ITT: Anime you watched back in middle school

ITT: Anime you watched back in middle school.

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>middle school
What's the point of having a system where the child has to go through 4 schools in succession?

>the nostalgia in the back part of your head wants more, but then you remember that's Frozen Teardrop


You don't 'have' to go to college, but the way society has been fixed you don't have a choice if you want to integrate into society and not have a low paying job. I just didn't go to college because I didn't want to waste time and money when I knew I wasn't socially skilled/smart enough to get a good job anyway.

What is a middle school?
You go to school 12 years too, right?


>What is a middle school?
It's where girls are sent when they get too old.

Evangelion, Death Note and Noucome. Were my middle school top 3.

This anime is 10/10. Story was amazing: 4 wolves (+one half wolf) living in apocalypse world, surviving each day, encountering many people that want them extinct and trying to reach "paradise". Ending was shitty: there was 5 of them+flower girl+human with a gun and they couldn't beat one evil human that became a wolf. Animation was really good. And soundtrack is amazing.

middleschool was when i got really into this weeb nonsense so in order:

Fullmetal Alchemist
Ouran High School Host Club
Azumanga Daioh
Soul Eater
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Cowboy Bebop



Get in here mod

>binge watched .hack//sign in august before school started


Love Hina



are you in middle school?

Cowboy Bebop, Higurashi and Death Note were the first anime I watched and that was probably in the last year of middle school.

back in my days there were no middle schools, just longer elementary school

I am kinda anxious about rewatching it.
I remember some parts vividly, but I fear rest doesn't hold up.

My country didn't have a middle school until last year.

user how and when did you see this

>tfw when it's been over three and a half years since SnK started airing and someone in grade 8 while it was on could conceivably be 18 now

Elfen Lied was a prominent one.

It has a special place in my heart even though deep down I know it's garbage.

In hindsight, it sucked pretty bad compared to the OVA's.

Somewhere between 99 and 01.
Father brought vhs tape with russki(?) voiceover and english subs.
Was weird as fuck experience but movie was weird as well. People blowing up and shit.

Oh god dammit! I was going to post most of these as well! I wasn't full on "weeb" but I did used to talk a lot about anime and manga collect DvD boxsets, manga and figures and shit.

I remember going to suncoast with my friends every day after school to buy new volumes of my favorite titles... good times.. good times.

it apparently was one of the first anime to be dubbed in russian but why they would import that version I have no idea

Never watched it. Did play the date sim on NewGrounds.

What anime is that even?

Looks like something out of Heavy Metal, with the undead American bomber.

Flying phantom ship. About an hour long movie from '69.

its called flying phantom ship, hayao miyazaki did some character designs and key animation for it
I also got reminded me of that part of Heavy Metal when I watched it

Inuyasha, Zatch Bell, Shaman king, OHSHC, Fullmetal Alchemist, Naruto, Bleach, Fruits Basket, to name a few


Fuck you pal, JC girls are in their physical prime and are a valuable treasure.

>ttw instinctively want to call people underage that watched death note in middle school because the manga was published while I was in highschool

I'm starting to feel old.

I will never understand why they're so cool, but they are.

Clannad, Suzumiya, Sky Girls...etc

YEAH! I wasn't the only one! I also watched the big-time series like Pokemon, Yugioh and all the stuff on Toonami, but this was definitely my favorite show I watched back then.

Dragon ball and Sailor Moon also started airing on broadcast channels as well.

At first I thought that's SS, but I don't even remember such thing as Ronin warriors.

Tenchi Muyo was possibly the first one I saw back in primary (middle) school. Late night Toonami. Couldn't have been much older than 8 or 9. Then went onto stuff that was aired often like Pokémon or Dragon Ball. Got introduced to Hellsing by a buddy around age 12. Discovered Chobits by accident and got hooked.


Twintail Kansai girl was the best.


I actually agree with you. I just couldn't help but use the opportunity to say that line.
You know how it is. Potius amicum quam dictum perdendi.

i am happy for it

It had catchy music, though.

a lot of ecchi shows, like girls bravo, dears, maburaho, hand maid may, hanaukyo maid team. I was a ass horny kid. I also thought the cyborg bancho in this was the coolest shit ever

this, the western cowboy ambiance music is GOAT tier compared to ova music. We need cowboy styled anime to come back. Everybodies sad that the cyberpunk dystonia animes died down after the 90s but at least they have some that still some like pychopass but cowboy animes completely died after the 90s

There was space dandy but I don't really consider that a cowboy anime

Not any that I can think of. I might have seen a few episodes of Pokemon though.


Aren't Chino, Maya, and Megu 10?

Still love it. I watched mostly stuff that aired on adult swim and toonami in those times. I think it was around 8th grade that I came here (yes underaged ban) and watched Lucky Star, Haruhi and Toradora while it was airing with you beautiful people.


It was airing on TV at around 2006-2007 in my country.

Still okay.


and I don't remember any of it, I just know it was boring as shit. Also elemental gelade


I am amazed that you'd save that (or look for it instead of just making a screenshot of some online dictionary).

I remember someone had uploaded the entire first season to YouTube sometime around 2009. I didn't know what torrenting was, so I never got around to watching the 2nd season.

>Also elemental gelade
Man that was one retarded show

To separate the kids by age groups, so the 18 year olds aren't surrounded by 7 year olds.

Cool vibrations
Revlo fantasy
Keep me cool, keep oudarain
Something inhibition, ghosts love horror show
Inner darken
Just say uh hun
Take me walking talking revelation

Shooby dooby doo shooby dooby do do do
Shooby dooby doo shooby dooby do do do

Was pretty fun back in 8th grade

>gay porn

Almost forgot where I was for a second.

How the fuck do you get into FMA and Brotherhood at the same time? There was a solid six years between them.

songs with whistles gets my dick hard

When I was in middle school, Anime (started in 1952 with Astro Boy) didn't exist yet. Now get off my lawn.

>so the 18 year olds aren't surrounded by 7 year olds.
Would that be a bad thing?

It was the first anime I watched that wasn't 4kids dubs of pokemon and yugioh

It's weir,d I saw like 100-200 episodes of this and a movie and then just switched over to stuff like death note and bleach and sorta forgot about it. Guess I started out on a kinda weird note

Yeah, I guess I can't blame you for that. Perhaps we should modify the line to highscool as that's more or less the truth, most girls still stay super juicy and tight all throughout their JC years but truth is there's qualities in JS girls that simply don't maintain with age, and I understand that despite my preference for the ones on the outer cusp of lolihood, right before the goods spoil. That is the primest moment in my opinion.
No, closer to 13ish, though the artist and animators do like to loli 'em up nice and good from time to time to make them extra delicious. All the older girls are 15-16.

This. One of my fav anime of all time.

What is a trillion years old fart doing on Sup Forums? If you're over 20 and still on this site I can only imagine you're a complete loser.

Motherfuckin' Shugo Chara.

It was actually in russia.

whatever the fuck it was they showed on G4 at midnight, some generic looking mecha anime

This and Elfen Lied were my some of my biggest favorites. Though the Internet was still shitty back then so I pretty much watched anything remotely Japanese and animated.

This and hyakko were the best back then.

>If you're over 20 and still on this site I can only imagine you're a complete loser.
That's normalfag talk.

And retirees are the ultimate neets, user.


Being normal is good, user.

In middle school I was obsessed with Lain because none of my weeaboo friends had seen it.

I rewatched it probably 10 times before my friends finally watched it and I lost interest.

I remember it as if it was yesterday

I get that user. I used to talk about Lain to my high school outcast group of losers and they looked at me like a genius because no one could understand the shit I was saying, not even me in some cases.

Something about being able to ramble about shit no one understands is enjoyable.

My countrty doesn't have a three school system, but when I was middle school age I borrowed the first season of Naruto, Black Blood Brothers, and Death Note from a friend, which was what got me into anime.

>Amiru Garu
I enjoyed them when I first went through it. Liked the Adventure in both.

Everyone but the protagonist either went insane or broke by the end. Fun show. too long for its own good though.

Seeing as 14 year olds already get bullied as freshmen, yes. Also people generally aren't the same before during and after puberty which each of the 3 levels of school basically encompasses.

dragon ball not z but classic dragon ball
dragon ball z was a thing in japan but not in mexico back then

>Watching astro boy


.hack//sign, chobits (manga), marmalade boy (manga), fullmoon wo sagashite, eureka seven, sailor moon (manga), fullmetal alchemist (manga), inuyasha (manga), ghost in the shell, trigun, fruits basket (manga), naruto (manga), tenchi muyo, yu yu hakusho (both).

My middle/early highschool was probably defined most by Eureka Seven and .hack//sign, if I had to pick.