What is the appeal of Milky Holmes?
What is the appeal of Milky Holmes?
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patrician humor
Cute little girls with the best reaction faces
They have autism like me
its funny
Deep and poignant work of art. Someone post that Angel's Egg parod-I mean 'allusion'.
It's the Umineko adaptation we've all been waiting for.
Milky Holmes S1&2 was a masterpiece.
What went wrong?
They added those two cunts that didn't wear Milky hats.
movie when?
Oldie but a goodie
Tet tet tet
best mad reporting in
>mfw there actually are people who enjoy this trash
>mfw there actually are people who don't enjoy this trash
It's good. At least it was
Waiting for BD of the movie is suffering. At least there's Tekyu for the time being.
It does absurdist comedy really well without being lolsorandum. The cute autistic brain dead girls help a lot.
Wait, I don't remember that from the tv show.
They couldn't afford the VAs
You know how people complain about shows that are just about cute girls doing cute things?
Milky Holmes is about cute girls doing ugly and repulsive things.
It's the early-middle seasons of South Park of cute girls doing things anime
New director who can't into comedy. Although by the end of the 2nd season the old staff was starting to reuse some jokes way too much.
What happened to the movie anyway?
I don't even know if the BDs are out.
It is the pinnacle of anime.
Moe in its condensed perfect form attained after decades of experintation in moe.
Who is this semen demon?
BD will be out at the end of this month.