Murenase! Shiiton Gakuen

Ch 15 dump



Yay aye!




this series is quality kek after so long, smol wulf is moe.



Sorry for the delay, really wanted to get it out yesterday for the celebrations but all that fuggin' salt mining mang.

Anyway actually do have work tomorrow after this two-day tear binge and it's late here, so enjoy the chapter I guess.

Also I'm guessing Aye-Aye's love for Jin's cock will be explained as the aye-aye's propensity to get close to humans with no fear.


Thanks as always.

And thanks for the dump OP.



Painfuls memories are coming back, for some reason.



I am the type o person that was glad that there was always a more hated/unimportant person that took most of the hits for me.

How is going the naked mole prez react to this? now Jin wants to make a interspecie and bisexual harem.

Clearly she had to make the ultimate sacrifice and offer herself to him to do all kinds of lewd so he wont go after anyone else.

Aye-aye is such a good guy. I hope he remain as Jin's friend.
Thank you.




This fucking guy.







Thanks for the dump.

Thanks for the dump. I hope Jin bring Kurumi with him to the meeting.

I really want a mini arc where the whole club thinks the animal hater Jin, is dating a animal, in reality, that animal is his childhood friend (pet), and is the only animal he finds cute.

>this boat's for humans only


Not good enough gag to last an entire chapter so that won't be likely to ever happen.

wow I was just kidding about the aye aye falling for Jin in the last thread...

Now if only I were this lucky in the lotto...

Another dog then? Just to make Lanka even more jealous.

>I'll pass


is Jin making a Lanka tier face there?

Thanks for the dump rapeman, withouth you and Jag, I wouldnt have my weekly dosis.

and actual dog this time, and even a smaller one.

Dog is too plain for this series. We need pseudo-penis hyena level of a pet suitable for him. A platypus is fine too.

Perry the platypus?

Would Perry the platypus be in actuality Penny the platypus (female), or really just Perry the platypus (male)?

>and actual dog this time
I don't think normal animal even exist in that world.
It would be female, wouldn't it? Jin can't date a male afterall.

>I wanted to be next to you.



But there is something amusing about him finding a male platypus as cute and female platypus as not.

Lanka : Jin :: Jin : Hitomi

(in the context of "I want to prpr ___")

>I don't think normal animal even exist in that world.

I didnt mean it that way, more in the sense of: Lanka (wolf) Pet girl (dog)

>implying our best boy, and future leader of the human race, should engage in bestiality.

Shame on you.

I suppose, his male platypus friend would probably feel very weird though.
Ah, I'd want that. A little beagle prpr-ing Jin and him not being hostile toward her.

Anyone have these two images on their own? I especially want the second one.

Wrong version. What even is maga.

Jesus how lewd.

>rapemans website

God bless you rapeman

>What even is maga.
Make America great again.

I don't even want to know how a female platypus would be anthropomorphized. What would it be that they retain, their duckbill, beaver tail, webbed feet, egg-laying, what?

I see, thanks.

Beaver tail, the webbed feet and porbably hands, the egge laying could be mentioned if she ever goes horny.

It would be exactly like a big breasted onee-san (or a flat-chested loli, i dont discriminate) human female, but with a cute fluffy platypus tail.

those things can sting you know, and IIRC, the thing they use or that is near the feets, also their poison doent seem to be mortal to humans, but cause a great pain that will make you wish you were

Wait, forget what i said in my previous post. Considering the bizarre body that it is, the male platypus looks like human females while the female platypus looks like any normal male animal. That would be a hell of a joke.

Isn't it only males that have the spur?

permanent duckface

wouldnt something like work better for animals with a big sexual deformims? like a peacock

>Male peacock
human looking, with a thing for fashion, makeup and clothes

>female peacock
Animal looking, a normal brown and small bird

I didnt remember, so I checked the wiki, and yes only male have them.

Thanks for the trump

Because no other animal has enough weird shit in their physiology to pull the opposite of the norm in this manga. At the very least, it would make Jin do a double take at his pet male platypus end up as a 10/10 human-looking female.

Have we ever see a reptile character that isnt a teacher? like a snake, turtle or lizard?

I'm pretty sure the school is mammal only.

2nd panel


she is so small, Jin could use her a cock sleeve.

Owners and their pets do start to resemble eachother.



Nah, she is more like his personal pushing bag.

How would T-rex-sensei grade the goat behind Jin?

I noticed the goat the first time, what I didnt notice is that it was eating the test.

He wouldn't be able to, it's the perfect plan.

If there's no test paper, there's no failing grade. Perfect plan!

I can imagine him pulling the same shit for his homework.
>Where's your homework, goat-kun?
>I ate it.

>I didnt make my homework
>where is your homework user-kun?
>Goat ate it.

Now that I think of it. Aye Aye's pair for life. Did we just get a fujobait end?

>Mammal only students
>Teachers are dinosaurs
>Principal is a crustacean


Well dinosaurs and crustacean have seniority so it make sense.

Who on Earth could hate Jin?

I thought the Noah's ark nightmare was a nice touch

The monkey?

Monkey didn't even hate Jin. She just got BTFO by Lanka.

the monogamic species

humanity then

>is not that cute

Aishima is cute for artistic reasons.
Aye-Ayes are not.

I suppose that's true.

>Replace *blush* with *gay?*

I love how Koala actually hates Jin in a passive way instead of being part of his pseudo-harem

It's not a pseudo-harem, is a pack.

Not dog, wolf! They're super cool!

>having shit eating dropbear in harem




Jin : Koala :: Sup Forums : Sup Forums.
They get along pretty well most of the time, but Koala still tsukommis Jin's dickishness, and Jin still tells Koala to go eat shit