Subs soon
Stella no mahou
How long until yellowsubs?
Subs when?
This week might have the best variation on the ED yet.
I still don't understand what they mean.
Last episode had Shii showing off her menu design, which was flat and monochromatic. The ED reflected that.
Not sure about most of the others though.
I think the Unhappy director would have been a better fit for this show than the NNB one desu senpai.
> [BudLightSubs] Stella no Mahou - 06 [720p].mkv
Be aware of fujos
Did my fucking monitor or player just break because what the actual fuck is this ED?
did user edit subs for ep 5?
Subs were ok, I guess.
Wild Ayaya spotted.
Anybody know if BudLightSubs are Sentai/AnimeNetwork rips or Daisuki rips?
>Magic of Stella begins airing on Thursday, November 10, 2016. ANO subscribers in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa will be able to stream new episodes every Thursday at 9:30 AM EST.
Looks like there are still about 10 hours left if I can into time zones.
Every time.
Ah thanks user. Guess I'll just hold off till morning then. Hopefully not with hella cute subs.
When will this sluttiness end?
She is perfect daughteru
Are eye bags moe?
Subs were passable
Why is this allowed?
My wife Tamaki is so cute.
>kinmoza in the background
This scene was painful to watch.
how is this series selling?
seems somehow unpopular on Sup Forums?
maybe the lack of fanservice?
oh and the sporadic subs
Tama is a good girl!
There were some awkward localizations, but I didn't catch any glaring flaws. I guess they're learning.
Holy fucking hell this girl.
If by good you mean slut then yes.
I don't think there's a consistent translator, so it's probably more that this week it's simply in more competent hands than 3 or 4 were.
There's still mistakes though, e.g., in this line Yumine is interested in what things they put effort into.
Does that mean there's a chance for the episode 1 and 2 translator to come back for more Honda-darling in the finale?
Literature club, not drama
This line is about Aya (last line was about Fujikawa)
She's effectively saying she's unfeminine (prefacing that with the sentiment basically that it's odd to be saying that herself) which is implying why she's got nothing to talk about.
Odd translation of "subculture"
Pretty sure she was remarking on Seki having made one
She just didn't expect Seki to be interested
Headpat the Tama-chan.
I want to see Tama-chan in a bunny girl outfit.
The "fatal" and "or" leave it making less sense than it should. She's imagining the possibility of the illness turning very severe and her becoming unable to leave the house.
So is this show any good? How cute is it?
Hella cute.
>hey, sweetie, what are you doing tonight?
>tfw Kayo is inevitably going to be Tama's first
They're making a child.
I'd watch them fuck.
Unmatched cuteness.
>0.2 degrees of fever gets you on bed coughing
sasuga japanese cold
rub a dub dub
Fevers don't make you cough.
I've taken off my goggles but with all her dialogues and that preview I have the feeling she's kinda gay and it's really out of place on this super hetero show.
subs are shit.
I stopped watching after ep4
Maybe I'll continue when it gets decent subs or I learn japanese, whichever comes first
They need to have at least one yuribait character in the show.
Damn I hope so.
>sold four copies of their game
>two were sold to her friend and the former club president
They are doing it to fill the void in their lifes, just like some of us do with anime.
What archetype is she?
thigh highs
Every girl in this show is flat. I bet they're all smooth at the bottom too.
customer-san was cute as hell
girls with big boobs can't maek videogaems
but she said they sold 13
Tempertature around 37.0-37.4 is the worst kind of temperature though, it makes you feel basically broken unlike temp around 38 which makes you feel fine and dandy, if a little hot.
9 were copies Seki offloaded through swaps with other circles.
AOTS. Programmer a best.
>selling a game with a bug in it
But healthy is 36.6.
>The ~aesthetic~ effects over the ED this episode
She should work for Gust.
Some people just want tot watch the world burn.
>early access
It's called a VHS filter.
Why was there even a VHS filter over the ED? I feel like I'm missing something.
They were reminiscing over the past in the second half, perhaps because of that?
I don't know. Tell me why the ED last episode was muted and all spooky?
Flat design.
Like the one Shii put in the game.
It's a blocker and if you want it fixed you have to come crying to them in person
Show me the game you cunts
Worst girls.
Without a shred of doubt.
Programmer > BGM > Illustrator > Story Writer > Fujo
Is she right? Would no one ever love her?
Why is this dork so cute?
>got confessed to
What a slut.
Biggest slut after Tama-chan,
I'm still on episode 2 because I spent all of October playing Silent Hill LOL