It's My Life

>Suddenly all grim

Why can't I have a happy comfy story?

>It's My Life
Why can't I think of anything other than Bon Jovi?

Same and the song start playing in my head!


I want the MC to stop talking about his fucking house every second.

Then where else could he call home if its destroyed?


Noah's cuteness is a miracle.

Isn't it based on a light novel or something?

You can bet the author simply started running out of ideas real fast. Some kind of stories should just be left as one-shots.

Its been hinting at grim all series.

Saw this thread, went and caught up with it.

There's 6 volumes in Japan and we're only on the second volume now? I can't wait.

Probably because the author loves rock and metal and seems to name all of the chapters after songs.

I almost dropped this series when i read the first chapter and it had the "girl appears out of nowhere, instantly becomes love interest" trope.

I was like "are you fucking serious?"

Noah a CUTE!

Elise a CUTE!

Thank God the love interest was Noah's past life, or whatever is sealed within her.

You just read too much garbage.
It was more of a "tough guy has to take in elfin loli" to me, while he goes on about how his house is amazing.

He's got a house, a pet and a loli, that's every American dream.

He hasn't even met this past life yet.

Are the raws to this up anywhere?

I dropped this when it became obvious that it was about a romance and not about child-raising.

You just say that because you don't know how nice it feels to have a house for yourself.

Not a pet loli?

when did it become obvious it was romance and not child raising

Around chapter 3 if I remember right.

Keep reading. It's not about romance at all.

Then what exactly was the point of that?

I don't mind being spoiled, I wouldn't be reading this for the plot.

>implying a guy that lives for having a comfy normal life would bother doing something degenerate

To show how Astra cares about his friends and how they affect his life positively, and that Noah had more to her than it seems. For more spoilers, see OP's pic. Noah and the girl you see on ch3 (and then on ch10) seem to be different entities.


Who is the woman in Noah's memory?

Will Noah sister appears again?

How can Noah be so cute?

The great witch Arctica.

Yes, but not for a while.

It's because she's a baka.


Who is Arctica?


The one who sealed away the Evil God.

Funny how not a single one of you got the lyrics right to begin with.

Is she Noah's mother?

Probably Noah herself, regressed to a child, without memories.

I wonder if we will ever see the full face.

Mai cute little Noah was some powerful yandere?

Plot twist is if Astra really is the evil god reincarnate.

Noah was right.

That seems obvious at this point.

> See this
What do?

Wipe elf's mouth then tuck elf into bed.

Yeah, most likely. Not sure what else he could be with the name "Astra L. Doomsday". It could also be that Antarctica was Evil God's right-hand (wo)man and Noah is Antarctica reincarnated, which explains why she was attracted to Astra's house.

I just reread that chapter and didn't catch a hint of romance. It felt more like respect or a parent/child love, not a romantic love. Maybe it's just because I hate romance in general that I'm unable to make the connection.

The kid wants to marry, but not Astra.

Hopefully next chapter won't take long.

No dump?

Its a manga about yandere loli elves.


I like cuteness. Loli is qt.