Are they yuri?

Are they yuri?

Do they look like an ice skater?

they're sexfriends

Childhood friends, romance will never happen even if some retards are del/u/sional.

I want to turn Izetta straight with the power of dick.

They're friends. The Yuri is nothing more than a meme. At no point has Izetta or Fine shown romantic interest in the other.

I sure as fuck hope not
You better be right, user. I don't want to drop a show I just started.

Who cares? The show is shit anyway.

yes the yuri is real

It's yuri, fuck off.

Every thread has someone who just started it and threatens to drop it if it is yuri, almost like that same person makes the same post each time.

They are /u/, fighting against /y/-Sup Forums.

Ohhhh now i finally understand the show! Thanks!

But user, what kind of person would do that? And why?

Sup Forums here to continue to discuss only the most important issues and plot points over and over

Gotta fight somebody


or you know, a lot of people just don't like yuri?

What a ridiculous suggestion.

>a lot of people just don't like yuri
And those people are faggots. Even if you're not into the whole "purest love" thing, you can least imagine yourself having a threesome with them.

But that's just silly.

Them participating in a threesome makes the yuri invalid, because they would be at least bi instead of full dyke.


/u/ syas yes
/y/ says nope
bussines as usual


Gayzer Otto, plz

There's no good reason to dislike yuri

>no tits

>huge titties

Are they yuri?

>dat overly defensive statement
>dat suspiciously specific denial of NOT watching gay male porn
user, you're doing a diservice yo teh "keep yuri in /u/" cause



drop it faggot

They're not even from the right series

Yuri, shouldn't you be hating panzers in the GuP threads? Izetta does herself all the "turning tanks into scrap" around here

Why would a girl fight an entire army for another girl unless she wanted to taste her snatch?


Elystadt War Propaganda Corps, pls

As expected of teh unholy aliance of // and Sup Forums

What if the yurifag is female?

Wanting to have a threesome with two lesbians breaks the yuri as much as having a waifu with a love interest breaks that character's relationship.

>using faggot implies I think they're gay
Fag is a generic insult around these parts. How new are you?

because she's a dog

>somebody was assblasted enough to make this

I remember how one yurifag got really angry at that picture, so the creator did a fine job. Now it's just copy-pasting it and getting the (You)s.

He sure was a tripfag. I just laugh.

How can someone get angry at that?

Because the truth hurts

There's always someone who actually takes some thing too serious and is way too much into it.

Everyone here on Sup Forums is trying to be the next Bart Simpson trying to trigger the next Homer Simpson.

Who are the other girls?

Anyone else get an Attack on Titan vibe from this show? I love how they mix medieval themes with fictional steampunk technology.

>fictional steampunk technology
What did he meme by this?

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic"

All the technology shown was real-world, even if some was just concepts, or modifications.

Out of curiosity, why is Sup Forums obsessed with black dick? You'd think that for a board that hates black people they wouldn't discuss it as much as they do.

>implying dogs aren't the biggest lesbos

For example the flying guns and the clunky smartphones with wires attached

homo !Nazi detected.

Bet the princess will cuck her.


>he never watched GuP

You don't belong here.

What is sex with Fine like?


If you're Izetta, fluffy tender and sweet.

>being this autistic

Those pathetic virgins who hate yuri shouldn't have human rights anyway
Purge them all for the sake of J/u/stice

What if you're Bianca?

Bianca is probably the only one who can manage to be manlier than Hime-sama.

It was consensual though.

Non-existent. Fuck off.

Only masturbation while fantasizing about it.

Wow, mean.

Remember yurifriends are mostly girls ~

How gay is this show actually? Is there some development between the two girls or just fanservice?

It's not that either.

Nah, you're the mean one.

Just watch it.