lethal dose...
Sorry but cgl is really quiet
Hmmm post more if there one thing better than 2D is 3D girl trying to be 2D.
Cool meme I bet you have a gf.
That's one way to show you're an idiot.
>he actually believe that Sup Forums take the 3DPD meme seriously
Wew lads.
What is a good site for lewd cosplay? Amateur preferably
what the fuck is wrong with her eyes?
also need more JPEG
>self-admitting he's autistic
leave and never come back
>im autistic because I find cosplaying girls cute
Formidable logic my fellow Sup Forumsutist virgin!
>he belives that we don't
You must be new here
Reddit is two blocks down
did the beasts of cgl sudoku after the election or something?
>/cgl/ are such desperate attention whores that they have to post on Sup Forums if their pictures aren't getting enough yous
There's nothing more revolting than a bag of meat uguu~ing at you through several pounds of make-up.
I will continue to monitor this thread and not for my own self interest.
Someone is honest at least but still that meme need to die already.
Please leave before I puke incessantly
but we all know that's not gonna happen
Cool ironic humour.