How many of you are Russian plants?

I keep hearing about Russians and Russian bots manipulating our election process and making us distrust our trusted media outlets. How many of you are working for Russia? How many of you are paid shills working for Putin and his agents? How many of you have been corrupted by Russian money and are sowing distrust, division and turning us against our own democratic societies? Like Morgan Freeman said 'we are at war'.

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I am.


I wish, where can I apply for the payments of shitposting?

How many use meme flags to pretend they are someone they are not? Op for sure

still waiting for my roebels desu

I would be taking kremlincoins but those sorosshekels pay so much more

you can build an online persona and wait for donations and buy-outs, or offer one

Election results soon fellow stalker

Hello, Brother!

I am Ivan Shillchetski. I am Russia shill. I am the top in my class for Sup Forums shill information disinformation propaganda. You may ask me what you wish.