Did you see the way he made her cut her hair? Gohan is the mess in this relationship.

Reminder that this is the same kid that beat Cell.

Vegeta literally points this out in the Buu saga

Blame Gohan for living out the life he wanted.

Was there ever a point before the Buu Saga where Gohan actually wanted to study? Chichi conditioned him into wanting to be a nerd forever.

He didn't want to be a figher. He's said this pretty much throughout the series. He doesn't like hurting people, the only time he contradicted this way of thinking was when he was toying around with Cell instead of finishing him off.

when you cum but videl keeps sucking


Gohan wanting to be a nerd never even made sense. Chichi was being the cliche overprotective bitch mom, and all Gohan ever said was
>Please let me train
>Please let me go to Namek
>Please let me fight the androids

When the fuck did he start caring about books? If he didn't want to be a fighter he should've joined the police like Krillin in Super. Seemingly doesn't involve much fighting, and is a much better use of his abilities.

Leave being the only relevant half-saiyan to me

>Gohan didn't want to fight
>Gohan didn't want to study
>Gohan had no plans for the future and pretty much just wanted his parents approval since one is a deadbeat and the other is overbearing

He was Saiyaman in is Highschool days. A vigilante. But then I guess he may have found a love for studying later on in life.

He really should've kept that up and become DBZ Earth's Superman.

>literally ever

To be fair, I'd have expected him to emulate piccolo more as he grew up.

I think he's secretly training like a motherfucker right now.

The way he turned down the tournament seemed like it was foreshadowing something.

>he peaked at age nine/eleven

Great Sayiaman was fun at least

DESU both of these. Being Saiyaman and helping people made seemed to make him happy. Maybe he stopped being Saiyaman because Chichi told him to stop and start studying more and he stopped training since Goku was alive again. Kind of makes you wonder what would happen if Goku stayed dead and left Earth's defense to Gohan.

Read the manga.

>Didn't want to study.
That's a good point. He never gave a shit about studying either. He's literally done everything to make his parents happy.

Put NO WAR in his shirt. plus a green scar in his face.