What does Sup Forums think of Sento?
What does Sup Forums think of Sento?
Biggest turd 2014.
99% of Sup Forums (myself included) want to mating press her.
The other 1% want to be her.
Made for NTR
I want to cum on her sentos.
Not as good as Mai.
I want to cum on her hair.
Best heroine Kyoani has done in the last 10~ years.
At least 20% want to watch another man (Jamal) fuck her.
Best girl.
Early Sento is annoying, fortunately she becomes less autistic as the show goes on and becomes a great character once she has had some character development. Nice body.
Stop thinking with your dick.
Bad anime and bad character.
And another 20% wants her to have dick and fuck them.
watched that and she was only part I looked forward to in the show, honestly hated everything else.
>almost all the porn of sento is consensual heterosexual sex
kimochi warui
I want to procreate and raise a child with her
The only other acceptable sex is rape, everything else is haram.
fat slut
I want take a bath with her.
Top tier bully material.
love her always
Who should I blow to have this finished?
Didn't she nearly fucked the MC in love hotel but got cockblocked by the cursed bitch?
Deserves to be in a better show.
She's hairy down there and you know it.
she's great
I think a 3.5mb picture is fucking insane
Not as good as Shinka or Mai.
You're right, it should be bigger
I literally want all of these, not at the same time.
Memeing aside, I liked her a lot, and her anime is unironically one of my favorite ones.
Is there any possibility of translations of the next novels in the near future???
I just finished the second novel and I need to know what happens next.
Kanye will bang her.
So each one of the next novels is about Kanye banging Isuzu??? I'm ok with that.
Semen elemental
Her element is pure love.
But I prefer Latifah-sama.
hopefully never