They thanked him. What now?
Sup Forums BTFO!!!!!!!!!!
Other urls found in this thread:
You send them to US prisons
>players cede to our requests
>wants us to be angry
I didn't think nigs were capable of such honest gratitude.
Perhaps Pitbulls are not the niggers of dogs after all.
you must be retarded. another win for Sup Forums
Based LiAngelo Ball
Is Donald an honorary big baller now?
Why "Sup Forums BTFO!!" ?
Trump should take his spot since he's suspended indefinitely
Why did Trump even have to say anyhting? It makes him look petty and almost like they only said to play his mind games. If Trump didn't say anything this would have looked better, and if they didn't think him they would have looked like niggers.
Poverty pimps and Leftist-Bias organizations are going to completely ignore it.
Shaun King won't mention it.
SPLC will won't mention it.
Etc., etc.
They are already mentioning it saying they were "forced" to say thank you or "Why does Trump need to be thanked for doing his job that is expected of him."
"You're welcome."
But coastal mutts don't understand how manners work.
>commit serious crime
>only get suspended from playing a child's sports game
So they have no serious punishment because they did it in China? If they were caught shoplifting in America they would at least have a trial.
honestly they probably wouldn't have publically thanked Trump if he hadn't said anything
Because the news fucks off in like a few days now, most people wouldn't have even bothered with the niggers being sent back if Trump didn't say anything they'd rather be covering their own narratives.
Its the hallmark of a fag. Learn to read the signs
About the only thing a black person will show gratitude for every time is getting out of jail when they know they guilty as hell.
Alright, I'm done. No more, I'm defecting from the United States and dedicating my life to killing its citizens. I will not live in or support a country that is operating on the principles of anarcho-tyranny. The whole country is filled malignant narcissists, child fuckers and fags - so it's not a hard choice to make anymore.
Rot in hell you fucking nigger loving cocksuckers.
FBI pls...
chillax ameribro. the rest of the world isn't any better. international kikery cucked all of us
Eat shit and die you fucking rat. Feds are the FIRST to die. Have fun with your fucking niggerball
>tfw the entire world's bull
I frankly would have let their asses rot in prison for a decade for doing that stupid shit. Same like that moron in NK who stole a propaganda poster.
If you go to a foreign country and break it's laws you have to face the process of that country's laws. By helping these morons it makes them think that it is ok to pull this shit when going abroad thinking the government would save their asses.
Expell him. Hard labor and write a 50 page SA on how your actions affected your team and country, and what you will be doung from this day forward for your Country and team and school and for embarassing us Americans for even allowing you to still be in this country you stupid cuck!
we /nba/ now
The lack of big ballers in this thread is disappointing.
>50 page SA
Wtf man seriously
>Trump made blacks thank him
impeach this racist!
because it was the strategic thing to do. Easy points to flank them pre-emptively. Smart move if you ask me, and I'm not even a /ptg/ regular. A lot of low IQ people (not you, but people in general) are ungrateful. If Trump didn't say anything, CNN would have turned it and blamed Trump for being white and privileged for swaying China.
Ohohoh!!! I have a better one!!!!!!
Send him back to china factory to make Nike shoes in china nike sweat shops!!!!!!
Bingo!!!!! For 3 years, just because its a prime number! If he lips off, 5 years! Maga!
based ball?
no, they wouldn't. they would have an arraignment, which would be their opportunity to plead guilty, not guilty, or nolo contendre.
Faggot never attended school detected!
>All these ballets
Anybody bought any BBB merch? Thinking about getting the 30 dollar ballcap.
>Same like that moron in NK who stole a propaganda poster.
the guy who turned out to be a israeli spy?
lol, yeah fuck him.
He did it to get a bunch of house nigs to say "Thank you, master" publicly. Now nigs need to bow down to Trump for helping or they look ungrateful (see ).
they weren't, all three of them had to read from the scipt; too ignorant to form their own thoughts.
>niggerball player is literally called "ball"
trump just secured the black people votes for 2020
>Obama can't get Americans out of sand nigger prison
>Trump gets niglet out noodle Nigger prison
>Sup Forums BTFO
u wut m8
>god damn this
Should one surrender to you treat them with civility. Don't be a SJW fag lord who demands white man to not move hands while talking.
Okay FBI look, we know you are being pressured to actually find the elusive Sup Forums mass murderer but you don't have to false flag this hard
This is the ticket. Fpbp
You could tell they didn't want to. Was pretty funny.
>Noodle nigger
Gatta be a Aussie behind the memeflag
Now CNN has to eat some crow pie and wash it down with some Mississippi mud water.
Fucking lol. BLM fags will find anything to complain about. Shoulda left them there in china instead
Now they promise not to be niggers anymore and pay back the country that saved them.
the team coach is already saying "they have to work thier way back"
which means in a few months after everything calms down they will be back to their old life.
then in 8 years one one them will rape a gf or something, when they would have been in jail by all rights
Hahahahhaaaaa! Oh my sides again!
What did he actually say?
You got a link?
OP tweet quotes him: "helping us out"
That doesn't sound like a "thank you" to me. It sounds more like a grudging acknowledgement.
But I'd like to see his remarks for myself, rather than Sports Illustrated's paraphrase. Link if you've got it.
Seriously user? Can't you search for "ucla helping us out" or something along those lines on youtube yourself?
>we really appreciate you helping us out
dare i say we have a victim complex too
Ah, wait, watching it right now myself, and it goes beyond that.
>to President Trump and the United States government: Thank you for taking the time to intervene on our behalf. We really appreciate you helping us out.
Best part is how assblassted that nigger looks by having to read that though. And boy that MSM propaganda banner
>Trump demands "thank you"
Fucking christ, that propaganda machine.
anyone else think its really weird hearing a black person say "thank you"?
go ahead, in your mind try to picture what its like when a black person says these words:
>thank you
>i appreciate it
>im sorry
>excuse me
you cant do it because it has never happened and your brain has no model to refer back to.
It sounds kinda like when an ultra-christian tells you "god bless you" when he clearly wants to say "fuck you". Back-handed, say.
Also, watching the second nigger's apology right now:
>I'd also like to thank President Trump and the United States government (*annoyed sigh*) for the help that they provided as well (*more annoyed sighing*)
Thanks for the link!
First guy: Admits he shoplifted. "I want to thank the Chinese police and the government for taking care of us and treating us well during our time there."
"To President Trump and the United States government, thank you for taking the time to intervene on our behalf. We really appreciate you helping us out."
Second guy: "Sorry for stealing from the stores in China." "I have the utmost respect for the Chinese police department as well, and would like to thank them for treating me so respectfully even after I made a stupid decision." "I'd also like to thank President Trump and the United States government for the help that they provided as well."
Third guy: "Sorry for shoplifting." "Thank you to the police department which treated us very well." "And thank you to the United States government and to President Trump for your efforts to bring us home."
Now we win
I bet that the Chinese INSISTED that each player (i) admit they're guilty of shoplifting, and (ii) thank the Chinese police for treating them well.
Which is fair enough.
Trump was always the Biggest Baller. Everyone is a small baller in comparison.
Good BOY. Now go entertain people.
Assblasted!!!! Orbiting!!!!!!
fpbp yet again
What now? Nothing, they have been bitched. They will go on about how they didn't mean it when they thanked the President. Here's the thing though; these fags were literally groveling to the racist President that they hate so much, and on live TV which in the Internet age cannot be erased. Black privilege for all to see.
How is Sup Forums btfo? Got the result we wanted.
Dumb nigger can't even apologize without a script.
the Balls are reality show type people as is Trump so they know that press is generally good whether its negative or positive. also theyre all half white like obama so they know how to appease others.
Sup Forums knows what this is...
reddit definitely knows what this is...
it's a...
FPBP. Thank you.
what's fucked is that if this was a white guy they would all say "oh well trump wouldn't do that for a black man"
these fucking cucks have no sense of honesty. Just give trump his kudos for this one thing, it won't kill you.
Getting gratitude out of nigger is like getting money out of Jew
They did this because of us you know. We are truly the Illuminati now. We even have the Rothschilds shitting their solid gold panties.
Not shouldering the gun...
Dumb cunt.
jesus christ, this is the kind of punishment you give a 7 year old because they haven't really developed an appreciation for other people's feelings yet.
They are just perpetuating white supremacy by thanking Trump, because Trump is a racist so anything he does it racist and anyone showing him any positivity is likewise racist.