>pol thinks they can fuck with Sup Forums
This is our website, go back to r/TheDonald sweeties.
>pol thinks they can fuck with Sup Forums
This is our website, go back to r/TheDonald sweeties.
No u, soyboy
Sup Forums is just /r9k/ with extra edge
My respect for the posters on this board has dropped dramatically over the years because of it.
>he hasn't outgrown anime
We founded this site and will not see YOU and YOUR ilk ruin it.
Get off of our board, or else.
>he still gives a shit about the 3D world
pol is running town these days sweetie.
i know its tragic but what can you do ?
they infested a nice place like fucking niggers.
add to that trump the meme man won and now normies are jooing and niggering up the place left and right. but dont worry. pol doesnt really have a real impact on thigs no matter how hard they stroke their tiny dicks to the contrary.
so Sup Forums wont get pruned because of some edgy 12 year old larpers rest assured.
>tfw ive spent the last month pretending to be a desperate virgin trying to find a qt virgin tradcon wife to see if the trolls would pick up on the tactic
>tfw they bought it hook, line and sinker
>implying anime isn't right wing media
Do whatever you want, ancientfag
omg ebin b8 m8 r8 8/8 praise kek XDDDD
You won't be laughing when it begins. The era of Sup Forums will come to a close if you do not quickly cease your attacks.
have you no noticed the strong up tick in /r9k/ posting the past few weeks? :^)
>I was merely pretending
its been good fun, you aught to try it sometime :^)
But plenty of us come from Sup Forums as well sweetie. We're one of you whether you like it or not
hurry and fuck us up
Yes, and I have noticed the majority of posters agreeing with them, autistic screeching about le roasties and praising sex dolls etc
And m00t is gone. Things change freindo. Now go change your diaper and take a nap. Good boys need 8 hours of sleep so they can shit post on their designated containment shit board
Sup Forums doesnt want reddit either
Its not. It's degenerate
those were all me too sweetheart :^)
You Sup Forums guys are faggots, even the conversations about anime are better on Sup Forums
I wish
Who the fuck is Sup Forums?
In the relevance of boards, we're Saitama, while you're Sakura. The ones that are making us look bad, are you. They call us basement dwelling mamas boys because of faggots like you. :'(
its true sweetie
>an*Mefag thinks he's shit here
Fuck off back to your containment board you literal fucking scum
I literally haven't visited Sup Forums in 3 years. How are things?
redditors are degenerate
>respecting nu/pol/ at all
All the respectable posters left during Sup Forums harbor. Can't find a genuine redpill if your life depends on it here now.
>Posts Anime picture
opinion discarded
Fight of the century.
Its not. It's degenerate
checked. plebbit fuck off.
>there are people who hate mudslime rapefugees for infiltrating the West and shitting on Western culture but then turn around to infiltrate the politics board of an anime imageboard and shit on anime culture
let's have a comfy right-wing anime thread to scare off the anime-hating cybermudslimes
Reminder if you don't like anime you are on the wrong website.
When will you realize that NO ONE on Sup Forums likes you Canadians? You spread your misinformation, stupid, 'BEST GIRL' BULLSHIT, and then expect us to like you. No, how about YOU fuck off, you pathetic, low-test beta male? Imagine being you, at your local high school. A normal girl walks up to a normal guy, and then they begin hugging and kissing. Enter you. You arrive on scene, with your disgusting cheeto-belly, your flabby, weak arms, and your nasally, high-pitched voice, crashing into the hallway from your special education classroom. You see the couple hugging and kissing and you scream, at the top of your lungs, "KAWAIIDESU! OHAYOOO! EHHH!?" You look at what you have done, and give yourself a pat on the back for fighting western civilisation. The other kids looks at you, in your pathetic glory, and burst out laughing. Fuck you and your otaku drivel so fucking much. And fuck Sup Forums. Stay there, you edgy underage. And no, I typed this up myself. It's not pasta, I (like many others on this site) dislike your kind.
m00tykins founded this site faggot, you didn't do shit.
He also dumped Sup Forums in the trash so he could try his shit drawing site, failed at that, then returned home to jewgle
what's left is a wasteland of shit dotted with campfires and little groups of washed up oldfags and late to the party faggotbook and plebbit guests, headed by a seemingly constantly drunk gook who has no idea how anything fucking works
kill yourself you fuckin weab, you didn't do shit to stop the downfall of this hellhole and in effect forfeited your previous status as a kino board.
>Sup Forums wasn't always shit
Nice try Roy Moore
>t. person posting on an anime imageboard
actually i dont believe you can stop anyone. NIGGER.
>all the nu-chan redditors come after the election
>preach about building white families
>stay here to long and beat their tiny meats to jap cartoons and lose interest
Nigga you are the insurgent. Not us. Were the Sup Forums that grew up. You're the faggots that got turned by the gamergate cunts that invaded from reddit. You're the faggots that stopped being otakus with 2dwaifus and started being pro-feminazi cucks. You are the faggots who when you do go out in public, you wear epic fail guy masks and make an ass out of yourselves. You're the cancer that almost killed the host. Not us.
>Were the Sup Forums that grew up
>Sup Forumstards growing up
I bet you actually believe that shit, fucking delusional amerimutt.
So many redpills in that show.
i agree with you to fucking bad we can't get all the anti-anime faggots banned
quit projecting
Oh shit! Is that Ghost Stories?!