His ex-girlfriend is going to fuck everything up for our boy Georgi on the free program, isn't she?
He doesn't deserve this.
His ex-girlfriend is going to fuck everything up for our boy Georgi on the free program, isn't she?
He doesn't deserve this.
Anya did nothing wrong.
Doesn't matter, he fucked himself overall in the last thread.
Poor Georgiboi.
this is not even subtext anymore
Minako x Swiss when?
She's pretty fucking hot.
straighties and biscum pls go
You first, fujofaggot.
im staying here like it or not, bitch.
A real hero. A real human being.
He's going to fail hard next episode, isn't he, I feel so bad for him already. Liked him alot more than expected.
Yep, he's fucked.
You could see his ex starting to change her mind during his performance, and then she'll come back on to him via lewd pics.
Nah, her ex will feel sick and won't be able to compete in her competition and he'll feel guilty because his curse worked. And that'll fuck up his free skate.
Coach Pop?
Hetfags can leave, biscum can stay
Have the inbetweens always looked as shit?
I only looked into the first and then the current episode after the recent memes and put off starting the series properly so far.
Not THAT was completely unnecessary. not even talking about asstouching
all the budget goes to the ass
I heard that western (cr) version looks like shit compared to actual tv release for some reason.
Did those full songs drop yet?
I kind of like the way he looks in normal clothes.
Haven't seen this episode yet, what happened? Spoil it.
>swiss cums
that's pretty much it
So the theme is bitches and whores will cheat on you, be gay.
For some reason his official art looks like garbage compared to how he was depicted in the anime.
>Fairy and Mila's faces during his performance
I couldn't stop fucking laughing.
The girls in this show are really cute. Too bad she's trash. Fairy is the prettiest of them all anyway.
What in between frames?
Thanks babe. I don't go for brunettes but Georgi ex is hot. None of the girls on the show have any of that raw sex appeal of the guys, though. I feel like someone linked a quote saying Victor was a "natural born sex bomb", and now I'm just imagining him popping out as a baby with a wink and a "Hi~"
>subs say 27
One job.
jesus, how could they fuck that up
Pi... Pinocchio on Ice??
Probably a typo but still.
I want to know if Yuri and Victor shares a bed at the hotel.
Which one of you faggots will buy me this?
No webm of Victor slurping the fishie yet?
That picture is as canon as it gets.
they did it twice
>3k new followers after episode 6, now sitting at 140k, surpassing both Eupho and Stray Dogs.
150k soon enough. They really know what they're doing. Can't wait to see how they will top this week's homo in the next episode.
CR confirmed for doing a Witch hunt. Poor Geo, as if he didn't suffer enough already.
>doing that to best boy
CR is evil.
>Yuuri's birthday will be the day before episode 9
This is never good.
That's some subtle merch,
Still ugly tho
This episode's animation for all the skate scenes except for yuri's were mediocre at best
I almost vomited at this scene honestly he isn't even that hot
Does Yuri have a motivation outside of wanting Victor to fuck him and really wanting the world to know how much he wants Victor to fuck him? I have no idea of his character or if he even likes ice-skating outside of thirsting after a guy who looks and acts like his weird uncle. He's the love interest in a harem series who exists solely to yearn for the protagonist, except he is the protagonist, and his love interest is the magical girlfriend who appeared out of the sky one day.
>65位/*61位 (**1,952 pt) [*,*18予約] 16/12/30 ユーリ!!! on ICE 1(スペシャルイベント優先販売申込券付き) [Blu-ray]
Each week, it gets gayer and the sales go higher
Yurio is best girl(male)
It's not like the Larry Butz to the right of her is anything to sneeze at.
You'll understand if you stopped falling asleep or skipping every time he monologues.
Thank you!
I want Georgi to win and Yuuri to be disqualified and lose his shit.
Summary of EP7 has came out on the Japanese site.
Already? That was fast.
Not gonna happen and you know it.
Post and translate please.
I want to believe this happened during their Chinese dinner.
I know but I can dream.
>wanting threads to be shitposted
I'll warn you now, wait for next week.
Let's face it, it was exactly what that looked like
Strong delusions are bad for your health.
Why is Shinji being assaulted by Victor?
Phichit pls, you can't make a sex tape out of this.
>Can Yuuri's glass heart take Victor's harsh training?
Trouble in paradise, kek..
"Katsuyoshi Yoshi who felt unprecedented pressure by starting the Chinese competition SP leader. Glass heart can endure Victor's rough treatment ...! Is it?"
You tried, google. Also,
>Victor's rough treatment
>single straight skater in the show
>is a cuck
Don't take that translation seriously, I just adlibbed from Google translate. I'm guessing "harsh treatment" means Victor is going to be stricter since the competition is heating up. I don't think its going to be a personal arguement.
BOKU NO NAMAE WA Katsuyoshi Yoshi
There's the other half straight who's a Playboy, I guess?
Rip my sides. They're in a better place
Italy is also straight.
JJ is a manwhore and is probably straight.
That's his sister, moron.
Doesn't count, he's a hard virgin
>they haven't read Italy's profile
Remember that graph about how the show is getting exponentially gayer, I didn't believe it but I'm starting to think it's true.
And he wants to fuck her.
He's saving himself for his marriage to his sister.
>Yuuri = Yoshi
>weeks ago I suggested Yuuri would choose Yoshi if he played Mario Kart
I think I'm pissed off with the preview because it gave us basically no information to speculate on. It was just
>the characters who competed in part 1 will also compete in part 2!
No shit, Sherlock. What are we supposed to do with this? Two frames of the MC and "next episode there'll be an episode! stay tuned"
At least we have Georgi and Victor's underwear to tide us over. Oh, and Yuuri's glass heart. Is it still so fragile even now?
Is Victor finally going to reveal his true abusive self?
You know he'll be into it. He'll fight back, too. Kitty's got claws
>Possible bislut
>Incestuous hard virgin
>"Lily" is a bitter old crone that got divorced
The only happy straight couple we've seen gave birth to the skater formerly known as Pork Cutlet Fatale.
>the skater formerly known as Pork Cutlet Fatale
this thread is on fire
>forgetting the childhood friend who has triplets
>commanding Yuuri to keep his arms behind his back while he spanks that glorious ass for misbehaving and then stepping on his painfully erect dick skillfully enough to arouse it further but not strong enough for him to find release
I hope so.
Well at first it was slowly climbing up but these last three episodes have gone further than a I thought. I want to believe there is no way it could be any gayer but who knows.
Yuuko and Nishigori are partially responsible for Pork Cutlet Fatale, so I counted them with his parents.
I mean it's hot, but I'm really struggling to work out the positions here
It could be gayer if Victor and Yuuri kissed on screen
>can yuuri's ass take victor's harsh training
Just wait for when they sleep in the same bed. It's definitely coming.