I wonder what they do together at night when no one is around
Monster Musume
Animated cow tits when
Once we find an appropriate VA.
Sweet meme, bro
I'm going to be the farm breeding stud!
I love Draco and I'm going to marry her!
I love her extremely /fa/ hairstyle, but I'd like to see how she looks with long hair, for science
>doujins of Cathyl getting dp'd by cot and ton never
So is this going to be another manga or something like that?
She had hair extensions for a frame.
>Draco with ponytail, never
>Draco with braids, never
Still prefer short hair, accentuates delicious kissable neck.
Yes. It will be titled Gyu'd Nyu's.
>Draco with braids, never
I know of someone who wouldn't mind helping with that
They've already proven to cause a lewd ruckus when they get together.
I'm very on board with this.
I'm going to make her the man she was meant to be
I;m excited for new Crab stuff, but does anyone see the Girls in the characters?
Left to right
Not sure, just kinda there, so Mero?
Short one is Papi
Mid is Miia
Buff Beef is Rachnera. Dat Underboob.
Bashful about her tits, so Centorea?
I'm not.
Extreme left has one of Cerea's more common expressions. Tan one is pretty much Cathyl with thicker horns. The Miia and Papi are spot-on though. Bashful one is Manko. Just like the physical opposite.
>Reminder Ms. Smith is Best Girl.
They make cute boys
>Muh threads
> Reminder Suezo is best girl.
>muh "muh threads"
Papi wa best slut
>Thread status: Muh
>This thread
How tragic
These are your dates for tonight. What restaurant are you going to take them to, user?
Tom's rhynoplasty
Do you think they'd enjoy Italian? I think so.
agreed, needs more beef
Being this puffy can't possibly be good for her.
Dr user's two-hour penectomy clinic. Is what I would have said, but my surgery computer broke down on Monday.
Why not just a nice picnic?
Cute balls
>Dupe Cathyl
Wouldn't be surprised if he went that way.
The pose is very much like her.
Fucking none of Lilith doesn't shape up and sit down. This is a restaurant for fucks sake
Don't mind if I do
>thinking the farmer doesn't breed the livestock himself
Cathyl's bf has the right idea.
cathyl's bf diddles actual farm animals though
>that manface on Miia
Miia is a slut, I repeat, a slut
Best monster girl of all
Lilith a best!!!!
Why does Rachnera feel the need to be topless while doing that
Only for Darling
She learned that from Suu.
Is Lala pink on the inside?
Lala a shit user,Please leave.
The only girl that's shit is the horse that cant wipe its own ass and just goes where it stands
She better be purple
Pink insides/nipples on blue girls always looks like shit
Muh dick
Thanks for the art, Dad-kun
Don't know if this was posted already, but volume 12 of the manga will also have an OAD
Tall ghost monster girl OVA coming out soon gents.
Thanks for the Link. Looks like it's going to be the chapter with Rach's former homestay and the short color pages with the girls trying on bras expanded to include MON.
Sounds good to me, I'll be sure to reserve this one too. Comes out next April.
OAD tomorrow afternoon (Japan time) it's been long wait brahs.
Forgot one
There's two, but that one looks like it'll probably be the superior one
The manga is boring as fuck now,But I'm sure the OAD will be good.
Will I be able to get the volumes the normal way? Getting worried that if I haven't already pre-ordered, I can't get the tanks for a few months.
Was just going to post the detail,s can't be looking at MM on my work computer.
anyone got better versions of pics?
It just came out
Yeah you won't have to preorder the special version. It's still possible to get just the tank.
I gotchu covered brah. I'm just headed to the gym as usual.
Not having a credit card.
It's good you're off for the OVA, I've been saddled with a shit load of work.
I want to cum inside Manako.
Super fucking excited bro, its been a long time coming but we're finally getting animated cute genki pupper we've been waiting for. So far this is looking to be the perfect birthday, cant wait to get my preordered copy
Told you fags it was his birth month.
I hope you pre order just because of the OAD.,I mean the current manga is painful to read.
It's gonna be great brah. Prefect birthday present for you. I'll be taking tons of screenshots tomorrow after I watch it for myself once.