This is Kon's best work, right?
This is Kon's best work, right?
I didnt really like it too much. It's good, but I certainly like "Millenium Actress" and "The Dream Machine" better.
As long as you don't think it's Paprika (i.e. his worst work).
Paprika has good music thou
That is true, and Paprika is a QT, but it can't save the movie.
Absolutely, true cinema glory in animated form.
I thought paprika was really good.
What do you think failed?
I plan on getting them both eventually but what should I get next between Opus and Seraphim Wings? I've got Dream Fossil and Tropic of the Sea on my shelf.
Millenium Actress is.
Not him but it was too convoluted and confusing as fuck. On top of that there wasn't really any time to ponder and think about what was going on because of how quickly the movie was progressing. Fantastic visuals and soundtrack though.
Not him but plot went all over the place and the villains were literally who
but that's not Tokyo Godfathers
>straightforward "mystery" plot not with no emotional impact
>majority of its time spent on said straightforward plot
>the only interesting character is awkwardly forced into the narrative, and has no relevance by the end
>Saturday morning cartoon villain
>main character has no depth
>features the most unlikable character of all time
I was extremely disappointing with it after going through Kon's other stuff. I can't see how it's anywhere close to being on the same level.
It sure does look nice, though.
>straightforward "mystery" plot not with no emotional impact
plot with*
Loved Paprika too, but I see why and on what people complain, while it have fantastic visual and soundtrack, and amazing pacing, this movie may only appeal to people interested in sheer cinemtography as it doesn't offer that much more, with an incredibly convoluted plot.
black swan > perfect blue
That is my favorite, but that's too different to compare, it's a comfy movie. Reminds me of the suicide pack trio from Paranoia Agent.
I think so but Tokyo Godfathers and Millenium Actress are really close.
fuck you, I thought The Dream Machine was released for a second there...
Black Swan is better.
Tough pick; I'd say that or Millennium Actress if you prefer virtuosic editing or Tokyo Godfathers for its character acting and animation. I don't really like Kon though.
It's never getting released.
Kon was really ahead of his time.
I remember getting this on vhs along with ninja scroll just for the nudity when i was a kid