Is this thing worth watching? I can't get enough of siscon stuff; I go wild for it and its cute as fuck. Is it worth watching the full show or just the last arc if I only care about the siscon stuff?
Is this thing worth watching? I can't get enough of siscon stuff; I go wild for it and its cute as fuck...
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If you only care about the siscon stuff, should maybe just go for the last arc. The whole show is good, though.
actually to make any sense of the last arc you need to watch the previous arc as well.
I guess I'll watch the rest then, it's not too long anyway. Hopefully the build up only makes the later episodes better. Is the VN any good too?
>God tier soundtrack
>Decent animation
>A megane that isn't beyond redemption
>A 10/10 sister
Go for it
I've saved up so many images of Sora over the years but never watched the show. Time to actually watch it.
tfw no slender dfc sister
It's pretty fun, and features by far the most BTFO reaction to incest.
But Sora's arc doesn't start until episode 9 or so, so the entire time you're waiting for her to come into the limelight
>I can't get enough of siscon stuff
>cant decide if he should watch YnS or not
It's because only the last arc has sister stuff.
And what a glorious last arc it is
Does she really give him a blumpkin?
Full on throatfucking under the table
It's the only harem anime that I'd consider good.
Not even a harem, though. The only kind of competition is between Sora and Nao, and once Sora starts applying herself Nao is pretty quickly dropped
>Not even a harem, though.
That might be why I think it's good.
what expression is this trying to convey?
Rub a bruh cock, thanks for the grub
Dear diary,
It's not that I'm not interested in YnS. I just prefer source material so I'm slowpoke'ing hard. I'll let you know when I can share in your shit taste, siscon Sup Forums.
Anonymous Kirinofag
Sora is the 2nd best imouto ever
>accuses others of shit taste
Sora Rules, Kirino sucks, Sora also sucks but in a different sense, which Kirino didn't which is part of why she sucks.
This scene is by far one of the most provocative in all anime.
I will never, EVER get tired of posting this
Sup newfag. I was playing on the fact that everyone on Sup Forums has shit taste.
But what's the point when the source material is eroge?
A cute, broken imouto spending the rest of her life happy with the man she loves. That's the point, you massive cunt
Man. I'm still shocked by that.
How fappable is this show?
The uncensored version is slightly more explicit, but they never show the act, just bouncing tits. It's still pretty erotic
Now Im interested
Just in seeing how this one part plays out
Best moment in the series, aside from the very end on the train.
Funnily enough, both scenes share the single best song from a god tier soundtrack, Toui Sora He
It cuts to the end of the episode, but the very beginning of the next one has the girl in pigtails running away screaming, and the megane closing the door and apologizing. Guess which one of the two was MC's girlfriend
Sora herself is a sex machine.
... but that's true PLUS SEX SCENES in the source material. Please tell me you're ESL.
What the hell does the source material have to do with this? If anything, the fact that an eroge spawned a show should be enough to shut you up, but no, you keep harping on about it like it's a bad thing
>tfw did something like this with my cousin when we were young
>never got it in
fuck if only we lived together
did he like it?
I never said it was bad and I'm a YnS fan... if you're not ESL you're dumb as fuck
Fuckin nice
Rumor gets spread around n shit I presume?
Nah, it mostly stays amongst their group of friends from what we see. The series ends with the twins leaving anyway
Ah well. Thanks for explaining fampai
fuck you
Why are there so many slender, dfc sisters in siscon?
Because the titty-monster body type is meant for onee-chans. Slender dfcs are the imouto body type
imouto thread?
Looks it
What is it that makes imoutos so great?
>What is it that makes imoutos so great?
I don't know, user. We'd better examine them closely from all angles, there might be an answer someplace we haven't looked yet.
we can't see what is under the yellow parts, we need to see if the answer lies there!
Why is it that in both Amagami and Oregairu, the little sister AND the teachers are all 10/10, but stand little to no chance of winning?
A megane that isn't beyond redemption?
Explain to me
Worst Girl?
Because she will never have own arc and look her hair
MC's girlfriend is a megane who "raped him" years back, which is why Sora fucking hates her guts
When Sora NTR's her, she doesn't hold any kind of ill will towards her, and accepts her loss. She even approves of the twins relationship,
It's a shame, my first thought when I saw her in the anime was "woah, she's pretty cute". Then Sora's arc rolled around, and I realized I didn't like her anymore
Nao a best, sora a shit
I'm sorry you feel that way.
Incestuous pig
Who fucks at the front door inside their house?
Twins who haven't fucked all day, of course
Hillbillies, those shits are.
Bespectacled rapist
They just live out in the boonies, it's not their fault.They probably got better about it after they moved to Scandanavia
Why do you think I called them hillbillies?
Not their fault their parents died and they had to move out to the country. They were city kids before that
I loved how assertive Sora was about milking her brother once her love was recognized.
You'd think they'd be fucking against a wall, a table, or a fucking bed, but I guess the floor is better for some reason. Censorship? Composition?
Probably convinience. They had to fuck the moment they got home, they couldn't handle it anymore
She was eager to start making up for the years she spent without his cock in her
Any non-rape hentai where a couple has sex in the middle of a hallway?
I think Baka na Imouto, perhaps.
Coincidentally on topic.
Name? Got sadpandaed.
Pity such a top tier Imouto is stuck in a shitty harem with a shitty Oniichan.
It happened with Komachi and Miya, too. But at least Mikan has a chance to win
The last arc is more rewarding once you have watched the previous ones.
I remember hearing in the VN during her route there is subtle mention that she hooked up with her brother.
How about you fucking find out where NIL is and beat Hoshikuzu Namida 5 out of him
Read the VN instead
You best not be lyin to me, son
how do you avoid a boner in that situation
(C83) [40010 1-GO (40010Prototype)] Vanished Panties (To LOVE-Ru) [English] {}
by not being a pedo
If you impregnate your sister won't your daughters be a hell of a lot like their mother?
How would you keep your hands off them?
By not being a scumbag and being a loyal husband to your Imouto wife.
But Haru and Sora were raised separately because she was always in the hospital, which should not happen with his hypothetical daughter.
What if your imouto wife is willing to share?
I would hopefully have a son first to distract the Imouto.
dont fuck sisters
Hopefully their children will be healthy, otherwise their daughter might develop an unhealthy fascination with her brother...
They would have to raise their children like shit.
Not necessarily. Look at Sora and Haru. They were raised perfectly well, but the distance they had due to Sora's constant hospitalization prevented them from getting the "I shouldn't fuck this person" imprint most siblings get. And when their parents died, they only had each other.
Their kids will have their siblings, Aunty Nao, and parents that love them. Things will be just fine
I bet Nao ends up raping Haru's son too.
I meant that the kids would have to go through some shitty situations like the ones you mentioned for them to have incestual thoughts.
That user understands something.
Is it better? Serious question.