>Raditz still hasn't appeared in DragonBall Super
>He probably never will
>We will never see the brothers reunion
>We will never see the brothers fusion
>We will never see Raditz revenge against Vageta
Raditz still hasn't appeared in DragonBall Super
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who fucking cares
He's only in hell
He should be revived with the Dragon Balls and taught how to be a better person so he could be the uncle, brother, in-law and grand-uncle the Son family deserves.
They don't need him. It's that simple. If the Son family wants people to fill the uncle position, they have Picollo, Krillin and Vegeta. Raditz has nothing to offer, and never did. Now fuck off.
>tfw we will never get SoL redemption adventures of Raditz
Is there a point anymore?
When will we see Dodoria's triumphant return?
Does he need to return? No? Then that's fine
The entire fucking series of Dragonball was about bad guys returning and becoming good
It's such a waste to introduce a brother to Goku and then just kill him off a few chapters later. There was so much potential to introduce Saiyan culture and values to the series and expand on the whole Saiyan thing at the time. Sure, they have Vegeta, but he's too much of a grumpy loner type to tell Goku much about their Saiyan history. Raditz would have fit that bill much better, especially as he's Goku's brother as well.
There was no point in introducing Raditz as the brother of Goku and then do nothing with it. It's all just shitty writing from Toriyama's part.
What's their to tell?
>We fight.
>And then we fight some more.
>And then the strongest decide how to do things.
>And then Frieza enslaves us because he's way stronger and I cry like a bitch in the end.
That's the entire Saiyan history.
What's with Sup Forums obsessing over Redditz as of late?
He was a weak cunt who died a weak cunt. I see no reason why he should come back.
Why would Raditz want revenge against Vegeta?
Also he's a coward, which is the worst sin in a punchmans manga.
Wasted potential. If he was just a one-shot bad guy, he shouldn't be Goku's brother. That's a little too important for it to be meaningless just after hearing about it.
Raditz could've just played Vegeta's role and have the same rivalry etc. with Goku. But instead Toriyama pretends this is important, then says
>Fuck it, writing Raditz would take too much work. Killing him off now.
Vegeta was a cunt to Raditz because he was a low class saiyan and weak
why the fuck should we give a shit about radshitz?
raditz + yamcha fusion will be the final villain of super
Raditz was just a prototype of Saiyans regarding DBZ. Vegeta & Nappa were the real deal. His arc was dumb and simple too. I bet if Tori didn't came up with this "hurr durr I'm your brother" bullshit, no one would miss this one-dimensional, boring character.
That's all the Saiyan history we know. It doesn't have to be all fighting, it's only the fighting bits that we've been told. It's not just history though. History is a part of culture, the part that explains how the culture developed. What are the Saiyan customs? How does Saiyan family life look? Do they even have families or do they just fuck and send their kids off? At least Vegeta seemed to have some sort of relationship with his father. Even if the Saiyan culture is very fighting-centric, there are still things you could explore, like how all the fighting has affected their standing among other civilizations - perhaps rival civilizations or civilizations that wanted to put a stop to the Saiyan warmongering.
There are plenty of things to tell.
>Cell will never return
>we will never have a Cell Madara copypasta
This guy shows up and defeats him.
i do
He was the first Super Saiyan 3
I do
Should bring back Nappa instead. He was way more interestng of a character.
>one dimensional
He's actually very complex, he has to fight his brother and decide what to choose between the written "code" of the Sayans and the unwritten code of brotherhood and love, he's torn between the two and decided to fight his brother succombing to the lust for power
That's what What-If scenarios are for.
i do
Bu what would he do? Be a Hollywood producer?
Did anyone else here like Radditz and wish he had more story and scenes?
I really like the earlier episodes where Goku has to fight other sayians I wish they expanded on this just even a little bit more.
eh, you got that one movie where he meets some more saiyans (Tree of Might)
thanks I will take what I can get.
This was actually the first shameless attempt to create an evil Goku
Well, some of it was shown on Bardock's movie.
vegeta was a cunt to everyone except freeza because he was scared of dieing
literally vegeta is a cunt
>tfw Goku will never get to meet his parents
Then again, it's probably for the best. The only family member he cared enough about to get emotional with was grandpa Gohan
What would SSJ3 Raditz look like. When Goku transforms, his hair goes from short all the way down to his knees. Raditz's hair is already down to his knees, so SSJ3 would probably bring his hair all the down to the floor.
Xenoverse 2
During his fight with Vegeta he says he has to apologize for crushing him as a giant monkey, we have never seen or heard of anything about Grandpa Gohan since.
Hes more forgotten then Saiyan tails.
i do
Guy who's as strong as a Saibaman says what?
Radditz is an evil monster OP.
>we'll never have best DBS movie plot
This threat remind me of that one side story in one of the games, Budokai Tenkaichi 2 maybe, where he joined up with Goku instead of Big Green. Was weird.
By torn you mean he already made the decision.
That plot is almost good but the powerlevels are stupid.
Then again, that's just par for the course for DBS plots.
He gave goku several chances to join him and repeatedly went easy on him. He could have killed goku and piccolo in moments.
The problem isn't that he's an evil, irredeemable monster. It's because the story never let him be anything else but that.
We saw Radditz for what, 5-10 chapters, 5ish episodes? The main character's brother, and all Toriyama could think of was "throwaway villain"?
People want the likes of Radditz or Nappa to come back BECAUSE they got to be nothing more than "mwahaha I'm evil" Warriors. They could've been so much more interesting.
How about this; the person that wishes them back is Champa. He decides to "pay back" Beerus for giving him his Earthlings back by giving him his Saiyans. But since he's also an asshole he wishes the Saiyans to come back with a huge power boost to cause Beerus and his students trouble. Radditz and Nappa could be just handwaved as "well they're Saiyans too so just wish them back to the planet".
The thing is Radditz is decidedly the least evil of the saiyans we met by far, and is Goku's own brother. Goku is now best friends with a horrific mass murderer, but never thought to give a chance to his own kin, who was nothing compared to vegeta or nappa in terms of evil disposition.
Why does no one want Cui or Yamu back? It's always Raditz.
I wouldn't mind that actually. I'd absolutely love a rebirth of the saiyans, you know why it won't happen though?
They'd have to have tails and Tori/Toriyama/The entire fucking franchise outside DBH hates tails now.
Because Cui was a random soldier in Frieza's army who thought he was Vegeta's rival, and Yammu/Spopovitch were random humans Babidi controlled.
Radditz was Goku's brother. His literal flesh and blood family, reduced to a one shot villain who isn't even mentioned again after the Saiyan Saga.
>Saiyans are an entire of people
>Toriyama, master of creative writing, has us meet:
>Bardock, a clone of Goku
>Turles, a clone of Goku
>Black, a clone of Goku
>Raditz, Goku's brother, killed instantly
>Nappa, elite warrior, killed instantly
Like, are you fucking kidding me?
Good point. Maybe an exception for a movie since more effort goes into those. Like hell it would be a story arc in the anime, tails are so hard to draw wrapped around your waist like a belt!
*entire race, I mean
Three fucking clones of Goku. One of them isn't even canon, and none of them are the most obviously interesting version, which would be an alternate universe Goku who didn't hit his head and stayed evil.
How did Toriyama fuck things up that badly?
>new plot point- the Saiyan on traditionalists start cutting off their tails to prevent their uncontrollable ape forms
>the whole film just turns into circumcision propaganda
Because after the Piccolo arc no one matters except Goku and Vegeta. All those characters you loved and grew up with in dragon ball? Fuck that, we have GOKU!
Except Gohan against cell, but after that, pointless.
Bardock isn't a clone of goku outside looks and he's a fucking great character in his special though subsequent shit like the super saiyan thing or the DBMinus is ruining him.
But Cui was Vegeta's longtime rival, and Yamu was the strongest earthling on the planet who didn't know the main cast. They both could be elaborated on.
Yamu wasn't even stronger than Mr. Satan and doesn't really have anything interesting going for him. Cui was just a generic alien there to get BTFO.
We don't need a second Vegeta always being butthurt about someone below/younger being stronger than them.
For a "warrior" race, they were pretty damn weak. Then again looking at the U6 Saiyans, that was probably because Frieza kept them in check for so long. But seriously, a fucking Saibaman could have taken out Raditz.
Raditz would have wiped out all of humanity if not for another saiyan stopping him. They're not weak, Frieza and his goons are just too strong.
Nappa was just a meme, first and for most
Turles was the original Black
Meh, based on how Mai and her soldiers seem to be able to at least annoy Black and Zamasu when they're off guard and not paying attention, I wouldn't be surprised if a modern IRL military with nuclear and chemical weapons would be able to kill Raditz. Raditz wasn't up to the level of just blowing up a whole planet yet to take the easy route.
Vegeta was fucking scum
>kills his own teammate/friend, that's like the #1 sin in shounen
>genocides a bunch of namekians and never shows remorse
>not wanting based crossover with Superman+Goku fusion
That's an interesting theory, since the U6 Saiyans didn't have Frieza's tyrannical ass forcing them to be his bitches their power was allowed to grow faster and further.
Headcanon accepted
He did give a chance to Raditz, and the piece of shit elbowed him to the ground and started stomping on his ribs while laughing about what a naive retard Goku was.
that's what brothers do tho
Aye bruv, just a couple lads 'avin a laugh.
Didn't Cabba know who Frost was? Maybe Frost used them behind the scenes.
Yeah, but Frost wasn't a tyrant like Frieza. Even forced evil "ehhh muh wars for profit" anime Frost wasn't outwardly evil as fuck. He wouldn't have been worried about the Saiyans because he wasn't doing anything to upset them that they knew about, just pulling strings behind the scenes to start conflicts and then "ending" them to look like a hero.
It's a way better way to rule than Frieza's way, honestly.
I don't think goku is strong enough to do the fusion dance with Superman.
Superman could just cool off in a dark dungeon for a couple weeks to get down to a Goku level
Use the catalog dumbass