Do you like tall girls Sup Forums?

Tfw tomboy onee-san will never get the D

Cuddling is sufficient. Would be nice if the manga-ka drew the girls' feet nicely though.

>fucking your sister with her friends and your mom right outside
So close, yet so far away.

I like girls my own height, it makes kissing and other lewd things convenient, so yes.

I'm a pretty big guy, and I want to be snug by tallness.

Unless she is muscular or much taller than me fuck no. If it isn't an Amazon, anything above 5'6 is a man.

Even though he regularly fucks 5/6 of the girls, I'm still not satisfied until he fucks his sister.
Feels bad man.

The ideal height in terms of attractiveness is about 4ft tall, the farther girls stray from that ideal the less attractive they become.

I'm 5'7 and dating a girl that is 5'11It's pretty great

>I'm 5'7
my condolences
You are still doing better than me so congrats

All tall girls in anime or manga seem to be around 5'8 to 5'10 Are japs really that short that this sis considered tall?

Do you stand on tip toe to kiss or does she bend?

The range of height for the average Japanese male is 5'2 to 5'7.

Fucking manlets top kek

fuck yeah updates

am I on /fit/

>tfw 6'7"
I'd love to cuddle with girl that is taller than me, but there aren't many of them. At least anime has ogres.

I'm going to Japan soon and I'm 6'3, so this ought to be a laugh.



made me snigger

5'7 is average in my country


Tall girls are a gift from God, especially if they're above 6'2 and thick thighs together with long legs. I can't see why anyone wouldn't want one because it's just more body to explore.
besides none of that matter when they're lying on their backs

Is Yen Press looking to pick this up or something because someone has been pushing these threads hard for like a week now despite no new chapters out or much discussion. They did the same thing right before picking up Dungeon Meshi.

give me qt story details

>how did you meet
>is she assertive tomboy tier

congrats makes me feel happy a user made it

I'm stuck in that odd cycle of being attracted to a girl and finding out shes a lesbian happened like three times

Tall girls are the fucking best. I'd never go for anything below 170, 180 and above is usually godtier.

>despite no new chapters
but user, there are new chapters, as for the yenpress, I'm 50/50 it's either yenpress or someone who got really exited because of the new scanlations in a freaking long time, even though we have translations threads, there's still a bunch of people that don't know about those.

And now some asshole wants to make this a freaking blog, don't ruin stuff you dweeb.

We meet while working at the local movie theater, at first i didnt think much of her she is total oposite of my ideal girl. (short big tits, think popura. She is tall and slender)

But then we got to work the same shift we really hit it off. Wich is rare because as an user im shit talking to girls i drop the spagetti all over the place.

So the manager being the cool bastard he is continued to give us the same shift.

She is pretty cool, and likes to joke arround a lot, before we started going out we acted as a couple confusing our coworkers it was a joke until this dude bro was hired and tried to get friendly with her.

I got so fucking jelly that almost punched the guy once

Thats when i realized i. Actually liked her more than a friend

So one day we where trowing the trash i maned up and told her that i liked her.

She said "I know" (yep thats a quote from starwars) we started goong out shortly after

Pd. She also doesn't give a shit about our height difference, The one time i brought the subject she said with a surprised look "oh you are right you ARE shorter than me" she teased me abou it for a few days then forgot about it

>liking tall girls
You guys are either uncomfortable with your own height and resigned to it, or you have some weird fetish.

Women being shorter than men is better for both sides as it naturally triggers men's feelings of wanting to protect and women's feelings of wanting a meat shield.

>or you have some weird fetish
It's not even the weirdest one.


I want a tomboyish girl who is slightly shorter than me so I can protect her but she is still strong enough to have my back when I need it.

I am almost the same, user. Maybe not tomboyish, but great at bantering.

>Ever having womanlets as waifus.

I'm 160 don't bully

Okay I fucking suck at finding source.

How is Ziploc-kun doing?

God fucking damn it. Sister should have just raped him at that point.

I guess it's confirmed he's hung like a fucking horse though.


"ookii onnanoko wa daisuki desu ka?" is the manga name

Daisuki Onnanoko wa Daisuki Desu ka

Thanks boys

>inb4 they finally fuck after finding out one of them is adopted

tfw it fucking sucks since it's not regular porn


literal manlet

is it porn

cause i wanna read it now but if he doesnt put his penis in im going to die

it's romcom #1293421358 there is no sexual


He fucks every girl but his sister.

But it's not a hentai, so you never actually see penetration.

Just a lot of T&A

captain is best girl. Even if she's put on some weight.

Oh but he does fuck em? Nice I'ma read this now thanks user.

>He fucks every girl but his sister.
But that's the OPPOSITE of what you're supposed to do.


I fucking love em, make more please Japan.

I still like the idea that the reason why Capt's acting the way she is, is because she's pregnant. Would be quite the twist and would add something to the story.