Say what you want about Monogatari it had some fuck-off incredible OPs and EDs.
Say what you want about Monogatari it had some fuck-off incredible OPs and EDs
good OP/ED =/= good anime
Oh, drop that mug and get happy bite.
It had 1 ok one?
Everything else was shit.
You can't force me to enjoy something, faggot.
>"I'm being contrarian for shitposts' sake and no one can stop me!"
>someone claims he doesn't like something I like in a thread where I blatantly start it trying to force people to agree to like it
>must be shitposting
SAO had better OPs, and I mean it.
I think the Bake ED is still my favorite ED of all time
it's so fucking good
Kagarashi sentiment has the best strings in an op/ed since Rayearths 'lullaby.' Happy bite is a joy. Mousey express is a brilliant fusion of Latin and Indian music, and Platinum disco is playing in your head right now.
Oh yeah. Perfect slumbers. Yui Horie has the voice of an angel.
Remember all the love for Platinum Disco? All the mashups and remixes? And then the full song released a few months later, and lo and behold, the whole thing felt like it had played itself out by the time the second verse started, and the bridge was utterly perfunctory garbage.
Same shit happens with every "good" theme song: the only good part is the 90 seconds they showed on TV.
For comparison:
how can other OPs even compete?
Peace. Peace.
Also she's in my top ten most talent VAs right now.
Mathemagics is the best.
Based Marina Inoue.
Let me get it out of the way.
Shaft can be a great studio. I usually really like how their shit looks and moves.
When they released Kino OVA I thought it'd be absolutely great if they followed up on it by making anything Kino. It was good.
They just need to put out anything else but Monogatari.
Not as good as Inuyasha though, especially the endings.
What's with all the hate for the series? I'm on Nekomonogatari right now and I've enjoyed this series more than most anime I've seen in the past year, the OSTs are fucking god-tier too.
>implying anyone can make better OPs/EDs than the ones for Gundam SEED/SEED Destiny
I want to marry Yui Horie (40 years old)
If it's popular it's bad.
Nah, tumblr art is garbage. None of the EDs are good. Get some taste, pleb.
It has some amazing animation, dialogue, story, and characterization too. Best series in years. Not to mention VOFAN does the original artwork.
It gets better from there. Enjoy the ride.
Agreed. Yuudachi Houteishiki is also high tier, a pity it wasn't on the TV release so many people probably won't see it.
It's a shame how many people ignore the clear best girl for crab shit
>You will never get a Maaya Sakamoto Monogatari OP
Truly this is the darkest timeline.
At least Amanchu! OP brought some abatement.