What is Sup Forums's general consensus on this female?
What is Sup Forums's general consensus on this female?
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Don't know don't care
She's the embodiment of taquiia
Just another person being elevated to the status of useful idiot puppet by the west.
Breathing security risk
She is a puppet and literally did nothing. The nobel peace prize is a fucking embarrassment, they've bastardised it to the point that a man ( just for being born half nigger) gets a peace award while committing the most murders out of any president in history,
Has done absolutely nothing of note
Wrote a childish journal which was built up into a celebrity by the BBC and her parents, because it fit the narrative of poor hopeful Afghan girl
Most heroic and iconic thing she did in her life: getting shot and not dying from it
Since then: has aped the Muslim Brotherhood line, spreding Islam and promoting Hijab and Sharia, basically the "nice face" of strict Islam
Because of this, has been promoted heavily by leftists as their ideal person, she's promoting the Islam and Hijab they want without a terrorism message
I thought you said tequila, just say taqiyah
Honestly, i'd like to see that fight
The gullible idiots at the UN should be ashamed that some little girl from who-cares-a-stan can play them so easily
Most things she's read out loud were written by her father and she had no choice but get shot in the head, why don't the other girls in that bus get a peace prize? Fucking retarded and somehow now she's the most enlightened girl in the world? FOR GETTING SHOT IN THE HEAD?
all i want to do is fuck niggers and fuck jesus christ
heavily managed by her father, like clock boy x 1000. her father put her life at risk for this massive pay off of fame and being set for life, but it could have easily gone the other way. In his position i would not have done the same with my daughter. I'd let her be an illiterate muzzie breeder, but guaranteed to be alive.
Lmao honestly
Any nobody wouldn't be able to recognize that face in a crowd of other stanies
Nobody here cares, most of us aren't even christian and a lot of americans are mulattos and whatnot
She's a champagne Muslim.
exactly. but i don't disparage the girl for it. she is just being obedient to her father.
>That post
>That flag
Fair enough point though
tf is that supposed to mean?
Isnt any woman without a clit deformed?
One simple job, and Taliban could not do it properly.
I think her father is a disgusting human being, my daughter's life would take precedent by far than her getting a sub par education and maybe possibly dying because of it because there's a current war that won't last forever.
>The phrase is used to describe self-identified socialists, whose comfortable upper middle-class lifestyles are thought to contradict their political convictions; this is typified by their supposed consumption of the luxury drink Champagne.
Now just apply that to immigrating Muslim women.
Fame certainly got to her head though. Now she's the spokeswoman of every social issue under the sun in the UK
She got empowered with a bullet to the head.
>accusative tone implying people expect her to ask for more than education, and that those same people are trying to scare her away
>also implies she can't get education when there are so many options but somehow we have to explicitly hand it to her
Someone whip this bitch and give her the education she asked for.
She 'wrote' four books in the time frame from 2013 to 2017. How could you not? She's making a fortune.
get educated in your own country bitch.
pandering to Muslims in a nutshell
her father is the one orchestrating everything behind the scenes, getting her in the news and keeping her there. i can't hate on a child whose father regarded her as nothing more than taliban bait, and now media bait. i'm a dad. i feel sorry for her.
Took a bullet to the face, so tougher than 99.999% of the dipshits that post here (myself included).
Too bad they missed
I do too...
But she's muslim... so I don't...
But she was indoctrinated... But aren't they all...
Can't feel sorry for her... sorry...
I'm not a dad... But she needs another shot to the head...
How does it make you feel knowing that your kids will have to work as hard as possible to get to the best universities but this pampered fucking cunt who got a gunshot to the head goes to Oxford just because of her "heroism"
she sucks.
She's proof that you can take someone who was born, raised and directly exposed to the worst environment imaginable, undergo what I would not wish upon a soul, and come out with absolutely no special insight a wise man alone with his thoughts and maybe a pad of paper wouldn't just guess about.
she basically says (after she got shot in the head for going to school) if you don't like Islam it's your fault if a truck runs over you
Attention whores can get through the most opressive cultures?
Hi BB, pleas open boob and sho vajinee!!!!
was in the right place at the right time
the damn niggers just didn't finish the job
the way they tell her story is complete bullshit, they say she was shot in the head. in actuality, the bullet only grazed her
>gets shot by extremists
>dude if you insult Islam you'll create extremists lmao
>took a shot in the head by Muslim extremists
>gets pat on the back by everyone in western society as being a beacon for education for oppressed girls
>Liberals eat her up, moderates eat her up, conservatives ate her up to go "See even their own don't like them."
>after she gained clout and an international stage she began to spout the same pro-Muslim hand wave bullshit all Muslims do when extremist go ape shit
>the typical Mudslime mouthpiece with Stockholm syndrome
>took shot to head, kept coming.
This is something I don't understand about religious people. How can you disagree with major parts of a religion's doctrine but still believe in the religion itself? If you disagree with any part of a religion, doesn't that negate it's legitimacy?? This can be seen with Christians who accept gays, Muslim women, and fucking Mormons.. Mormon's believe Joseph Smith was a prophet chosen by God, and yet they have changed major parts of their own doctrine that were directly given to them by Joseph Smith as the word of God. I'll never understand how people can rationalize "well the religion was wrong about this, but everything else is correct." Especially when you're going against the very teachings of a man you believe spoke for God himself and is the entire basis of your religion. At least Christians can rationalize their bible is open to interpretation.
I'd rape her.
If she's afraid of no-one then why does she wear the hijab?
There's a saying that goes something like: "The best way to become famous without doing anything is to become a martyr". She is living that creed. She's a girl, she's arab, she got shot. Big whoop.
When you've been taught something via fear and intimidation from everyone in your life it's damn near impossible to change that person's belief.
Exactly my point. She explicitly states that she is afraid of no-one, but she still wears that hijab out of fear.
Doesn't she know it outs her as a hypocrite?
She's semi retarded but she got into Oxford and got basically given straight As by default Fuck this bitch..
taqiyya tawriya kitman and muruna
They're religion demands they lie to confuse and manipulate the Kafir.
I wouldn't be surprise if she claims she wears it because she find comfort in it despite being shot by extremist.
Living proof that a bullet cannot kill a muzzie rat
The fact that people can get mind fucked that thoroughly scares the shit out of me. It's one of the reasons I'm adamantly against the concept of organized religion, these are institutions who specifically target children for the exact purpose of manipulating them into life long believers of their ideology and pawns of their organization. It's disgusting and they're incredibly good at it, if you pay attention closely all major religions target children for recruitment and there's not much attempt to attract adult converts.
Literally not America's problem or responsibility.
but user didn't they tell u, we're the world police
get with the globalist agenda u silly goy
>"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."
>Proverbs 22:6
excellent post, I want to piggyback on it. She has never had an interview or press conference where someone has been able to ask a non prescreened question. Every question and more importantly all of her answers are all scripted. Her social media reads like a virtue signaling PR firm runs, which it is.
kek, we have alot of "champagne" Liberals in Mass
Just a poster girl for muslim propaganda.
here you are. dunno if it will do any good, but good YT vids on this topic are hard to find.
Well children have been brainwashed into believing in places like hell and everlasting fire burning your sole 24/7 for ethernity so it is understandable.
useful idiot tool
I think everyone needs to start pointing out the fact that it was Muslims that started the Crusades.
Protip: She was never shot
the aussie just ain't shit posting mates.
But seriously she was shot, however taking a direct hit from a 7.62 to the dome is extremely bad for your health. The bullet "grazed" her head. like a rapper, the incident is exagerated to sell albums / lies about islam
>She was never shot
Thanks user, I appreciate the contribution. I'll check it out.
>afraid of no one
she should just walk into a school & get an education.
They gave one to fucking Arafat.
malala yousafuckinidiot