Cards Against Humanity buys a piece of the US-Mexico border

Can’t Trump just build the wall around them? Are they really that stupid?

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So now I can sue them for allowing illegals entry.

Reminder that apples to apples is the superior game.

Eminent domain? They're just stupid right?

Eminent domain

>Right along the border, a 1907 proclamation signed by President Theodore Roosevelt reserves a 60-foot wide strip of land for patrols and protective measures.

not quite

At best they can put a CAH ad on that part of the wall

Yes, it is stupid, but its great publicity

>cards against humanity
>against humanity
>trying to hinder the border protection
checks out

He could, but instead he'll just eminent domain them.

>cards against humanity
>translation; lunatics who hate people
Bad optics.

>people are still posting about this
when will normal fags go? you people are fucking retarded

They are liberal types that want to ban guns. Just take it from them. What are they going to do, finger guy them to death?

Tbh I'm for the wall but this was damn good pr and trolling.

it's come to the point where i believe that Trump has been used by the deep-state and intelligence to root out evil degnerates. Trump is such an "easy target" to signal your virtue, and it's paramount that malignant narcissists and psychopaths signal their virtue to their community, lest the community becomes suspicious of their evil. The problem is, it turns out a significant portion of the United States population are irredeemably malignant - just millions of evil psychopaths signaling their virtue to each other while decent people are afraid for the lives and livelihood on a daily basis.

Then they'd obviously have no problem with people breaking into their headquarters and using their facilities, surely.

>buy border property
>government offers premium price to purchase land via eminent domain
these guys must be certain that the wall is going to get built

They'll claim the land anyway but CAH legally cannot own any land within 60 feet of the US-Mexican border.

>What is eminent domain

> "So we’ve purchased a plot of vacant land on the border and retained a law firm specializing in eminent domain to make it as time-consuming and expensive as possible for the wall to get built."

They do realize that doesn't matter when construction starts, right?

Should we just counter-sue and invoice the parent corp that umbrellas all these virgin bugmen?

>it won't be time-consuming or expensive at all but this statement isn't actually a lie
>buy our cards, goy

lol, they’ll just start the paperwork now, by the time they get they’ll be gtg

Jesus Christ ho-lee-fuc why is it wh*te bois continue to contribute to their own demise? Fucking spics are taking over. They have Texas, Cali, Arizona,new mexico,Nevada I mean fuck when is enough enough? I say this as a fucking Mexican too build the fucking wall. Wall jumping no us citizen having scum allowed.

Do these people realize how big the border is? What did they buy? An acre.

I'm sure the lawyer appreciates them admitting that, destroying any case he was going to make.

it'd be best to force them to live on that land and then build the wall to put them on the mexico side

Who cares ir will just get imminent domained like other private land on the border. Unless they want to get ruby ridged


Nice marketing ploy. Wonder what they got next year.

What is eminent domain?

Haha let's flood a country with illegal people, whom some could be seriously dangerous criminals who could kill or injure American people. We're so progressive!

What? Live with Mexicans? Haha no I'll be behind my gated white community.

What a bunch of cock suckers.
Nothing good is brought to fucking pussies that ruin the world for their own smug bullshit.
Praying for KeK to deal them a losing hand.

i honestly believe this

basically, if it's a jew who runs the company they'll probably turn a tidy profit off of it.

Here's their promotional video
I didn't know Elle Reeve had a black half sister.

Doesn't matter act make land within 100 miles of the border fall under Homeland security? Civil rights don't always apply

>if we admit to a crime then surely we won't get sued by the federal government

lmfao, how retarded are these people

mama mia


>Cards Against Humanity attempts to facilitate treason against the security of the state
>Totally forgot about that law thing, say the ill-educated lefties that planned it

okay cool.

toy maker btfo

they mean saves mexico and other 3rd world countries who count on illegal immigration into the US to act as a relief valve and economic stimulus through remittance

>Donald Trump is a preposterous golem who is afraid of Mexicans. He is so afraid that he wants to build a twenty-billion dollar wall that everyone knows will accomplish nothing. So we’ve purchased a plot of vacant land on the border and retained a law firm specializing in eminent domain to make it as time-consuming and expensive as possible for the wall to get built.
This is fucking retarded on five different levels.

Let them pay first, then take the land. Jew the fuckers.

>This is fucking retarded on five different levels.
>jimmies russled

if people are willing to have heated debate on whether their card fits the best then yes apples to apples is better

yes, that's exactly what they are.

Trump has no problem using eminent domain, he'll love sticking it to these fucks

Nothing to see here goyim

>Federal Eminent Domain in 1907
>Mexicans repatriated 25 years later
you used the wrong picture, friendo


am I reading a bar mitzvah guest registry here?

Oy to the fucking Vey.

They're probably for Trump, too.
They just fleece the flock of normies like we all should be doing. Let the dumb bastards pay.

Exactly how fucking hard would it even be for the government to just tell these cucks to leave or be detained? I mean they are objectively breaking the law, claiming unclaimable land, I doubt any lawyer is going to slow such a process by any significant margin.

marketing ploy that will work on weak minded cucks. most likely trumps team will figure out that exact location is where a new patrol office needs to go. the creators of this game are literally preying on the known weak mindedness of the libshits for cash.

your'e forgetting these are the same retards that dug a big hole in the ground for no reason other than publicity

All land in the states is surveyed off the Washington meridian which gives them jurisdiction to take the property for public good, called eminent domain

To get around this they need to record the land on the rolls using meets and bounds, and will no longer be liable for property taxes or eminent domain

Effectively putting that land under the actual organic constitution of the united states of America, instead of the corporation calling itself united states (28 usc 3002 15 a) where a contract is required for jurisdiction

white people*

They also made people pay for cow shit and pay for them to dig a hole for no reason. These guys do anything to "make a point" and make themselves look smart.


There is nothing they can do if the government asserts eminent domain, no matter what lawyers they hire. Numerous roads and bridges have been built. The landowner will be given fair market value, and that is all.

Are they retards if it works? Normies eat this shit up

> what is eminent domain

Nigga please

CAH is the worst fucking company. Its run by a rapist jew.

I went to their office and its just a bunch of slimey jews, white guilt shitlibs and ugly progressive dykes with dyed hair.

I went into their office during 2015 and they scanned my social media to make sure I wasn't a Gamergater before I was admitted entry.
I made friends with some of them but they all freaked out and cut ties with me when I revealed my power level and said I like trump.

They already campaigned against Trump so hard in their city PIC RELATED

PS: Max Temkin is a rapist

One more way Rapey Max Temkin and his group try to slander Trump with their Secret Hitler game.

Surely its the American People losing in this instance.
>CAH Buys Land
>Trump Buys it Back with Tax payers money
>CAH Wins
>Taxpayer BTFO
>Left Celebrates

>Donald Trump plays Hanzo
>not wall-building Mei
0/10 billboard

>give that part of the US back to Mexico
>everyone that lives there has citizenship revoked
>everyone that lives there gets murdered by Mexican drug cartel

Ideal timeline.

I think that IF the wall gets built, this will be a minor issue. This is obviously someone buying land to create a legal issue. There is no effort to hid the fact either. There is no attempt to utilize the property, and this will backfire. Everytime.

Also, amazing move for a company that has us saying the most (((FUNNY))) things outloud and laughing about it....but its ok because its just a game.....