>nothing good to watch
>starts going through backlog
>Ooh, Tokyo Ghoul!
>people seem to like it and I've been interested in watching it for a while
>it's shit after a few episodes when it starts to get shonen-y
Fuck, does this get better? I'm in such a hole right now.
Nothing good to watch
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Fuck off.
it just gets worst
Fuck YOU
That's disheartening. Reminds me of GATE how the premise is good but execution is bad.
Manga is average but the anime is trash.
Pierot made it a shounen, source is seinen.
It worked as a good entry level anime. Looking back it was average. Good last episode of season 1. End there.
I find people who are new to anime love it, people who are experienced don't pick it up.
Also I believe you're backlog can't be that dry
>Tokyo Ghoul root A.
While I'm not interested in the manga this sequel was utter fucking garbage.
The only good thing is Glassy Sky.
My backlog hasn't been updated since I've started a long manga stint, so I think my tastes have just changed in that time. I also gave Psycho Pass a whirl but I gradually got more and more bored. May give it a few more episodes though.
By comparison the manga is great if you ever read, really falls off hard with :re though.
The anime? No. The anime is shit. The first season is bearable but a shit adaptation when it comes to the manga which, artstyle aside (for the first 20 or so chapters) is way more interesting.
The second season, or Root A, is basically horseshit. Read the manga. At least the first manga.
Nothing has let me down in this regard as much as GATE.
fucking kek
What's so kek-worthy?
Liked and subscribed!
>Le sarcastic jaded Sup Forums hardass response
Top kek brosef, amirite? XD
>make a blogpost
>dont like when people like/subscribe
>who are you quoting
One of the finest examples of both anime and manga being utter trash.
Read the manga while listening to the anime ost
someone doesnt like psychological themes
Fuck off.
You have to go back.
What's the anime OST? Linkin' Park?
No, although i've only heard the op, and ed.
S1 was good. Don't bother after that, it goes to complete shit, especially once the MC goes full Shadow the Edgehog.
But that's the best part
tokyo ghoul is shit and people will be comparing it to naruto in a few years
>best part is when the MC becomes an annoying edgelord
If I was comparing it to anything, it would be Darker Than Black.
Not ever seeing the manga truly adapted is a sin I will never forgive
If you aren't going to read the manga don't bother with the series. The anime is 100% trash by cutting out all of Kaneki's internal monologues that set the pacing for the series. On top of that the anime makes Kaneki a bigger wuss than ever by excluding scenes where he fights back. BUT EVEN BETTER is tokyo ghoul root A where Kaneki is effectively castrated as the MC. There literally is no main character in root A.
If you do decide to read the manga, spare yourself and never read Tokyo Ghoul:re
It made everything so much worse. I think Ishida knew that it would and that's why he made the split between the series. Tokyo Ghoul:re is like Bloody Monday, it's a terrible soap opera.
Reminder that he only really becomes an emotionless edgelord in the anime.
In the manga he becomes based Don Kaneki.
A boring Kaneki in both the anime and manga desu
I have a feeling that most of the other stuff that you called trash or garbage in your backlog is actually better.
>Read Manga after first season
>it's better
>Read Re
I've never felt such a quality drop.
How so? He becomes morally grey and tries to take care of things his way with his little ghoul mafia.
In the anime he just becomes a less morally questionable coffee-sipping silent protagonist. That while being part of a ghoul terrorist organization.
I liked Don Kaneki the most out of everything in Tokyo Ghoul, so I'm biased, but still.
Big Tokyo Ghoul fan and I have to agree with you. As I really like Tokyo Ghoul (no thanks due to a vast majority of :re), I'm still giving it a chance, but I'm also highly disappointed with the quality drop.
Did the fact that it became popular go to Ishida's head so he thought that he had to go the shonen route to keep appealing to people even though what he originally wrote was what actually interested people?
Why didn't we protect his smile?
He shouldered the pain for us
He deserves better.
the anime plays up the emotions and acting to such an extent that it's unfortunately comical. second to last episode in s1 is very good but the rest is a joke. part 1 of the manga is pretty good though.
That's just the kind of person he is