Whatchu thingken about user?

Whatchu thingken about user?

Misandry and how much I hate women.


How role-playing threads are not good for this board.

My grandpa who died this morning.

people who don't check the catalog

If its ok to like anime or not

It's not.

Claiming the holy land.

atleast you got trips

How feminism is destroying western society.

the color of your panties, hon

How I just masturbated thinking I was alone while actually my sister was in the room next to me.

Was it your imouto or onee-chan?

No you didn't

Would you exchange your grandpa for quints?

if you weren't in the same room that means you actually were alone shithead

imouto but she's already quite old

Be a good brother and share the experience with her next time

Don't forget to scream and bang against her wall while masturbating or she'll think you're trying to hide your affections from her.

What I would see if I lifted up your skirt.

Also scream her name as you nut

What about doing a handstand?

That must be done over her face while she sleeps. Be sure to nut on her to claim her as your rightful property.

its refreshing to see a takagi thread devolve into incest nonsense instead of NTR nonsense

So you hate everyone?

>tfw you will never NTR your imouto

Hugging you and Kissing your cheek

Raping the fivehead.

that makes you a misogynist

no but i might consider it with a sick pair of dubs

> You will never bring a girl home and throw her on your sister's bed and ravage her tenderly when your sister suddenly walks in and watches you stain her bedsheets

It truly is the worst feeling.

That's actually a decent fetish

> Combining every degenerate fetish into one
It's vanilla, user! He got so twisted and deluded and filled with madness that he found his way back to ordinary vanilla sex!

Grendel and other creeps

boning your forehead, tease girl.