Why does KyoAni adapting things nobody cares about? Why not just make things like FMP or Haruhi instead?
Why does KyoAni adapting things nobody cares about? Why not just make things like FMP or Haruhi instead?
I'd rather have Hibikes than garbage LNshit like FMP and Haruhi.
Kyoani doesn't own the rights to either of those, so even if they wanted to, they can't.
I would rather have a KyoAni FMP and Haruhi than boring LNs like Hibike and K-On!.
They're such trash and so irrelevant.
>Why not just make things like FMP or Haruhi instead?
But then they'll continue to adapt shit nobody cares about.
You obviously know nothing about the anime industry. Lurk moar until you do.
Haruhi could go on to season 3 or 4 if that slut did not get caught fucking the band members
I do care about the Hibikeks. Fuck off and kys.
You cared because Kyoani pick them up
>implying people still care about FMP and Haruhi
It's been a decade since they were relevant to anime consumers. FMP is finished and Haruhi is on permanent hiatus because Tanigawa is a hack
He's reverse trolling stupid shits, look at the filename. What asshole would have Hibike S2 Episode 6 if he doesn't like Hibike? Use your heads.
>if he doesn't like Hibike
He didn't say that, retard.
ive explained it a dozen times so lurk moar. but basically they would rather be at the top of the anime production food chain, as opposed to the bottom. so sacrifices are made.
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So in other words, Love Live kills the industry
The pinnacle of shit taste.
the pinnacle of great taste
Kyoani appears to have returned to adapting manga. We may reenter that around-2010 period where people desperately wanted Kyoani to adapt their favourite manga.
Yeah, it's quite a shame that they keep wasting all that nice animation on shitty source material.
They were never really big on adapting manga.
Hope that changes though.
FMP was trash though