Would you murder Jewish Children?

If you are not willing to murder children of the people you hate, then you don't really hate them.

>global poker face

>Jewish Children
pick one and saged

So...is that a yes?

no, because they are white.
niggers and arabs on the other hand... they only grow up to become monkeys and terrorists anyway


The only thing white about them will be the phosphorus I rain down on all those kids

Convert the working class men and take advantage of trends of Ultra-orthodox converting to Christianity. Women accept white cock, or die on nigger streets.


>Jews are white
Just how bad is the brainwashing in there? Are Japanese also white?

yea because they will grow up

Genocide is like shooting a chicken with a bazooka. A primitive method too.

I'd settle for expropriation and a ban from financial, legal, political and cultural roles.

Then they can all move to Israel.

only ashkenazi jews, obviously. All semites need to be cremated

>German education

I would kill them firsthand.
I hate to be that way (Lanza-esque) but children are only innocent for so long
Childhood has irrational sentimentality attached to it

If that isn't a yes, I'm not Kathy Griffin
sorry kiddies

I wouldn’t kill a jewish child unless their god tells me to do it and he likes telling people to kill his children so I don’t think I’m missing out on any opportunities either way.

I hate lots of things dont mean im.a murderer.

Would you?

I don't hate jews or jewish children. We need to remove kebab and nigger first, then we work on reforming the jews

No, I would not kill them, and no, I don't hate Jews. I do hate niggers a lot, but I don't know if I'd be capable of killing even their children. I know I would have no problems at all in killing an adult of even my own race, but killing children just feels so wrong. Even when you logically know they will grow up to be fulls-sized dindus.


Nits breed lice user.

Ye best start believing in slippery slope stories...yer in one!

Why murder the children , even if there are jews they don't just magically become a treat to whites if they are reased like whites

Baby roaches become adult roaches.


Nice try, Shlomo.

>tfw normies are supposed to be horrified by this but I think she's a badass

Why not just sterilize? Its what jews do to ethiopian jews in Israel. Whats wrong with treating jews the ways Israel treats them, except without the racism.

Actually, in Israel there are black jews and arab jews and European jews. All coexisting together. In harmony. Mostly

no one murdered anyones children during ww2 but the commies

Indoctrinate them to be like Bobby Fischer.

1. jews aren't people.
2. I'd drown them like hookers.

I wouldn't kill anyone, and this is a shit thread

I would kill male offspring of people I hate. Females are biologically wired to defer to a conquering group and its no problem letting them grow up.

Apparently I don't hate anyone. I should just kms

I would happily strangle a jude child to death, then urinate on their corpse.
I see nothing wrong with murdering children if they're part of a parasitic species that is seeking to destroy you and yours.

I don't hate Jews. I hate the Khazarian Jewish international crime mob. Saying I hate Jews because I hate the "Kosher Nostra" is like saying I hate Italian people because I hate the Mafia.

I don't hate Jews. I'm not trying to kill Jews. I'm trying to free them from the mental prison of blood, gene and money worship.

I could coexist fine with jews too if they were sterilised.

At least you'd know it would end in a generation so we can rebuild our countries.

Could you destroy the eggs before they hatch?

The biggest Jewish holiday is a celebration of the fantasy mass murder of Egyptian babies, so why not?

This is your "most moral people on Earth" by the way. This is the kind of repulsive primitive Semitic revenge shit that replaced the beautiful myths of our ancestors.

Probably not because of the public backlash, I would however deport all of them to Palestine and have them fight goatlovers

And in harmony with the Palestinians too.

No, niggers will do it for us.

That makes no sense. Among khazars sociopathy is so common it's like a large nose.

Jews murder children all the time.

>ashkenazi jews
you mean the worst ones? I'm fine with all of the rest living happily in Israel.

I hate the culture not the people. Skin color can be deceiving. I've met blacks and browns that are upstanding right wing Americans, and I've met whites who should swallow the barrel of a 12 gauge. It's all about how people are brought up.

If whites kill the Kikes, that makes the, just as bad as (((them))) if not worse (as they'd be proving their narrative right). Instead the Kikes should all be physically removed to Israhell, and a giant dome should be built around it so none of them can leave.

>its another Sup Forums larp thread

Sup Forums wouldn't even leave their house during the revolution, let alone kill an "innocent" baby

if some blacks from chicago left the hood and just slaughtered some whites in the suburbs they'd post here about niggers like they always do and change absolutely nothing. the people here aren't the warriors or the alphas of society and most definitely won't do what needs to be done.

I would be pretty upset at the sick bastard who cut those little boys' foreskins off.

Innocent children. Jesus christ.

t. circumsized by a jewish doctor

It's not indoctrination. It's redpilling.

t. quarter jewish

God I love being able to name the jew.

The tribe didn't accept me. I get no gold. They fucked me, and they asked for this. I really don't want to move to Israel and live with jews. I love America and I'm totally fucking assimilated, but I do tons of unethical shit because of the way I was raised and I can't help it. I would honestly rather just die than keep destroying this country.

>"Come on guys. You know we have to go. GET ON THE TRAIN, MOM."

dumb bite thread. Theres clear Jewish movers who need to be removed along with their influence. Thats it. Isreal can have their shitty state whatever

You think the National Socialist hated Jews? 100% incorrect. Hitler didn't hate Jews, he just wanted them to live somewhere else. Pretty simple really. But (((people like you))) always toss in the word hate to literally every sentence you speak.



These threads are made by reporters attempting to get some sort of "poll" on users of Sup Forums. Fuck off, Buzzfeed/Vice/Salon/The Forward

Sure, some blacks are fine. I have a black friend, actually. I still wouldn't oppose right wing death squads killing him, if it meant I'd also get rid of the 99 % that behave like complete apes.

Ashkenazi are semites

I do not hate the jewish people, as the jewish people are a mixed race amalgam of people. I hate those who lead the jewish nation and weaponize their mongrel half-breed jew droves to take over every government and financial and informational institution of every nation on earth.

Jews ARE NOT white. Nope. No way, not at all. Think about it, would they consider you a Jew? No they wouldn't, even if you converted, your mother isn't Jewish, so you're not Jewish.

Jews are not and can never ever be Aryans. Never.

And what's the problem even if that were true? My opinions are not secrets.


That's what was tried with the niggers, and look where we are today.

>black friend
>encouragement to work for the jew for free

Hello, Shlomo.

Zionist terrorists using children as human shields much like their islamic cousins

>I have a black friend, actually.
Never relax.

When he says "I have a black friend" he is talking about someone like Rachel Dolezal

who cares dude? honestly do you give a fuck what some lowtest soyboy who hates himself for being born a different color then the current victim card being played? if you do your retarded and are just as bad as them for being scared of your opinions on an anonymous image board.
>inb4 hurr duur yur ip
could careless if some journal nigger is gonna report on me wishing every jewish baby ded. its just a chance im gonna have to take

It's not murder when it's Jews, silly.

isn't that fake? pretty sure there was a slew of fake holohoax pictures

i don't hate jews. i'm not too fond of zionists. i dont want to kill the children of either although the jews would count themselves blessed to dash enemies' infants against boulders ala psalms 137:9

>trying to suppress people from voicing their opinions
Hi there, David.

6grillion percent sure it was fake. i mean why would a german {{{{nazi}}}} let some fag take a picture of him blasting a bitch and her kid? lol

unlike slavshits, ashkenazi actualy invent things and win nobel prizes


You have to be inventive to live in someone else's country for over 2000 years without assimilating.

would be her goytoy desu

Of course not! What do you I am? Some sort of barbarian?!

Invent things like what? The atomic bomb maybe. What else?

Nobel prizes are networking affairs you guilt ridden cuck.

I don't want to murder Jews, I want them to fuck off.
Give them Israel, then deport every last fucking one of them there.

Yugoslavian uniform and Yugoslavian rifle

if hitler hadnt expelled the jews, einstein's bomb would have nuked the niggers and commies from the face of earth

*blocks your path*

>but them in a brainwashing program
>use their high IQ for administration duties for the fatherland
>breed them with other jews
>empathy test them when they are 15
>execute anyone with sociopathic and psychopathic traits by the age of 18
>take back israel, god took it away from them. shoah all the Palestinians (even children fuck them, muslims and niggers are non-humans).
>bring back Nuremberg laws.
>no jewish community can exeede a population of 200.
>no jewish couple can have more than two children. (first child is free, second child is a tax of 50% of your wage)
>no jewish couple can remarry.

>Yugoslavian uniform

That's your standard M35 tunic nigga

>Yugoslavian rifle

Wasn't that uncommon to see foreign weapons in German service, even among frontline SS units, try again.

Well, Hitler didn't kill jewish children, so I won't. Doesn't mean I don't hate jews.

Hitler was the second coming of Christ.

Jesus tried to tear the Jewish religion apart, but they nailed him to the cross before he could finish. Before he died he said "I will come back to finish what I started." Boom! Years later Adolf Hitler was born.

FUCK!! This isn't the trout hatchery employee work related humor board?

I would do it with pride in my heart

>first digital computer invented by a bulgarian
>yogurt that heals radiation poisoning invented by bulgarians
>slavshits don't invent things
kys you filthy kraut

You're right.

That said, if we were to all magically appear in one room, I'd kill nearly all of you because I'm white, superior to you, and most of you are Euro-trash who need to die in various entertaining ways.

>second coming of Christ

I don't remember Christ murdering millions of people for the most arbitrary reasons imaginable.

Look at the pants dumb fuck.

also the """""tunic""""" the germans are wearing are smocks you hick.

raise them with hwite, traditional, Christian values and baptize them
jew children are bombarded with holohoax bullshit, "kill gentiles because they want to kill us", "kill Christians because they want to kill us" and depraved jewish teachings throughout their life
that's how you get the ultra (gentile-)genocidal kikes

Yes, but not in a "personal" way like butcher or execution.

I'm definitely happy for dead jews on the news that based Palestinians troll from time to time for the lels.

And the honorable and principled men of this world will rise up to strike you down as we did before.

That's because they nailed him to the cross before he got the chance to mobilize an army.

It wasn't Einstein's bomb but Oppenheimer's.

And why would jews have invented it to kill their own in the USSR?

the concept of jewinesh(ingroup preferences) is the only thing that must be killed


The pans are literally just standard kraut feldgrau pants

>also the """""tunic""""" the germans are wearing are smocks you hick.

Yeah, and one of them using a Soviet SVT-40, proof that even the most elite Waffen-SS troops often had to make do with captured weapons

Face it, the guy you're looking at in the picture is German.

Gypsies need a genocide. Truly the worst kind. The rest of undesirables can be expelled and harassed

Yes, because i wouldn't see the innocent child that they are, i would see the greedy, selfish and evil man they are going to become.