Why are protagonists such shit at choosing best girl?
Why are protagonists such shit at choosing best girl?
So the author can keep a romance subplot/ plot going for longer.
This is not hard to understand
Just watch less shit shows
Emilia is the best tho. In before remcucks bawwwwwwwwwwwww
Why are remfags so irritating?
Yellowmen have shit taste.
Because they can't learn like fonfon did
coz they need to struggle, otherwise the story would end and I'd have to go back to my classes.
Target audience shall now that best girl is not engaged
>itt secondaries unaware that Rem uncucked herself in the source material or sour grapes pretending they liked Emilia as a LI
Hmm, if the MC always chose best girl we would essentially be doomed to cuckdom every time
Rem won though, doesn't everyone and their mother know this by now?
She didn't win Subaru just so happens to really love her right now
>rem won
sauce nigga
Depends on your definition of "winning" though
But as it stands right now Subaru and Rem have mutual feelings for each other. I consider that her winning, what happens afterwards is another story.
>asking to be spoonfed
Lemonwater, Chicken TL, and the guy who shells out translations in Re:Zero threads says hi.
Look up the scene where she feigns her death.
Because the best girl needs to remain pure so that fat otakus will buy her merchandise.
>Clearly best girl, but won't win
I wonder about that myself all the time.
Pic unrelated?
i just barely started watching the anime a few days ago, im at ep 11.
how much of the novels are animated? Some random re zero wiki says episode 25 covers up to half of volume 9 and theres 10 volumes from what i understand.
It covers up arc 3, with some cut scenes somewhat butchered plot and watered down characters but arc 3. The WN is at arc 6+ with each arc increasing in size. Last arc is arc 11.
>wn is 6+
>last arc 11
not all of them
Author planned the last arc to be arc 11. He has the entire plotline and developments written out before writing the series. As well as major events and subplots. The only things that hasn't been planned out was the AUs, or most of the AUs at least.
Arc 6 ongoing is him just filling it up.
Arc 11 is going to be the epilouge of Re:Zero
so its gonna take 4 seasons for the whole shit to be animated some, what, 3 4 years from now?
I hate how long japanese media takes
SciADV protags are the best
>anime where MC falls in love with "perfect girl" instead the cute childhood friend or cuter side character.
Sometimes i think japs have this weird image that perfect female is long haired, cool-type that is strong in many ways.
She did win. She won the clowncock.
>better design
>better person
>better for Subaru
>is unique, as opposed to having someone else look exactly like her with superior hair and eyes, making her a half-rate strumpet
>isn't a cuckold
Remcucks will never not be on blast
I didn't but thanks for spoiling me faggot
>implying Re:Zero will ever get a season 2
Better now than never
>m-muh translationfag superiority
Fuck off to your cancerous generals.
Longer than that. Arc 4 is longer than 1-3 together.
Stay mad
Only shit ones are.
Its not like we're gonna get a season 2 anytime soon. You'll probably forget that I told you after 3 years.
He's taking a lot out of arc 4.
Just some scenes of redundancy or loops being merged together but he is keeping most of arc 4 intact.
>Why are protagonists such shit at choosing best girl?
So your waifu remains pure.
Are you stupid?
MC always goes for the slut so YOU can have the best girl.
are there any series where protagonist doesn't pick the worst girl?
>is old enough to be your grandmother
>you only feel attraction to her because you actually want to murder her
You shoiuld put trigger warning for Tenrifags
That's the best kind of love.
I don't know user
Wait, so Rem isn't a slut? Pretty sure she was turbo slut.
Not a slut if you're set on one man user