I don't visit Sup Forums all that much but was curious. What did you think of Re:Zero?
I don't visit Sup Forums all that much but was curious. What did you think of Re:Zero?
Good anime, didn't finish it personally but it was good.
Solid 5/10
What would you say went wrong?
Flawless masterpiece.
I liked it.
The adaptation was good but could have been better.
Third arc
So are we getting another season?
Unbearable garbage. I dropped it two chapters in.
Edgy shit with a spaghetti-spewing protagonist.
to be honest . it's my favorite anime for this year i really liked ep 15 it was the best episode in anime for the last two years but overall re;zero isn't a masterpiece
Worst case of "prologue to 10000 volume shitty LN" I've seen in years and shallow boring characters
also hamfisted af
Has some neat ideas that go absolutely nowhere
Overall not excessively bad, but not woth anyone's time honestly
Just say that when the 4th arc is brought to the masses
It's 50:50. The retards just over-hyped it.
Fun to watch and shitpost with Sup Forumsnons like the multiple threads made during its air time. Average and disappointing on its own - especially when you find out the anime material is not even 1/10th through with the supposed 11 arcs that the shitty author wants to write.
Panders to the lowest common denominator.
Sup Forums loved it and it is the entire board's undisputed AOTY. Solid soundtrack, well animed, VAs were flawless, and story was good enough to ignore since the female character designs were top notch.
All animes pander to the LCD. Literature is on top in terms of merit and art followed by film and then by tv programming which by definition include anime.
I went in thinking it would be decent considering I've read comments saying it was really great. Ends up it's 100 times worse than Sword Art Online could have ever been. It makes SAO look like a shining gem compared to this piece of shit. I don't even see how SAO can even get hate with this shit existing. At least that shit I was able to finish, but this show is a non stop cringefest of unrealistic behaviour and situations that can't possibly be relatable for any person in the world.
This is basically the shit Hayao Miyazaki was talking about.
>MC gets transported to another world
>instantly gets a love interest
>MC acts like a legendary autist
>somehow, this makes 10/10 girls fall in love with him instead of reacting with disgust, pity or laughter
>MC gets to ask for a reward for saving a princess
>decides to request to be employed as a servant because he thought it would make him look "cool" or "humble"
>MC finds out that he is being killed in his sleep
>decides that a great idea in future loops would be to waste time working as a servant instead of figuring out why he is dying
>MC reveals that he has prior knowledge of the mansion from past loops
>somehow this makes the super suspicious maids love him even more when they murdered him brutally for lesser reasons in a past loop
>MC finds out that he smells like a legendary witch
>somehow, it doesnt occur to him to ask why nor does Beatrice or any other mage care to investigate
And the knight scene. Literally cringe to the max.
Dude, that was the worst.
But rem a best
They butchered the second and third arc but it was a decent 7/10
Though they tried to make the characters safe as possible which sucks ass considering the only properly adapted character was Emilia. Subaru and the others were somewhat butchered.
They really needed to hit home that Subaru was absolute scum who trying to do some good in the world for all the wrong reasons but didn't.
>10/10 girl
She's just a shitty and flawed as Subaru is. They're both scum.
It's ok. Disliked the protagonist for some reason.
Emilia is best girl and if you disagree you need to leave this existence.
Not even. Emilia is an absolute retard, literally. Her naivety and "pureness" fucks everyone over. If Emilia didn't exist there wouldn't have been shit to wade through. Subaru and Rem are both scum but at least they do things to atone for their scumminess.
Not bad, not good, had a pretty good soundtrack but shit everything else. Typical ln bullshit 5/10.
Emilia a cute though
This is bait right? Just watched this shit in double speed and it was probably the worst trash I've ever seen.
>It's the SAO better than Re zero shitposter again
Dont you ever get tired of your autism?
I haven't posted here in over half a year and I've never talked about sao or this show before, nice shitposting meme though.
I think sao is shit, but at least it was bearable. That is why I made the comparison.
Do you actually think this show is better than sao? Why?
>Just watched this shit in double speed
Terrible, best part was Rem getting cucked and the twitter fandom being BTFO
>I love Emila tho
it was fun and edgy, but definitely not a master piece
>main character ist very egoistic and stupid
>time travel plot, fantasy setting and romance/friendship all felt incredibly unearned.
At least that were my biggest complains.
They should have focused on the negotiations instead of the whale fight, I have no idea why people missed what the show was about because it's reiterated constantly throughout the show.
Subaru made the show work being as flawed as he was I hope we get more MC's like him instead of the extremes of either flawless or completely useless beta's.
It had a HUGE drop in tension following From Zero. It works in the LN because Arc 3 actually ends with Subaru finding out that Rem is in a coma, killing himself to prevent it and finding out his save point was moved right to where he sees her comatose body which they omitted in the anime.
I'd give it a solid 7/10
Didnt watch it but its just a generic self insert gary stu harem show.