Why are black people so ugly in mangas?

Why are black people so ugly in mangas?

Because they're ugly in real life.

Reflecting reality

Art reflects life.

I hate black people

Because nigger belong in the trash.

Sup Forums pls leave


first three were legit posts last two were Sup Forums shit.

I hate niggers too and I'm not from Sup Forums.

because they fuck strong in real life

I'm afraid to respond cause this thread is a cesspool waiting to happen but basically a race that's not well represented in japan itself but comes in through media from the outside. You can see a similar treatment of indian's and korean's to a lesser extent. I like this manga but this character makes me cringe.

Japan has no real interaction with black people, so most of their knowledge of them basically comes from stereotypes. Same thing happens in Denmark a lot.

That guy was just a chickenshit, let that slave fight a real man. He'd get fucked up real quick.

Only in numbers

1. Asians in general aren't fond of black people
2. Some studies I've seen say they're the least desireable race for both men and women among all four 'big' races, contrary to BLACKEDposting
3. The stereotype is being loud, rude, and buffoonish as well as ripped and tall so they usually are
4. There's not that many in Japan
5. Explicit foreingers in a story exist either to perpetuate a stereotype or defy it, there's no reason to tell us they're a foreigner otherwise esp. with Japan's relative purity making anything set in Japan more than reasonably possible to not have foreigners period. Thus, the Chinese girl always knows Bajiquan.
t. Sup Forums actually giving reasons.

Op pic is the artist obviously going for the chesshire cat motif which also makes the character look turboracist.

Blacks are drawn mostly just like other characters but with dark skintone, occasionally as exaggerated charicatures and rarely with a distinct non-lazy style.
Just like how white burgers are depicted.

You may now resume Sup Forumsposting.

If this gets an anime will he hate it Sup Forums?

This, and niggers just look like dark manga characters usually so they don't look like niggers anyway

Nippon here.
>Most of us aren't fond of foreigners, this goes especially double for blacks
>Blacks are considered ugly for us. We view beauty in very strict ways, and black people are generally the opposite
>we don't get a lot of interactions with blacks and so they're generally seen through stereotypes. in japan, black stereotype is loud, annoying and rude, which goes counter to our culture
One thing I want to ask Americans though, I've seen pictures showing popular dating websites and surveys put blacks as the least desirable for both male and female, is this true? if so, what is with BLACKED?

I'm in Australia right now, and Aboriginals are the most ugly things I have ever seen. And holy fuck it's hot. It's like 40 degrees.

We blacks have the best genes. You asians and whitebois have smaller penis and shitty genes.

>what is with BLACKED

Netorare fetish. On a racial level.

>is this true
Two possible reasons, either or basically degradation
It's like watching a girl fucking an animal.

Of course, or if it gets any kind of popular.

As they should be.

BLACKED is nothing but an invention of the social media and the pornography industry.
To endoctrinate the white people to accept the black man do as he pleases with the white woman. All nothing but the Jew conspiracy to erradicate the white,create white shame, spread degeneracy, and stand as heroes in the favor of ''multiculturalism'' but in truth they just want to make it easier to control people. And well black and shitskins are not what you hould call 'smart'.

Option B: Just dumb fantasies that cucks buy, since there are a lot today it good bussiness

Greetings from Sup Forums btw

Good post.

Plenty of black dudes in manga, that arent drawn in any demeaning way.

Those abo cunts are the fucking WORST kind of subhuman holy shit. I wish we could commit genocide on them.

Great thread guys

ummm... this guy?

We should keep Sup Forums around they really elevate the level of discussion

I said manga and you post anime, great reading comprehension.

Well Sup Forums in this thread is actually talking


>It's like watching a girl fucking an animal.
That's because she is fucking an animal.


Oh, I'm sorry your highness.

Does this please you?

Actually saying that would discredit me more than what I said does

Kuro isn't a fucking nigger.

Don't be racist,please.

She is just a tanned Illya. Stop assuming that every brown skinned character is black.


She's as black as Archer.


You still belong there

Why is he slapping him? Do all blacks fight like girls?


Let alone being a nigger I'm not sure doppelgangers actually have genes

Did I upset a little nigger?

Oh look, it is yet another thinly veiled Sup Forums thread.


>Catlike human from another dimension

You are beyond deluded. If anything, she'd be indian.

>exterminate the white race
>even though theres less blacks in america than whites


There are a lot more of ugly white characters.

Nope, if you were some faggot saying shit like "blacks can't be racist" or "whites should be ashamed" you'd still belong there

>>>Sup Forumsrules/1

Well yeah.

Blacked is just using black men as mere fetish material. Kind of like TEEN GIRL PORN and MILFS.

Feminism, porn, modern media, abortion being pushed and even lionized, cell phones and birth control on every corner and in the water as well as the destruction of and demonization of the traditional family unit and all heteronormative behavior has been doing an excellent job of decimating whites however.

Look at how good of a job it's doing on the japs. They won't last three generations at this rate.

The guy who got punched is white though.

Nice tinfoil.

>four big races

What? And the only studies Ive seen showing that have been dating sites which isnt exactly a representative sample. Other studies Ive seen state that black women and white men make happier couples according to dating sites.

What tinfoil, you naive blind fucktard.
All of that is 100% true.

You can look it up right now.

Black women who date white men tend to be less agressive.

Are you retarded or just leaving bait? None of those things are creating anything close to the decimation of whites. Populations are dwindling sure but nothing to the point of extinction.

Japs arent even introduced to the same things and their problem is actually quite exaggerated. Ask a nip if they give a fuck about modern feminism. They don't. Hell japanese womens rights groups told them to fuck off.

I think you know so few people that whatever ridiculous preconcieved notions you have of them allows you to make up any kind of thing you want to help it fit your world view.

My point is dating site data isnt exactly the best evidence to make your claim with.