Stone cold.
Hibike! Euphonium
Other urls found in this thread:
ep 7 Station Concert
Storyboards/Director: Haruka Fujita
Animation Director: Kouhei Okamura
ep 8 Falling Ill
Storyboards/Director: Noriyuki Kitanohara
Animation Director: Yuki Kakuda
ep 9 Sound! Euphonium
Storyboards/Director: Taichi Ishidate
Animation Director: Nobuaki Maruki
This season is not as good as.the first. I guess the kyoani curse for s2s is still active
Why pv kumiko look like lewd
Taki is going to save that towel and masturbate to/into it.
Yandere Reina when?
I never knew I wanted this.
I wish Reina could see this. If she is jealous of girls talking to him in the hallway what does she think of Kumiko always running into him after school?
You're right, it's better. KyoAni's S2s win again.
>Kumiko seeing him late alone after school
>Kumiko with him in the flower shop and then in his car
Eventually they'll be alone in a bed room. Reina will lose it.
This episode was great. Top 3
i'm so sick of reina's character
at least there's kumiko, ribbons, asuka, and natsuki
Taki is a fucking sex god just look at him.
I want to fuck hashimoto
Mamiko quit college to be Taki's cocksleeve!
Try to move on, but Kumiko just keeps on drawing you back.
S2 4, 5, and 6 > S1 4, 5, and 6
>Reina dead eye
This unfunny joke needs to stop.
and s2's ep7 will be better than season 1's boring takemoto shit
it's not like the 1st season was that good either anyway
I'll marry this clarinet.
That smile.
Kitanohara's kinda a boring episode director isn't he?
who cares this nigga
Never seen more than the first 2 episodes of the show, so help me out;
Which one is for rape?
I don't really pay attention to him. I know his comedic timing is good and he's a good animator.
Guess I'll rewatch some of his episodes
Second from the left.
Perfect. That's the one I would have chosen anyway.
this is the coolest thing he directed
Why is he so perfect?
Dekomoron and Mori Summer kissed
those customers look so happy
They all look high as a kite.
I... I wrote a song for Shuichi and Kumiko.
Being in love is like being on drugs
Without the potential brain damage
Kisses are crack rocks you don't have to smoke
Witho no life ruining baggage
No life ruining baggage
And when they touch
Oh when they touch
She can feel it get her high, she can feel that dopamine rush
And when they kiss
Oh when they kiss
It satisfies his addiction
Without making him pass out in a pool of his piss
I hope they'll like it.
Can hibike get AOTY?
Girl on the right looks like she's gonna slit her wrists afterwards.
This show is fucking garbage.
They hate it
hetfag detected
FlipFlap is an anime for scholars and philosophers
10/10 kumikofeet, would nibble.
It's this year's Yuri Kuma Arashi.
And since Yuri Kuma was AOTY 2015, FlipFlap will be AOTY 2016.
Why is Reina so wet for Taki?
More like the Space Dandy of 2016
Kill yourself. Even hibike is better than this shit.
>Flop Floppers.
Why do you keep trying to push this nonsensical meme?
Also Flip Flappers is AOTY.
>this bitch is ruining my fun
>tfw you will never have a friend like nozomi
Midori something something daisuki nationals!
10/10 kumikobutt, would rub penis against.
I wanna marry that cute autistic waifu named Mizore
>Taki-sensei really wants to get gold at nationals
Hmm yes well about that
We need more scenes of Ribbons getting bullied.
>meowing to a completely empty table
If she didn't die first from a drug-induced heart attack.
>Midori of all people suddenly coming to school early just to explain about Italian white flowers to Kumiko
Why is Kumiko so ugly?
This was cute as fuck
Every time I see a shot like this, my heart skips a beat.
God, why is she so pretty?
10/10 Trumpwaifu, would build wall around
Your face is ugly, like your life.
How would a date with this autistic girl be like?
You sad, sad little user.
Natsuki is God's gift to humanity
Her warm smile tugs my heartstrings
What if Taki proceed to molested Kumiko?
Since she doesn't do shopping and all that stupid shit that girls do, we can go straight to the hard and intense fucking all night long.
Stop giving me a new fetish fucking hell
Reina would murder him for molesting her gf.
I've never watched this piece of shit because of how absurdly bland it looks. But this prof seems interesting, is he the "bad" guy here?
Who is the best autist?
Reina or Mizore?
The one that's not a thirsty slut.
Hang yourself.
Reina is best girl.
If Midori's helping out Shuichi pick a birthday present for Kumiko then they might as well add Hazuki so she won't seem useless.
He is the teacher trying to fuck a student, so yes.
The stakes aren't high enough.
I wanna have an autistic date with Mizore
both are.
There is literally no way she is finishing that all by herself.
Is that.. Shinka with a ponytail?
Haha yurifags are so mean to Shu
Why are Kumiko's parents so dull and boring?
At one point in a parent's life, they become dull and boring. Honestly, the best years of being a parent are when your kids are still children in elementary. After that, it's downhill because your kids reach the rebellion stage, they start to hate you, and by that point you're on your mid life crisis, etc.
life for japanese people is basically over after high school, anime taught me this
Yuricuck detected.
Worst taste on Sup Forums right now.
>deluded headcanon
More like kill her for doing lewd stuff with her husbando.
His and Taki sensei's existence makes their butt ache with intense pain.
I commend them for it.