>you will never be La Pucelle
Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku
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Why do you Sup Forums crossboarders feel the need to force Trump into literally everything?
I can´t wait for see CM temper tantrum
Peaceful days side volume
A Lone Knight's Battles (La Pucelle, Snow White)
Top Speed's Top Speed (Top Speed, Ripple, Magicaloid 44)
The Promise of a Magical Girl (La Pucelle, Snow White, Sister Nana, Weiss Winterprison)
The Angels' Fan Club (Minael, Yunael)
The Path to Leadership (Ruler)
My True Prince (Sister Nana, Weiss Winterprison)
Magical Girl Raising Project: The Anime! (Fav)
Guns or Roses? (Calamity Mary, Cranberry)
Alice in Hardgore Land (Hardgore Alice, Nemurin)
>tfw no Cranberry and CM character song
Those tits don't exactly strike me as being number 1 material.
95 percent on the chapter, I hope we get it soon
>He watches mahou shoujo animes.
Wait for magical musical 3.
I'll hold my meeting with Nemurin a bit.
Are La Pucelle's Pucelles the missing #2 spot in the top 5 biggest mahoiku boobies?
Souta will be back in his true form with his magical sword and show to mahou shoujo the REAL MAGIC.
I think I see the logic behind making boys turn into magical girls too
Fortunately La Pucelle has another appendage to get around this problem
>no love for swim swim
The wiki doesn't say so, but I can't be bothered to click through every girl's article to check. So, yeah, let's go with that.
That user keep forgetting those two.
I’m Tama! Nice to Meet You (Tama) Interview with Swim Swim (Swim Swim)
>Tama chapter
Get hype.
No love for Tama, you mean.
But no worries, that user's missing a couple stories; there's these two, as well.
I'm Tama! Nice to Meet You (Tama)
Interview with Swim Swim (Swim Swim)
Swim swim and Tama are underated.
Triples for tama
Swim is traitorous bitch and deserves to die
Tama pleases gushing grannies for doggie treats.
>Swim Swim
She is a shit shit who deserves only hell hell for all eternity.
No wonder she likes Ruler.
Swim swim is best girl.
Get some taste.
Chapter 11 is out guys.
Right next to Chapter 10
Holy shit. I mean, I hated Rain Pou, but that's really something she didn't deserve. To be tricked by Pukin into killing both Toko and Postarie is just awful. So excited for next chapter, disbelieving that Ripple's actually dead. No way she died to Postarie.
I think it's pretty easy to hate Swim2. She killed such a sympathetic character on very thin justification.
wtf I love pukin now
Swimswim follows her ideals and doesn't afraid of anybody. Swimswim 2020
Well Fuck, I kinda felt bad for Rain Pou there, but I definitely felt bad for Postarie, she was killed by her friend in cold blood and she had no idea why. Also I'm pretty sure Pythie's contact is Pfle trying to play both sidesSince the next chapter is called the Magical Girl in You, I'm predicting Wedin to go down saving everyone, something along those lines
I guess that answered the question of what are friends for, also Mana, 7753, Wedin, Mei, and Funny Trick, I'd be happy if they survived RIP Postarie, you didn't deserve that
Pythie's pretty cool; I like how sensible she is. Look forward to seeing more of her in Snow White Raising Project
How did Wedin and co. get Mana's phone number?
they called Kuru-Kuru Hime, and Mana had her phone
Postarie hurt Ripple-chan she deserved every single of it.
Good friend would have stopped the other from straying out of the right path, not helping them with their crimes.
That wasn't Mana's phone. That was Kuru-Kuru Hime's.
Yeah Pukin is a savage, he made her tear apart the body. And yeah, Pfle is defintely suspicious
its not like she could really do anything else, otherwise she thought her friend was gonna die, plus if she could have she would have sent the shuriken away, but thats not how her power works
Ah, that makes sense.
I knew there's be suffering, but I didn't think it'd be this bad...
The drama cd is going to be even more depressing.
yeah Pukin's death, assuming she dies/spoiler] is going to be really satisfying
Based Mei kills her
Because Trump forces himself into literally everything.
Nice, makes sense as she's the only magical girl that Pukin literally can't touch, that makes me think Wedin is gonna die even more though, since Mei and Wedin are close
I like Wedin, actually. She's cool.
yeah, Wedin is great, I hope she makes it, but the chapter is called The Magical Girl in You, and considering what Mana said about Wedin being a real magical girl and that she has to believe in the real Magical Girl in her, I have low hopes for her survival unfortunately
Slowly growing to love Wedin throughout the second half of Limited.
Now I understand why she's on the cover.
Who do you think the one giving Pythie a hand?
My bet on Pfle
She could have been much more, I thought she was tricking Hana into making promise with her back when they first met but meh.
its definitely Pfle, especially the way she said that Pythie didn't have to worry about their plan failing because she ensured that Mana at the very least would remain inside for now, she didn't count on 7753 staying I think
can someone post the link to the LN translations?
Wedin is the Snow White of the arc, the most ideal version of a magical girl, so she doesn't want to fight or trick people if she doesn't 100 percent have to
>Next Up: Magical Daisy Season Finale!
Daisyyy Beaaaaaam!
Here you go user
La Pucelle still has not been resurrected?
I hope its literally just an episode of the show, I feel like Daisy would have had the easiest time in Cranberry's game with her power, then again you never know
Man, from what Keek says about Daisy, she might not have even been a part of it, and was just a personal vendetta on Keek's part. Especially since Keek apparently shows up in that sidestory.
It's baffling how Pfle literally knows every single Magical Girls' movement in the city.
She even knows that Pythie and Pukin already parted way.
I think Toko was sending info back to Pfle as well.
that brings up another point though Who hired Rain Pou and Toko to assassinate these people
Ruler still has not been resurrected?
And who was Tot Pop's informant in the Land of Magic who assigned her this mission to catch the assassin? Lot of intrigue going on, and I suspect it won't all get answered this volume.
Yeah, and I heard the next volumes are land of magic centric, so it should be interesting
It's retarded how Pythie and Pukin's original mission was to rescue the assassin from the barrier but they are killing each other now.
It's like do they have no coordination at all?
Well they thought originally that the assassin was SW or someone sympathetic to their cause, at least for Pythie,which she ended up not being. Pukin was just batshit and she's even more unhinged now.
Well, duh, Pukin was always a loose cannon; Pythie thought she could control her, but fucked up.
And I'm not even sure if their mission was to rescue the assassin.
Tot Pop being able to save Pythie was made possible from the backing of a top official in LOM.
I think it's a given to think that she was rescued in exchange to save the assassin, if not where would Pythie even get the info about what's happening in N-city?
But now the plan has gone awry she only thinks of getting her ass out the barrier I guess.
Ah, nevermind, they were supposed to help her. So it probably was that catgirl on the phone.
Yeah Pythie is about self preservation and living to fight a another day
And sniffing the luscious locks of magical girls.
>Well they thought originally that the assassin was SW
Why they thought that?
Are they retarded?
It was only a quick thought about them wondering if she finally snapped, but the main reason was Tot Pop's benefactor l believe, and Pythie thought that she could use the assassin to further her goals, regardless of who it was
It says a lot about just how dead inside Snow White probably was after Arc 1.
"A Magical Girl Assassin, hm? Could it be Snow White? Has she gone off the deep end? No, not the last time Pythie saw her."
She really is famous isn't she?
Makes me wonder how many groups want her.
Funny Tricks' biggest achievement was stealing Pythie's sphere ball.
RIP Funny Trick
In just two years, she's become one of the best agents taking out criminal magical girls.
To be fair, that fucked over the villains big time, as Pukin points out.
Post more husky girl (male)
So, does he have a dick like that or not?
>You will never be a boi with cowtits and hard sword.
He have a hard erect sword and long tail.
She will never save you again.
If anyone can talk with the Translator, can you ask them if he can make a single .doc with all the chapters in it when he finished a novel/arc?
Even better if he makes it an epub
How does he wear the skirt with that tail??
it really sucks when someone survives a battle royale only to die in a next one
That was fucking brutal and I'm sad Postarie had to go in that way.
The worst part is how she died believing she killed a person.
She's pretty much the best one of the students side if you ask me, it helps how she's actually thinking like a Mahou Shoujo.
I think that's the point user.
Yeah the way she went was brutal, it even said her eyes were scared and confused
Being Rain Pou is suffering indeed.
Being Postarie is suffering too, and Hana
>how she died believing she killed a person
Well she killed Ripple, right?
>Be a lonely girl
>You made your family worried because you're like that
>Literally spend days without talking to another person but it's okay
>Make a friend who likes the same stuff as you
>Become Magical Girls together even though you don't want to
>Your friend is actually an assassin and everything is her and her faggot fairy's fault
>Kill (?) another girl to save your friend
>Get killed by your friend while she's smiling satisfied
I don't believe she would just die like that, then again, Mao Pam died just like that.