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Can’t bruise the Crews

Honestly the only nigger I have respect for

Actually, yes, you can.

Crews is one of my favorite Hollywood people. He seems like a really authentic person.

t. amerrimutt

All hail
President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho

No amount of shilling is going to save you anymore. The truth is coming out too fast and in greater and greater volume.

Ok then Ahmed.

is this what things have come to?

you destroy a person reputation by posting online without evidence that someone sexually harrassed you?

more, he says he was groped. ffs, hes terry fucking crews, if that was true he should have decked him, not behaving like a pussy.
>inb4 2020 doing hard time for cat calling

Yes Jew, it's time for you guys to be expelled for the 111th time in 2000 years.

So can we start betting now how fast he loses his good name/fame and dies in a peculiar way?

Do you think thats gonna happen? It's way too risky to do anything to him because all eyes are on the kikes right now.


its a jew

can someone mockup that south park graphic with its a jew plz? all these jews are child rapists

Dude, you gotta learn some jew tactics.

>Yes, schlomo. We're very sorry for your feelings. But you should know, the last one completed your punch card. So the next shoah is free.

fucking child rapists

i dont give two shits if hes jew or not. im not talking what ever corruption he did.
i dont even know who he is

im just wondering how many guys are in jail or social outcasts for being called out even if they are innocent


A Jew is never innocent.

lets say the next hitler was called out for sexually assaulting someone.
No evidence, but he gets burned. how do you help him to create the 4th reich?

By jailing his accusers because they're obviously Jews coordinating a hit piece.

then dont believe shills until proof is provided.

in this case, im just disappointed that crews didnt outright punched a whole in the dude, i thought he was a man, didnt need this whining ass shit.

Fuck off Jew. You're mad that it's another Jew that got accused. Dude why do you guys shill so hard, the truth will ALWAYS win in the end.

First slavery now this
Fucking Jews

kek whatever you say "white man"

Slavery never ended they just removed the shackles and turned them into ghettos

I don't understand why liking Terry Crews is bad...

Because that person is Jewish.

Thats what always happens when someone names the jew.
They'll just pay a kid to say they got raped. Then blast that on the MSM.
Then after 2 years, they lost everything, they get shot or poisoned and then they will just say they died of a heartattack or drug overdose.

Does this mean Jews hate... black people?

Jews owned the slave ships and started the Civil War fella.

The fact that a Hollyjew Exec had the fucking balls to do this to Terry Fucking Crews of all men, in FRONT OF HIS WIFE, in PUBLIC.. and not be beaten to goddamn death is a perfect testament to just how brazen these cunts are and how powerful and fear-inspiring they can be.

Look at the size discrepancy. Look at the age difference. Crews could beat this man to death with his bare hands with minimal effort.. and this guy had zero fear of doing this shit to him in front of his wife.

The fuck does that say about these people?

Yup. And anyone that crosses them gets made to be crazy.



Katt Williams

Dave Chapelle.


Did you know that in the music industry there's a Jew that goes by the name of Lyor Cohen, he invented the 360 deal, he is the MAIN REASON right now that hip hop promotes so much degeneracy and mumble rap.



Start at 3:50

Nah he's black. Theres a difference between blacks and niggers.

It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:

Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:

The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:

White Genocide is real - In their own words

Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

The Jewish role in the porn industry:

Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)

The Holocaust:



looks like terry cruz is a russian agent nazi now

>the next hitler
Why do liberals speak of Hitler like he regenerates every hundred years in a new host?

I could have sworn this guy was dead

every man alive has sexually harassed a woman
i mean its 2017 for fucks sake
but seriously Sup Forums cheers this shit
but in reality it is further ruining women, they love this attention and women around the world are going to change more, for the worse

Under Mother Fucking Rated

Such a good movie.

The jews nigger pets are turning on them!

I cannot wait when all the goyim wake up and sing in a chorus that drives the Jews out of this world for eternity. This will be the last time. The internet will be their doom. Instant information worldwide means the Jews will never be able to pull their shit again.

based blackman am I right fellow pede?

No, you're just Jewish and always want to sew divisiveness into everything. Why do you Jews never learn?

what are you even saying retard.


Young white men growing up today will be too afraid to make the normal moves on girls. Nigs won't care and be just as aggressive as they have always been. White woman will miss the attention so much they will turn to even more coal burning. This was all planned.

larry's alright for a jew

It's the lesser of two evils.

Hollywood has been a boon to the regressive lefty movement, and now their true face is being revealed and the two sides are eating one another.

The destruction of Hollywood means less influence for shitty leftist propaganda purported by shill celebs.

ironically blacks seem to be pretty "woke" on jews. they see them, they take the gibs, who wouldn't? but they dont trust them for shit. like on a level whites cant get away with.

Venit in Latin means "it came"
just sayin...

Him and Seinfeld

The only issue is they consider Jews white when in fact jews are not white.

I am the least kike person you will ever meet and considering america's demographics you are statistically far more likely to be jewish than I am
I just dont want to side with fucking niggers "le there is a difference between blacks and niggers XXD" "blacks are actually based as fuck, they dont like jews"
reddit tier fucking grbage

The very fact you're saying shit like that and instantly resort to those talking points indicates to me more than anything else you say that you are in fact a Jew.

true. they know jews in deed but not by sight, unless theyre one of those hasidic fags.

Latin Translation
3rd person Present Active Indicative Singular

He/She/It Comes

>someone's random Geocities website breaking this important news
You guys really do believe everything you read on the internet, lol.

How about for once in your pathetic life you stop being subversive and you accept the fact the Jews are behind a lot of shit that you don't wanna acknowledge. If Jews have such a high IQ how come they have to try so hard to hide the truth?

People r too dumb, friend.

Is Terry Crews an honorary Aryan?

Jesus I love Terry.

He's a great guy, I'd say so.

He was in the most redpilled movie in 20 years

>oh no, I got outed as an r-thedonald cancerous faggot
>I know, I'll just call him a jew

considering america has the 2nd highest kike population in the world I wouldnt really call others jews if I was you m8

Terry is a black man, not a nigger.

>bug spray
>tests on animals

fuck me, no way


We know you Jews hate unity. It's okay. You guys can talk about all your jewish problems in hell after the shoah.

>Purina tests on animals

Well I certainly hope they do.

Because he does


just kalk my yuga up fa m

Purina tests on animals? Never would have guessed...

Terry Crews is a bit down the list of solid black men from Thomas Sowell, Frederick Douglas, Larry Elder, Sheriff Clarke (forget his first name), and a few others.

Graduated from niggerdom these men have. Too bad such happy stories are so few and far between.


>bug spray
>not testing on kikes

He is a man of black and African complexion. Not a nigger. Dude is based as fuck.

would have beer with and talk about jews / 10

it's a bell curve, there will always be exceptions and Crews is in the top percentile. He's also probably one of the most decent, authentic and kindest lads in Hollywood. At like 50 years old he learned how to build a gaming PC while having no interest in video games to bond with his son because his dad never did with him when he was younger, and now he games with his son. Not to mention he's just such a genuine nice guy.

meant for

All this allegation worldwide at same momemt seems alittle stupid , that fucking hashtag metoo has ruined any credability for women allegations.. Feel sad for real victims who will be looked as idiot after all this allegations will prove nothing

The whole point of #metoo was to distract fomr the Jews. Too bad it wont work. The shoah is coming.

He does and yet despite him always playing a huge black thug in all his shows he seems to be the complete opposite in person.

A real nigga would've knocked that guy out.

>President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho
based t-crew