happen, but you're in a position to seriously rustle jimmies.

ALL white people benefit from white privilege. No exceptions.

>i'm black
well, shit. that solves pretty much everything. just say that you feel bad for white people being bullied. and this was your anti-bullying move to make them feel better. that should get them to stfu and leave you alone.

>it's not okay to be white because muh white privilege
k we got the message. you can go back to r.eddit now.

Vermont guy here. Someone posted them at our most prestigious University, it got on our local news with a girl saying some shit. But most people walked on eggshells.


Is that supposed to be an insult?

Lol you children should have followed the age restriction.

>ALL white people benefit from white privilege. No exceptions.

Demonstrate the precise mechanisms through which this white privilege manifests.

Here, I'll give you some ideas. Pic related. You posit your argument which clearly delineates examples of white privilege, then I shall retort.

lmgtfy.com/?q=White privilege checklist

Collate the information and post it here in an image or text. Do you know where you are? I ain't clicking that shit you low effort moron.

my sides

I'm not your errand boy, if you're not willing to put in the effort to learn, it is not my responsibility to spoon feed you.

Thanksgiving night would be a great time to post as many posters as possible all at once. Especially around stores and malls with black Friday sales

Just put up about 25 around my local mall.

Shipping labels?

Saw one on my way to work posted on a daily show ad, over Trevor Noah's face. Good shit.

It's you who are not putting in any effort to debate me. The fact that you are telling me that I'm the one not putting in effort is hilarious and typical of your outrageously hypocritical kind. You think that you can just point to something and say: "see, I'm right, heh"? Fuck that. You're in the thunderdrome faggot. Here are some examples of white privilege I just came up with.

White privilege is being able to be discriminated against in employment or academia based on your race.

White privilege is being called a 'white supremacist' for NOT accepting this discrimination as an ethical imperative.

White privilege is is knowing that white people suffered greatly because of slavery, in both literal death tolls stopping it and getting screwed out of jobs because of it, but still getting blamed for it anyway because the color of your skin matches that of a small minority that actually engaged in the practice hundreds of years ago.

White privilege is being called a racist for being critical of unchecked immigration into majority white countries even when you point out that these people are being used as a new slave class whom are being exploited by the rich.

This whole thing was most effective when we rallied everyone to put up the posters on the same night. We should the same for thanksgiving night. Because a ton of people will be out around town for sales and because anti white sentiment will be high from all the "muh natives" talk that always happens around thanksgiving.
You should add to the OP to put them up next Thursday night



Can they last in that weather? Sticky seems better just cause of the higher effort to remove.

White privilege is being told you are responsible for historical injustices which you yourself had no part in, and even worse, historical injustices of a type committed by literally every other race on the planet.

White privilege is being charged with a 'hate crime' any time a white person commits a crime agains a non white, regardless of hate being a motivationa factor.

White privilege is being the victim of violence perpetrated by non whites, but the criminal commits the violence is NEVER charged with a hate crime, even when they admit that they hate white people.

You know how I know you're bullshitting? You're made a post

It seems to. Had a light rain while I was posting them. They stick best on unpainted metal (street signs and lamp posts) ill check back tomorrow to see if they still up.
Only downside is they are a tad small to be seen from a car.

White privilege is being deposed from positions of authority you earned through hard work and dedication on the basis of the assumption that a white person occupying any position of authority is always 'white supremacy'.

White privilege is being thrown under the bus for 'nepotism' despite the glaring fact that it's actually a specific subset of white people who coincidentally hold an iron grip of control over several key industries without them EVER being criticized for this obvious imbalance of power.

White privilege is being literally enslaved and trafficked in the contemporary world as sex slaves from Eastern Europe and no one giving a fuck or even knowing about it.

These stickers are nice too but cost a little more per.

As long as it's clean. I doubt they stick to oil based paints either.

I like ones that fit in the pocket. These are the same types that you get plastered to glass jars.

White privilege is bringing medicine and food to places like Africa but instead of being thanked you are attacked by the natives and then you come home and people tell you that you're evil because you're white.

White privilege being viscously attacked and defamed as a 'nazi' if you are NOT yourself actively attacking and working against the interests of your own people, even though every other race is applauded for pro-actively trying to improve themselves.

That is the white mans burden not the white man privilege

Can't we all just get beyond thunderdome?








but NoOoOoOo



im serious guys you need to take a step back and realise its already been exhausted.
Move on to the next one.

Those labels on the right look pretty nice. Ones on the left are inefficient.

It's not okay to be a shill.


ANY day is IOTBW Day. This is an ongoing mission.

.................................................................... im being serious. Explain to me whats wrong with what i said.

I should have used the 'fresh off the boat' pasta, huh

What's wrong is that Sup Forums has like 1 thread per day on this. It's not over. People need to be reminded that it's okay to be white.

oy vey shlomo stop trying to shoah our project to red pill the normies

>to find out whos who within your target group
how people hunt culture is a funner topic fagtrd


Fuck off Tony Blair.

To be fair, if people actually understood what "The White Man's Burden" means, this languid skid down into the tar-pits would be over tomorrow. Good luck explaining to them that they're fighting on behalf of the same forces they believe they're struggling against.

Cheapest "It's Ok To Be White" Tshirt: redbubble.com/people/finesseapparel/works/28767377-its-ok-to-be-white?p=t-shirt
Stickers: redbubble.com/people/finesseapparel/works/28767377-its-ok-to-be-white?p=sticker
Posters: redbubble.com/people/finesseapparel/works/28767377-its-ok-to-be-white?p=poster
Postcard: redbubble.com/people/finesseapparel/works/28767377-its-ok-to-be-white?p=greeting-card&card_size=postcard

>Explain to me whats wrong with what i said.

Ad hominems, straw men, appeals to emotions, false dilemmas, modal fallacies, appealing to the stone, argument from repetition, false equivalence, and most of all being a sperglord attentionwhore faggot.

SSSHHhh. He's on a roll.

Idk if ITS OK to be white but it's defiantly not someone's choice.

If you disagree with the plan then your complaints should have been aired during the planning phase.

Oh, shit! Don't show your face, user.

I was under strict instructions to use that joke.

>disagree with the plan

Great plan. It worked. Why you faggots are hellbent on running it into the ground is beyond me lol.

Like I said, you could be working on several different propaganda pieces now, but for some reason you're obsessed with this