Why do you love Maki?
Why do you love Maki?
Who told you that? Maki can't find out about my crush on her. Delete this.
I think there were 5 reasons but I can't seem remember them now
People love Maki because she is Maki, agree?
She is easy to dress up as and take dick.
She's cute. That's enough of a reason, right?
but I don't?
She knows. Pic related.
People that like Maki have absolute shit taste. Why would you prefer a girl that acts like she's above everyone but still believe in Santa Claus? Fuck outta here. Makifags are the same lame Rikofags in Sunshine. Just lame taste when they have the chance to pick far better girls in the same show.
>Why would you prefer a girl that acts like she's above everyone but still believe in Santa Claus?
That's cute as fuck though.
Could anyone post the Maki pasta of a Trump-like speech?
>acts like she's above everyone but still believe in Santa Claus
That's pretty moe user. Are you gay?
Inferior to Nico but she is permitted to munch her carpet.
Oh, I made that pasta. though I'm too lazy to find it at the moment.
Maybe later. Tough luck, buddy.
>mfw I have never even seen the show but I still love Maki because she looks soft
Moeblob girls have been done since forever, aren't you guys tired of that shit by now? "Kawaii uguu~" girls are generic as fuck and them being moe dom't mean that they are good characters. Like I said, Makifags are braindead faggots with really bad taste.
I love Maki!!!!!!
She lets me cum in her ass.
Then who do you like then, faggot?
Maki is a pure woman unlike Nico and the other slutty raibus.
She is a girl I would very much like to have sex with.
Best design.
Best voice.
Best girl.
Best idol.
It's simple really.
Wooby better.
I like Maki.
Because ojousamas are so fun to spank.
Why are these two so great?
Is Maki lewd?
I don't.
Why wouldn't she be?
a slut
But someone please post the picture with her face beaten up and full of cum.
Do you like Burd though?
If so I like your taste.
Maki is pretty much the best girl, and she's probably the greatest tsundere idol ever. Let me explain.
Her ability to be an idol is great. She's cute too. Everyone agrees, she has great ability. So there's no problem with her ability and cuteness, and believe me, I know. Did I mention she's cute? It's fantastic, unreal. She has so much cute you wouldn't believe! So much cute! People tell me her cuteness is better than anything they've ever seen, anything!
And that's not just me saying this, many, many people are saying this, they're saying this cute girl - wow, cute - there's so much cute, there's going to be so much cute that they'll get tired of THE cute, they'll say, this cute she has, there's too much we can't stand it! I mean let me put it this way: the other idols, and nothing compared to her. Nothing.
reminder that there are people who have yet to embrace the love of Maki
Sup Forums's cumdumpster
Yesterday marked the official release of Omoi yo Hitotsu ni nare.
Maki is alright but I switch between Nozomi or Umi when it comes to favourites, heavily leaning on Nozomi.
Their pairing makes a lot more sense than Maki and Nico.
Maki is the pepe of anime
That's Hanayo
>Not Nico
Because she is Nico's henchman so that makes her 2nd best automatically
Kotori is kawaii as af
Miracle of the universe.
Hanayo isn't popular enough
Because she believes in Santa.
Because she is the Sup Forums mascot
How did she become their mascot?
How do memes become memes?
Beautiful voice.
Lovely design.
Ability to compose music.
Ability to play the piano and flute.
A rather calm character, I mean, she doesn't have to scream to express herself, unlike Nico, Honoka, or Rin.
I'm not very much into tsundere, but I just love when she blushes. I know it's a widely overused adjective by my fellow Makitards, but I find it very cute.
I wouldn't go as far as saying she is the most mature, but at least she's aware of most of her childish traits.
>a girl that acts like she's above everyone
Source or didn't happen. Usually she is the most conformable of the whole group.
>but still believes in Santa Claus
To be honest I don't like it either.
I just like red hair and purple eyes.
If Santa-san turns out to be real, you guys are going to feel pretty embarrassed.
Go to bed Maki.
Is there a picture of Maki dressed as a dog?
>can't sing
>shitty personality
She's only cute.
>ywn be as cute and sexy as Maki-chan
Hold me, lads
because we both believe in santa claus.
Just stop eating so much and exercise, you lazy shit.
I can't really stand how short their skirts are. I'm ok with some, but man, there's a limit to it.
She's so fucking sexual. None of the Sunshine girls appealed to me the way Honoka and Nico did.
Honk yourself.
Idolm@ster is better
She looks like the type of girl who would love a guy without a stupid reason, like handsomeness or something like that, she would love you and you would simply love her in return.
But Honoka is the best anyway so I don't care.
Maki is a good girl.
She has class, plays piano and is sassy. She also is a firm believer in Santa.
I'm here for the secret honkfag gathering.
Honk honk honk!
Being a Honkfag is suffering.
It's also privileged due to MC perks.
It's okay to struggle.
I thought this was a Maki thread, but a Honk is fine too.