The UK is a White countr-
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>Le 56% bong
Whiter than you, Tyrone.
Indians are kinda ok.
But Holy shit pakis are fucking awful.
They rape kill steal everything. They breed like rats. They marry their cousins and have inbred kids.
U mad Bong?
So the UK went from 92% white in 2001 to 87% white in 2011.
What was the comparable change in demographics in the US over that same period? Fucking a lot worse I'll tell you that much.
Says the amerimutt, with the canuckistani laughing at him.
>it's another "amerimutt tells the rest of the world they aren't white" thread
>Le 75% native british in a INDIGENOUS WHITE COUNTRY face (other "whites" are just subhuman slavs and potato niggers)
plus, being labelled white in the uk actually means white
There’s a 20% chance you arent White
At least it's not 50%
the british import droves of shitskins from across continents.
meanwhile we have shitskins right on our border and we've been stuck with niggers since our inception.
How is this a laughing matter?
White countries are being wiped out and you faggots laugh at eachother for that instead of sticking together?
nice divide and conquer
It's true, parts of London are starting to look like Karachi
so basically you're saying that 56%>87.17%
>amerimutt intellectuals
kek. At least we aren't so embarrassed by our country that we hide our flag
100% of the white growth in the UK was due to non-british whites. Anglos are an endangered species, although thats probably not a bad thing
This is the natural state of the white human. They are unable to band together and balkanize almost immediately over any perceived slight or offense borne against them. Despite it's miniscule size Europe has never once been united under a single banner because the white prides himself on his vindictive and petty nature. For this reason he will fall before the might of the asian and the black, both of whom will gladly choose their own before any other even if they perceive differences between themselves.
wtf are you talking about nigger, chinks and nips hate each other more than they do any white person
Every le 56% thread is filled with salt. Stop being such triggered pussies. FFS
>56 is higher than 87 in murica
really made me contemplate
Isn't it fucked up/weird how these countries in EUROPE like the UK and France are less white today then America and Australia were not long ago?
Y'all better start doing somethig
Non-hispanic white Americans are on average 98,4% white.
So 100% really
>Made the same comment twice
>hides his flag
Wow you sure btfo OP
>87% white
This is bad how?
ad hominen
can't expect a monkey can understand the message
>The United States Census Bureau defines White people as those "having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa."
>ad hominen
>calls me a monkey
And still no flag. I'm guessing either Mexico or India
Too low for a European country
>still can't prove me wrong
still a monkey
shhh don't spoil his fun, he was about to call us all mongrels and unload some of his 56% memes. He has so little ever since he had to bin his cutlery, we must give him this.
It's going to be even less now that Brexit happened and there won't be the free movement of white euro's allowed in.
wouldn't uzbekistan be not in the middle east though? I assumed central asia was different.
Lets remove London, Manchester and Birmingham then watch the stats go to 99% White
*cries* in German.
>87% white
>posted by le 56% face
its a muslim country what the hell are you talking about
87.17% as of 2011.
I don't understand. Are you being sarcastic? In which case you're a retard. Or are you just stating a simple fact, which would be autistic.
I don't understand the angle you're going for here, senpai.
>Amerimutt thread
Dunno what's your problem Paco, I'm an Island Spic and that's what I am, no more no less, don't go around waving my spanish/moor/chink cock at anyone, you amerimutts have literally become niggers.
niggers go
Amerimutts go
Also independence when Jose?
>anemic White growth
>explosive Asian growth
You’re probably 80% White tops now
In ten years it’ll be 70%
We used to be a 90% white country as recently as the 1960s before LBJ sold our country down the river and we started letting more brown people in. It was a few things simultaneously:
1. Massive sustained influx of both legal and illegal brown people surging into our nation
2. Birthrate of brown people roughly twice that of white people or more
3. White family purposely eroded so fewer successful marriages with children can occur
4. Feminism helps reduce white birth rate even further
5. Race mixing is pushed as acceptable over time and whites begin to intermarry, producing non-white children
Almost 60 years pass and your white % decreases by over 40. You just started importing massive amounts of kebab. If you were today as we were in 1963 I would say you have 60 years. You have fewer. Much fewer. How many, I can't say. The people from OP's chart are massively out-breeding you and showing up in greater numbers. They are replacing you. They will replace you. The passivity of your people will cause you to stand by idly as you are slowly whisked away to nonexistence. Maybe this place will still be around in 20, 30, or 40 years and you and I can go into a thread together where you laugh and post le 25% face while your society is at 50%. Someone will protest and you'll say "WHITER THAN YOU, MATE" and grin. Then you'll get off your computer and sob uncontrollably at the inevitable death march we're both on.
Americans class North Africans as white. White here actually means white, you know blue eyes blonde hair. I know you've probably never seen that before in your monkey shit hole but use google or something.
tl;dr you're a nigger.
anglos aren't white, just look at their ugly asymmetrical faces
That's not a census report, it's crime statistics, and they classify them that way to hide the nigger crime rate from people. I know you're attempting banter to deal with your existential crisis, but I'll refer you to this Brazilian who had real statistics:
Like I said, we used to be a higher percentage white than the UK currently is. Please process this information, because the thing which turned us brown is happening to you right now at a far accelerated rate.
I know you're having a hard time dealing with the future you face, but you will be us some day if nothing changes from your current state. Chances are the only change will be further acceleration and prosecution of wrongthink. We're beyond salvaging at this point, but you aren't, at least not in theory.
This thread is a very well disguised request for Amerimutt memes. Here you go OP.
When USA says 'white' they refer to all Caucasians including Turks, Arabs, North Africans, Persians, and Poos.
In UK all of the above are called ''Asian'' and a grouped with a tiny minority of chinks Chinks too.
For USA standards , UK is basically 93% ''white''
Says the nog with an attention span too short to read a paragraph
How many kids are your spic families having?
I know you have the nigger problem capped with abortions which is good to hear.
>and they classify them that way to hide the nigger crime rate from people.
Tell me again about how declaring independence was worth it?
It is. I guess because it’s former Soviet. But really they just go by looks.
Our census does not count poos as white.
>The term refers to a panethnic group that includes diverse populations, which have ancestral origins in East Asia, Southeast Asia, or South Asia, as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau.
As an American I wish we were 87% white...that is 1960s level
good to hear