Sup Forums...I miss Bleach. Not because I liked it, but because I miss being angry every week.
Sup Forums...I miss Bleach. Not because I liked it, but because I miss being angry every week
Orihime a shit.
yoruichi best girl.
I miss the threads.
It was shit, but new shounens are even worse.
if you miss being angry, do study ohs
Kazui a cute! CUTE!
I miss Kubo.
Ship IchiRuki, you'll stay angry for quite some time.
If you just try hard enough, you can be angry every week without needing an actual reason. I believe in you, user.
Don't you have Toriko for that
Ichika aged way too quickly for a Shinigami. Are we sure Rukia and Renji didn't fuck a century ago?
And Toshiro still looks the same after the timeskip. It doesn't make any sense.
Kubo is a hack.
I'm angry every single day anyway. Just try actually interacting with people
Take a piece of paper. No wait, maybe a really long scroll would be better.
Write down everything that was hyped but never delivered and every character whose status was never revealed.
Put it away and once a week take out and read it.
There you go, the anger is back.
From the start, aging never made any sense. It's anyhow Kubo wants.
Don't worry, there are new shonen series to feel disappointed in right now
Implying it wasn't goat unlike modern shonen
There's nothing quite like Bleach's pilot. Other pilots aren't quite the same. They all feel so generic
Best anime ever
Orihime best girl
I'm sorry you feel this way, user. I really am.
>liking the anime
Check the thread - No mention about Aizen's dick - leave the thread
This. Shit like Black Clover acrually make me remember Bleach and Naruto fondly.
It use to hurt so good. Kubo didn't even use lube
Go get stabbed again, Momo.
>Ichirukists will still be assblasted 10 years from now on
Best recent Bleach thread was the Aizen dick thread.
Did I miss it or is 'recent' like 6 months ago?
Like a month ago.
Sup Forums was speculating on Aizen's dick. One user shut down all speculation accurately describing it as the most boring, average, forgettable, run of the mill dick ever.
you got a link?
ichiruki never happen
i did not ask for this
>Ichigo became a muggle
Just why.
He will die and go to SS anyway. Then he can live forever. But he can only be a muggle once. Who knows how reincarnation happens in Bleach universe, do you lose your memories or not, it's never addressed.
>Orihime best girl
Good taste user. Can't believe people actually thought she was going to lose the Ichibowl.
The last vol is already getting a reprint on nov 21.
Kubo spent the last 4 years making it clear that it wasn't a thing.
When will the anime get another season?
When Bleach stops being a disappointment
That's why the anine should come back, to make this shit better.
I just use the Genocyber OVA for rage fuel.
Badass design/concept. Low levels of badass and high levels of missed potential.
I've to admit. This one is really cute and funny.
Remember when Ichigo DIED.
As in, soul chain gets fucking cut?
Neither does Kubo.
Ichigo fucking DIED for Rukia.
I never enjoyed bleach, but I always wanted to see the next episode
The people who worked on it where huge IchiRukifags. There will be no more anime from them and Bleach isn't popular enough to generate a profit from them to jusify another anime just take your light novels like a good user.
Renruki wedding is right around the corner. We're already on the 10th of November.
Toriko is kill, user
But he didn't want to fuck her. MOVE ON.
When is the other novel being released?
Will include new art from Kubo, right?
So starved for my persecutor. A slave to my master.
Next year. We still don't know if its early or late 2017. Maybe the RR novel will give us more info on the release date.
>Will include new art from Kubo, right?
All the other novels have included drawings from him and I'm pretty sure he drew the covers for them too so I'm really hoping he does the same for the upcoming novels. I really wanna see bridal Rukia.
would this have been a good fight?
you are addict
Only because Kubo didnt set them up despite three possibly four arcs of development and interaction and still he FAILED to give his canon couple anything significant between the two.
But it's just more wasted potential in Bleach.
ichigo literally rose up from the dead for orihime but ok
>I can hear her... She's calling me...
>Get up
>I will protect her
But, debbie said that was the moment that destroyed IH. If debbie and the other BNFs tell me so, it must be true.
IR forever! I'll derail every thread with
Now what did Kubo do to push their relationship after that?
The man is a bad writer not because IR OTP, but because he decided to axe the relationship that developed naturally in hus writing and replace it with...nothing.
Mind you at this point in the ulqiorra fight ichigo has gone full retard and is continuing to fight for the sake of fighting with stupid rules like "cut off my arm" and "that's not how I want to win".
The entire HM arc, with rare exception, is fighting for the sake of fighting with little narrative context for WHY the fights are taking place or what is being gained by winning.
The complete antithesis to the SS arc.
>using debbiechan as the IR voicebox
Stop this. Dont give the psyche medded jew more credit than she deserves.
>You lived long enough to see the end of Naruto and Bleach
Its a tad bittersweet
I am still angry.
So no, I don't miss it at all. Good call kubo, this way we will remember your manga forever.
I know this is a meme, but yes, he's pretty cute
Yes, just think about it for a second, this ride went fo 15 years, thats older that this site, almost every week we had a couple bleach threads around, and now, it just feels empty, who the fuck knows how many anons died before seeing the ending, it's a little sad honestly
He's a mini Orihime. How could he NOT be cute?
What did you expect to happen user? Of course the threads were going to die little by little, the ride is officially over. Well it was until the two novels were announced.
He also would've given his life for Yuzu and Karin (why he accepted Rukia's power in the first place)
For Orihime (told hollow-Sora just that)
For Orihime again (when she was kidnapped)
Ichigo has a saving people thing, it is known.
It's too bad both his parents are weak bitches when it comes to murder. There could be worse pairings, but with lineage as broken as Ichigo and Orihime, it seems like Soul Society would want him training away from his busta parents as quickly as possible.
Was it Blut Vene because of the Hogyoku?
No, Aizen is just retarded.
Oh just go read tokyo ghoul like the rest of us
>Mind you at this point in the ulqiorra fight ichigo has gone full retard and is continuing to fight for the sake of fighting with stupid rules like "cut off my arm" and "that's not how I want to win".
Also there's that part when he got all mad because Ulquiorra said "I kidnapped Orihime" even though Rukia was fucking dying and he had just risked his life multiple times to save her. Kubo didn't give a fuck. IR is the superior ship anyway.
Toukafags are the new IR.
>Mind you at this point in the ulqiorra fight ichigo has gone full retard and is continuing to fight for the sake of fighting with stupid rules like "cut off my arm" and "that's not how I want to win".
He was fighting for Orihime. It wasn't only about her life. If you actually got the whole ''''symbolism'''', Ichigo and Ulquiorra were fighting over Orihime that way. He felt emasculated to have win this way. It truly hurt his pride she seemed devastated because of Ulquiorra's death too.
He fancied her and felt NTRed.
>Aizen is just retarded.
Take that back.
What is the new content in the Remix Volumes?
First and second volume come out today.
You need a god damn life or a real passion
Tons of people on this site are obsessed with "happenings" and group bashing on something weekly if not daily
I can call you a faggot once a week if you like, user.
Still mad.
Why did someone make a collage of Hanataro and Ichigo's faces side by side?
Fanfiction is my therapy.
I'm no doctor, but I'm pretty sure delusion is not the same as therapy.
It's over Sup Forums.
user please, delusion is psychologists' favorite therapy.
>The entire HM arc, with rare exception, is fighting for the sake of fighting with little narrative context for WHY the fights are taking place or what is being gained by winning
I still don't get why people whine so much about the final arc when the HM one was simply lots of putrid nothing.
tfw you thought that Bleach would keep running for all eternity and you ended up outliving it
So much platonic in one picture.
There are worse than her.
Black Clover isn't *that bad*. It's not a literary masterpiece, but it's good fun nonetheless. The pacing is superior to Two Pie- I mean Fairy Tail.
Imo if you want to create a battle-shonen like that, you need to not drag it out.
You can always find worse.
It's been quite a few months since I've visited a Bleach thread. Since it ended, in fact. You guys need to let go just like I did. It feels... Refreshing.
RenRuki LN next month.
You mean like what happened when he fought Kenpachi?
SS ichigo would spit on HM ichigo.
"Muh pride" fights were cautionary tales that ichigo explicitly deconstructed during the grand fisher fight when he asked why rukia didnt help out.
It was the ONE thing that kept bleach from purely being dbz with th swords.
Leave it to kubo to shit over his own series.
Dude. If it had been a sequel or even some kind of spin-off manga, as long as it was Tite "The Madman" Kubo who took the reigns of the ride I would have relapsed, no questions asked.
But LN? That's where I draw the line. The everly-so disappointing last chapter will suffice. I'm satiated.
Ichihimes will never aknowledge that kubo cant write hinself out of a paper bag for fear of admitting their ship was underdeveloped and forced last minute.
I'm looking forward to Byakuya's reaction in this.