Nasa announced the return to the moon missions.
Nasa announced the return to the moon missions
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>Doing the same thing twice
inb4 >twice
About fucking time, NASA has become a joke, their research grant money is laughably small, literally less than what some sociology research institutes get in America
Have you even ever put a Roo into space? Anything? No? Then STFU and don't say shit until you catch up to 1969 America.
>Have you even ever put a Roo into space? Anything?
The Parkes Observatory in Australia put Apollo 11 on the moon
>NASA has become a joke
>The public space program is a joke
Who would have guessed, its almost like we have other things to get us to the stars but that they are locked up so tightly in black programs that it would take an act of god to get them into the public's eye.
>its almost like we have other things to get us to the stars
Such as?
Silly fag, we all know france got to the moon first, i mean the flag is white
can we get cheap labor jokes...or something thatvhasnt do with bad news... or at least not feeling the effort
I suggest looking to what Ben Rich had to say about the subject after he retired from his position at LMT as head of Skunkworks.
This is happening to justify Birdenstine's appointment as NASA Director. He's a hardcore Republican from Oklahoma and Democrats don't like him because he doesn't believe in climate change. However, he also wrote the "American space renaissance" act that is full of vital reforms NASA needs (fixed term for directors, better funding framework, clearer priorities, more efficient internal administration).
This isn't true because most "sociology research institutes" get money from alumni's estates. NASA is a pork program, designed to be a civilian extension of the air force.
Lol. The only thing the French are good for is surrendering to Germany
That's not true! French are also good at surrendering to the British.
Why would better technology not be used if it existed, whoever introduced cheap space travel(be it a private company or government institution) could become incredibly rich by mining rare earth minerals and gases from space. What incentive would they have to keep that technology hidden?
>february 16th
The sequel can be better sometimes.
>What incentive would they have to keep that technology hidden?
>why would someone want to maintain a monopoly on technologythat puts them above the rest of mankind
I wonder why.
We're also putting a space station there.
>Being asked for directions by the winner of a marathon
There goes my tax dollars
We're putting a space station on the moon? Literally why?
[:nk][:dv gv 70 hs 130] NIG[aa]phaggot
you rather spend it on niggers?
>About fucking time, NASA has become a joke, t
>implying they were ever real
the alledged 1969-1972 moon landing were all fake as fuck u blue-pilled normie. lurk moar
Would rather keep them in my pocket.
How would that be a threat to any sort of technological monopoly? It's not as if spacecraft plans are open-source, surely the US government would have used any technology they had available to one-up the USSR during the cold war.
Trump is definitely the reason, only Trump would want to go back to the moon after 50 years.
Wtf can we possibly learn from this?
Kek, I've literally seen all six Apollo moon landing sites through a high powered telescope
They werent fake though, you can see where they landed with a telescope you fuckwit. You can bounce a laser off the mirrors they put there to calculate the distance the moon is from Earth.
Good god you are retarded.
>How would that be a threat to any sort of technological monopoly?
>How would giving others access to your technology possibly cost you the monopoly you already have on said technology?
There is no point to ever give it up unless forced to and since there is no one forcing them to do it they wont.
Mining fuels from the moon, and launching from its gravity well. Refueling a rocket that can fly to lunar orbit gives it enough range to reach mars easily, but getting that fuel there from earth is ridiculously expensive compared to the moon, because of lower gravity and no air resistance.
Also, no one gives a shit if you do horrifyingly non-green things to a non-green rock.
>implying they have already been there
>implying you can land on the moon
It’s current year, wake up
what if we took double, BUT we threw every single nigger into the sun?
To further add to my point, the technological monopoly that already exists is entire funded by the tax payers of the US and by our extensive self funded black budget. The program already earns immense amounts of money with zero oversight, why would they ever want that changed?
Not only that but the mere existence of this sort of technology makes them a break away civilization in every sense of the term, there is no logical reason for them to ever give up that advantage.
Sounds like another Chinese earthquake BRBRBRBRBRBRBRBRBBRRBBRBRBR
When the government spends money on space it goes to hardworking white families. Think of it as welfare for the middle class people you want to breed, because you're helping people who:
>Know how to build rockets
>Know how to machine things
>Work and pay taxes
>Value long-term stability
They will instill their values into their communities and their children. So, even though you won't make the money back from the program directly, it still has a far better effect than, say, social security, where we dump money into the old until they die, changing nothing.
>The program already earns immense amounts of money with zero oversight,
How exactly do they earn all this money? selling cows and people to Ayy Lmaos for probing purposes? NASA is so poor that they have to use Russian rockets to get their astronauts to the ISS
The Orions say no
There's not much fuel to mine; it's mostly sequestered in the ice at the poles and will be used more for water and oxygen. It's not a resource to be exported or constantly wasted as rocket fuel.
Unless you're implying He3 will be mined and used in fusion reactors that don't exist, using mining and extraction techniques that require a scale we haven't even accomplished on earth let alone the moon, using more energy to extract the He3 from the regolith than you can even get from fusing it in the first place.
this is what nasa was training us for, they know the future is with shitposters holla holla get dolla
Asteroid mining would be the next step. Would literally increase the world economy by another order of magnitude.
This is just further proof that NASA is a government-funded retard sanctuary.
t. Aerospace Engineer
I want to leave this fucking planet
>How exactly do they earn all this money?
>what is the public black budget and the self funding black budget for $100 Alex?
I already explained to in a basic manner how funding works and why they wont change. NASA is the public face of our space program nothing more.
How do we get the space diamonds back to earth? Just drop them?
get the heck off my board, mutts
A single kilometer wide asteroid put into orbit around the moon, mined out for the iron/rare metal content, and then turned into a space-habitat/city.
This is what we should be doing. It would cost less than the F-35 fighter program, and grow the economy orders of magnitude more.
Unfortunately things like this won't get done without an authoritarian dictatorship being involved.
They wouldnt come back to Earth, they would be used in space as it is easier to mine and make the materials you need up there than have stuff shipped back to earth for production.
The sort of technology you're describing could be used to easily crush literally every enemy America has. Even if they don't need money why would they not use this technology for military purposes? And if they're not willing to use this technology for military or commercial purposes why would they waste money inventing it in the first place?
just think guys, we'll get 4k video of the surface of the moon!
Oh wow, but getting refineries for ore processing up into space is going to be really, really expensive.
Good luck fag, Sup Forums was made by Americans for Americans.
Now kindly fuck off you illegitimate country.
Oxygen is literally 43% of the moon's crust. Packing only hydrogen up saves you 88% of the mass of your total combustible fuel.
Hope they updated the gold reynalds wrap they used on their first , um , moon missions!
Do you not know the term break away civilization?
Who said it isnt being used, if you have a break away civilization it behooves you to not announce yourself to the world, you instead mask your actives in other ways, such as UFOs from venus.
A de-orbit burn, drop ore into shallow water someplace.
There is of course the danger of it being used as a non-nuclear WMD. Which is a key plot-point in The Moon is a Harsh Mistress.
In all honesty whoever controls space becomes world-superpower/ruler. It's like how we have regional powers, world powers - well the future is space-powers.
It's hard to get shit up into orbit, but if you invest and go up there, and make use of all the resources already up there, and grow your economy/infrastructure/government - very quickly you don't need anyone or anything on earth, AND all those earth-powers need to expend significant resources to fight up against the gravity well to fight you, while you've got the entire solar system's resources at your disposal and only need to knock things over to let them fall down onto Earth and kill everything; Rocks fall, everyone dies.
If we had ANYONE capable of long-term planning in western governments, colonizing space would've been a foregone conclusion just on the economic/military/political power side of the equation alone. It's a huge investment with even bigger payoffs, but western leadership is myopic and short-sighted.
It would be a one time expense that then can create more of itself.
Its like owning a mill and a lathe, after you have these two machines you can start making your own mills and lathes to sell to others.
Wouldn't it be easier to just mine out an underground city on the moon? it's not as if there's any shortage of valuable shit to mine up there. Alternately you could put an asteroid in orbit around the earth, much closer than the moon, the moon is actually a lot further away from the earth than most people realise
>whining about mutts
Kek. You're the niggers of Spain.
>UFO's from a planet with crushing pressure, incredibly corrosive atmosphere that would destroy metal and temperatures that would melt lead
Literally how?
Nasa or nasshole detected!
Let me break it down for you to terms and examples you can understand.
You live in Australia, you live there with Abbos, a left over remnant of a different time. One can argue, in a very sophomoric manner, that when the white man came to that area of the world they were the break away civilization, they existed in the same time period and place as the abbos but the level of technological difference was immense.
We are the abbos and the people who have need to know about things like this are the white colonists in this example.
It was an example of how to cloak ones capabilities and intentions.
Why are you so pedantic and literal?
There's pre-existing caves on the moon that could be used, but the thing about asteroids - the metal-rich ones at least, is that they're basically kilometer size chunks of metal in space. Each one contains more ore than we've mined on earth over the past 100 years.
>Alternately you could put an asteroid in orbit around the earth, much closer than the moon,
The reason I think that's a really bad idea is because a 1-5km sized asteroid hitting the earth is potentially a world-wide extinction event.
It's a lot safer to put something in a lunar orbit where if you fuck up you either miss both the moon and earth completely, or you hit the moon and nobody cares. Rather than fucking up and hitting the earth with a 5km wide asteroid at 35km/s. You could wipe out entire continents if you fuck up.
it happened a lot more than twice. Each time Niel (((Goldman))) Armstrong would draw a jude star in the Lunar dirt then plant the US flag in the middle. They went to the moon 10 times to make a pentagram on the near side. This will allow Molloch to shoot hell fire at Gods anti-semitic flat Earth ending all life and melting the glacial wall.
>he doesnt realize that the dates of NASA missions slowly shifted from dates important to Masonry to dates important to the 3rd Reich
You are a bit slow on the uptake arent you?
So don't fuck it up. You have to do way more work if you're taking something from a circular orbit and accidentally hit the earth.
a fucking meme fag
also hello fellow meme flag
>comic sans
Thx Ben Rich
i see right through your meme flag, mutt
He had some very interesting things to say between 1990 and 1995.
Pic related.
This one too.
didnt mohammad rape you?
I totally agree 100%
Bitcoin lunar strip mines
>no mention of Kurt Debus
Into the trash it goes.
Which telescopes let you see that close on the moon's surface? Any pictures?
>believing a psyop with no evidence
Fuck me, I believe that the Nazis never were defeated after WWII, I believe that the bell is real and I believe that Martin Bormann never died in Berlin, but I will never be retarded enough to believe anything Bob Lazar has to say about anything.
where do i buy this
It's easy to fuck up if there's a certain incentive for an 'accident'.
The only thing the government can do is redistribute money from one hard working person to someone else. Just because this program mostly benefits whites doesn't mean it doesn't also hurt mostly whites.
Earth based observatories have telescopes large enough to resolve things on the moons surface, while at university I used my schools observatory to see the landing areas, but I couldnt see the flag as that requires a much larger telescope.
Most of the orbiting telescopes, save hubble, can resolve the lunar rover tracks too.
Then contribute some compelling evidence or even a simple but dank meme that proves him wrong.
Moon landing part 2: This time we're going for real.
How about the fact that element 115 is so far from stable that it took over a decade just to get 10 decays of it?
Or the fact that he doesnt understand anything about physics?
Your images are shit too, the fact that your Nazis in Nasa image didnt even mention Kurt Debus means that you dont even know what you are talking about.
That doesnt mean a man placed them there
He's probably some retard from GLP; useful idiots for destroying decent discussions. Conspiracies exist, they always have, but the useful idiots muddy the waters and prevent you from talking about anything that has actual merit.
well now I'm curious.
Is there any evidence that could actually convince you that humans walked on the moon? Or is every piece of evidence that works against your narrative, just part of a bigger conspiracy?