Georgi best russian.
Yuuri!!! on ICE
I love that they had everyone laughing at him, his performance was great.
Episode would have been great if they had spend the entire time with cucked georgian, EROS swiss and Yuri too because the show's about him i guess .
Everyone else felt like such a waste.
>Literally every character posible.
>No Taco
Being a Tacofag is going to be suffering.
I want a Carabosse keychain.
Do you have a bigger Yuuri folder than Victor?
Leo turned out to be really cute and purest YoI but one thing here absolutely cannot be overlooked.
This costume. The color scheme of this costume is spiritually disturbing. What the fuck man. His coach should be fired for letting him wear this. If I were a judge I would've docked points for this.
It's like somebody in his corner was trying to sabotage him from the inside. I can't stop thinking about this. Literally fix this before any of the animation in the BDs.
Taco is probably one of the ones marked "NOW PRINTING" user
Leo was shit. He's totally forgettable.
He's not, it's the three mains.
Look slut I would fight you about this but I'm too busy wondering why this accident of a color scheme was approved.
You know how people are saying they feel personally victimized by Swiss leaking on them? I feel personally victimized by Leo's stupid fucking costume. Somebody in a faraway place hurt me today and they don't even know it.
How turned on do you think Victor was?
Yellow is an ugly color no matter what outfit
Look on the bright side: at least he is not wearing it ever again.
Meanwhile, I'm going to have to suffer that hot pink abomination that is Fairy's FP costume until the last episode.
That is a terrible color for him.
JJstyle looks like Robin Hood or something
Also Czech a cute and it's a crime that we haven't paid more attention to him in these threads
I just want him to be happy ;_;
We almost did it in the last thread. I hope next episode we reach 1000.
Georgi became a witch after succumbing to despair
Was the tit size adequate?
JJ is hot shit.
Congratulations, I consider your 2D shit taste fixed, I don't watch harems but I think she looks nice; she'd make a great background skater too with that figure.
i want to hug him and tell him how special he is to me, give him gifts after every competition and be cheering hard to him, and someday hopefully i'll invite him to a date and i will show him that i love him so much. precious thing.
He never got to believe in Santa, he's broken beyond repair.
Stop encouraging shitposting.
Me too, user. I want to braid his hair and send him off to win the GP.
Giorgi mahou shoujo confirmed.
Where were you when China became purest and best boy?
Fairy is one of the most precious miracles of the universe.
I want to throw him plushies after he skates.
More ring edits.
>too late
Purest Russian
Livestream and post sub release threads could easily reach 1k if user didn't make new threads when the current one is on page 8.
He yearned for everyone but Phichit in this episode.
He looks good, I dunno what you on about senpai. That braid is doing things to me.
I love JJ already, I want him to get actual scenes soon though.
Otabek is the only one who deserves praise besides majo Georgi.
>Liking leaky okama over best boys Phichit and Taco
JJ when
>Pig is wearing on his left hand.
>Baldy on the right one.
I miss this Yuuri.
This show is just too comfy.
It triggers my autism too but I just wanted them both wearing rings. Also Ruskies are weird.
Tumblrshits don't know better.
That Yuri is dead, we slut now.
>sad Fairy
It hurts. I just want him to be happy, he's too pure for this pain.
Fairy will get a good dicking to make him happy.
Finally something.
It can't be comfy when you can't stop cringing.
I'm tired of the writers ignoring Fairy. Why he's even a main character if he has been sidelined for the last two episodes, didn't get a new program and just showed up because he lost. It is unfair because his name is also Yuri but he gets absolutely nothing from this show, only humiliation.
Oh shit
We need to discern the true plot of YoI once and for all.
>Immortal dog project, Maccachin is actual MC
>Madoka spinoff, Giorgi is actual MC
>It's actually just about ice skating and ai and stuff, Yuuri was MC all along
Which is it? What else could it be?
Yeah, I'm glad the anime doesn't take itself too seriously. That's what makes it so fun to watch.
>He never got to believe in Santa
You're making me fucking depressed user.
Rossweisse is one of my favorite DxDs. The main problem with DxD in particular is that they're inconsistent with character boob sizes. Ravel gets it the worst, but Rossweisse has that problem too.
Just wait, he'll have another time to shine.
So, which skaters are still missing? We got many in this episode.
I will never forgive Victor for stealing my pure and egoist Yuuri. I want him to destroy Victor.
It's pretty ridiculous at this point, but I'm hoping he'll come back stronger than ever at the Rostlecom and get a lot of focus then.
>reused art
At least the chibi is new I guess.
Fairy confirmed for irrelevant and possibly comatose.
I think only Nekola and Crispin
everyone else has been shown to some extent.
Nobody caaaares about fairy.
I find most outfits are abominations except the outfit Victor wore in the first episode, Yuuri's eros, and Minami's vest suit.
Very. Many katsudon were had.
He reminds me of Mado Akira from Tokyo Ghoul with this braid.
You forgot Korea
I'll take a peak at it later, let's not derail the thread further; I was willing to play because the old one was on page 9 but this is not YOI related.
Georgi is the true MC of this madoka spinoff, Yuuri and his problems are only distractions.
YoI is a deconstruction of the mahou shoujo genre.
i just want to make him feel special
and date him and ask if i can grab his butt
I need to see JJ skating.
I love MAPPA's sparkle team.
Even as a straight guy I'm going to be disappointed if this doesn't go full homo eventually. We've come far past the point of mere fujo baiting
I don't, I'd rather wait for it to look amazing and as good as Victor's.
I don't like it too but Yuuri is the MC so the focus will be more on him and Victor, who is another main and their relationship seems to be the most important so far.
I want to believe they will give Fairy his focus during Rostlecom, it seems he will pull the win there but that's my hopeful thought.
>ywn braid Fairy's hair before a competition
This kid gave me a hair fetish.
I just want him to be Happy, why can't he be happy?
He deserves love and appreciation. Georgi, my husbando you'll find a girl who truly loves you sooner or later. ;_;
We are all in the same boat, bro.
You know it's not gonna happen, user, lets face it.
Georgi is a evil majo now, will be forever alone ruining the lives of the most beautiful women of every town.
Don't forget.
Always, somewhere,
Georgi is fighting for you.
--As long as you remember him,
you are not alone.
There is no glass ceiling on fujo baiting.
I hope that they show more of his training back in Russia and a better animated program during Rostelecom. For now lets enjoy his funny faces every time that he appears.
I just want to protect him and make him laugh. Also, dress him up like a pretty doll before he goes full-bishie mode.
Even so, he'll lose to Yuuri. Or he'll lose to someone else so Yuuri can face JJ or Otabek himself, in the end he's just a irrelevant foil and I'm depressed for being so attached to it. It's unfair with Fairy because he has amazing potential but the show won't show it because they feel it's not necessary, meanwhile we get useless Victor fanservice because nobody cares about Fairy, he's always alone and grumpy but no one gives a shit about what he feels.
So which of the characters had Victor slept with? Obviously Christophe.
Yuuri does look like a pig here.
Viktor was actually startled when he got aggressive there.
Everyone except Yurio
I still can't figure out why he did this
He just walks up and goes straight for the ass. Why? I know he's gay but Victor is pretty homo himself and he never went straight for the ass. Not even Minami went directly for the ass. What is his endgame?
I can see Yuuri becoming the main villain.
The braid is 11/10, but I don't like his costume. The color scheme and the asymmetric flame/feather motif seems a bit too agressive for the "prima ballerina" look he was working to achieve. I don't think the design flatters his body shape either, at least what we see of it. It's a pity because I really loved the outfits he wore in the promotional pictures.
But the braid is perfect.
The purest Fairy is for unconditional support only.
imagine making him wear a cute maid dress! with cat ears!
Because he's european.
That ass don't need support. Tight as fuck