This is your daughteru
This is your daughteru
Can I fuck it?
>calling your dad stupid
You're supposed to train her by doing
this is your goburin
That's not my daughter user
Why would my daughter dress like that.
Shitty little brat. Don't call your father stupid. No dinner for you.
Because she's a slut and you're a failure
To please you.
wheres her penis?
If she calls papa stupid then she's hankerin for a spankerin
Why is she so stacked?
Loli Asuka would make such a perfect daughteru!~
The main reason I didn't love NGE is because I don't like kids suffering. It didn't strike me as deep so much as Anno projecting his feelings and failures and shortcomings as a man.
>not punished
What a shitty father you are, she clearly needs to be spanked.
This is my son.
the worst thing you could do is
show your daughter to Sup Forums
You dropped your daughter, you are pretty stupid user.
Thermal Expansion
can i fuck him?
oy come here kono kuso gaki, I have to wear you some bloomers.
>Dropping your daughter
That's why she calls you stupid.
Fuck off with this autistic pedobait shit
The sexual implications are in your mind not mine, so by that logic YOU are the pedophile.