Is MakeApp the final solution to women problem?
Make App: The Final Solution
>actually thinking they can picky
It definitely knocks uppidy bitches off of their pedestals.
The amount of salt over its existance coming from them confirms that it is an existential threat.
90% of blondes look better with this apps effect, why darken your skin with shit shades and get black eyes like tyrone beat you up? no sense.
Pic related still looks pretty good. Have you seen what this app does to most women?
>Is MakeApp the final solution to women problem?
It's certainly the final kek for my sides. The repercussions of this app, beautiful.
I feel like this app revealed all the men who've never touched a woman before
you guys are getting way too excited about this
you guys seriously never realized how much makeup girls wear and how drastically it changes features? and you're only exposure is to .jpg girls, so it's sucha shock
roastie detected
Oh shut it leaf. You suck cocks.