ITT: extremely entry level anime that you still haven't watched for whatever reason.
I've been here since 2008 but I still haven't watched K-On, nor I intend to do so.
ITT: extremely entry level anime that you still haven't watched for whatever reason.
I've been here since 2008 but I still haven't watched K-On, nor I intend to do so.
>he thinks K-On is entry level
I've been here since 2004
Never watched a single episode of Naruto, One Piece or Bleach nor have I ever had any inclination to do so.
Redline. I refuse to watch meme artstyle.
>baby's first SoL
>not entry level
Same. I just couldn't bring myself to finish K-On, even after 5 or 6 episodes. It just felt like a chore, even though I've finished and love a bunch of other SoL series.
Haruhi, and even after being in my backlog for over 10 years I don't have any plans on watch it.
Entry level anime that will surprise you:
Hunter x Hunter
LotGH and Monster.
They've been in my backlog since forever, but they're so long I never find the will of watching them.
You're not missing out on anything. K-On is shit compared to most other SoL.
SAO, Bleach, One Piece, Naruto.
This, I never watched a Key adaption, and I don't plan to.
There's a difference between entry level and garbage
Most of Sup Forums would disagree.
>show is nothing but about cute girls
>he makes a big deal out of it
>let me tell you about this show I haven't watched
Could you be anymore retarded? Why don't you just change the thread to "post here if your a contrarian fuckwit who can't be bothered to form an informed opinion"
Most of Sup Forums likes NGE, Monogatari and K-On! so no, they wouldn't disagree.
He said literally nothing about the show though, I don't get it.
You seem upset.
Sorry, but I don't need to taste shit to know it's not good.
Nice logical fallacy kid, come back when you've grown up.
I'm just not interested, and I couldn't care less about having an "informed opinion" on something that doesn't interest me.
How familiar are you with the English language?
Then as a result you are not entitled to have an opinion about it. Are we done here?
His sentence is correct.
Very, why do you ask?
How familiar are you with the English language?
Pic related.
Don't bother wasting your time. It's complete garbage and isn't interesting in any way.
>You like music?
Barely touches on the subject despite the show being about a fucking band
>Cute girls?
Only maybe one but their all moeblob shells anyway
>Maybe just for the fucking animation?
It's like watching paint dry
God tier, but still entry level
I'm afraid it didn't age well.
I watched some parts trought Youtube years ago but I was too retarded to watch the full series.
Is that screenshot from the first season?
After years, I'm still only six episodes into Cowboy Bebop.
Haven't seen Brotherhood (but seen 2003)
Not Naruto, Bleach, Fairy Tail, One Piece, Dragon Ball
Code Geass
One Punch Man
Akage no Anne
Sword Art Online
Trigun (except the movie)
Death Note (but read the manga until some point into book 8)
Macross (except DYRL (I know))
Pretty Cure
Legend of the Galactic Heroes
Nausicaa, Porco Rosso, Caste in the Sky...
That's what I can think of, probably many more.
I think so
>extremely entry level
How is she so cute? I don't understand.
I should probably watch it one those days.
Oh nice, ok class today we learn the meaning of the word "literally"
OP's post refers to K-ON as an entry level show and OP himself refers to his disinterest in the show. So by definition he "literally" said something about the show. Any questions?
It aired on Disney Channel, buddy.
S1 was really low quality and off model compared to S2
You're posting on a board focused on the topic of children's cartoons, bud
Evangelion. Dropped it after 3 episodes. I've learned since then that I was right.
Season 2 was when Kyoani's anime stopped looking like shit.
Explain how something that aired on Disney Channel isn't entry level.
Literally can also be used for emphasis.
Alternatively, we can infer from the general context of the conversation that what was meant was: "literally nothing [that would require watching the show]."
Alternatively, you knew exactly what he meant, so why play ignorant?
Not really.
When they stopped having a soul too.
Nice try but you're wrong. Come back and try again when you've done the assigned work
That's why I can't rewatch it.
It's also when they started producing great things.
So you're inferring that calling the show entry level is saying nothing about it?
>It's also when they started producing great things.
Agreed desu. They are hit or miss now but when they hit they hit hard, pre Keion was nothing but shit though
I haven't watched Death Note and Clannad because Light and Nagisa dying got spoiled for me.
Harui is still better than anything they've done since.
disappearance is the only passable part of haruhi and it's after k-on
Even the first season is better than the crap they do now.
so that's the name of that show I always see images of? Neat-o
As for your question, I tend to avoid anything moe or shounen-looking after watching a few entry level series like SAO and TTGL.
Haruhi has aged pretty badly compared to a timeless classic like K-On!!
While k-on may be entry level for young Japanese audience its not likelly for western audience.
You'd have to be braindead to prefer shit like Phantom, KnK and Hibike to Haruhi just because they look prettier.
hibike is much, much better than haruhi. phantom world is on par with haruhi tho
>hibike is much, much better than haruhi.
>phantom world is on par with haruhi
Oh I thought you were serious, nevermind
Nostalgia is one hell of a drug.
I watched it recently, and it's a masterpiece compared to that other shit.
I don't see any difference between Phantom, KnK, and Haruhi
I watch it two months ago and loved it, what is this bullshit?
FMA, didnt see it in my shonen phase and now I cant make myself watch it
Haruhi has good writing and characters, tells a meaninful story and is thoughtfuland self aware in its use of tropes.
One is excused for being shit because of nostalgic value.
In 2016 it's not entry level anymore.
New 2016 people rather watch new stuff, and will dislike it because 2009 will be "too old" for them.
>Entry level
Kyoanifags can't even understand the show since the dialogue is too much for them, I don't think it's entry level.
I didn't say that it didn't age well, I'm afraid that maybe it didn't. I obviously didn't watch it, that's the whole point of this thread.
I've NEVER touched a single episode of FMA
Oh god I just orgasmed jacking my dick to my superior taste.
This, including the VN, and all its myriad spinoffs.
No, fuck you Fatefags, I'm not reading it now. I have a ton more VNs that look more interesting to me at the moment and I'm not picking this up just because everyone raves about it, but it's still in my backlog.
Naruto, DBZ, Fairy Tail and all that shounen crap. I did watch like 25 eps or so of Bleach.
Also Ghibli movies. I've only watched Mononoke Hime, the wind rises and the sad one with the kids in the war.
also this
FMA is good in general, not just a good shonen.
You should read it, or watch Brotherhood.
>watched Bakemonogatari with Sup Forums when it aired
>never bothered to watch the rest of the series
>people call me a fucking newfag when I say I didn't watch Nise/Koyomi/Neko/etc
Fuck this show's fanbase.
It's just more of the same.
The only thing you're missing out is Kaiki.
the rest of the series was worse
It goes to shit after Bake anyway.
I'm pretty much never going to watch any of the long-running mainstream shounenshit because they're everything I dislike in an anime.
Spice and Wolf.
I know I'm missing one of the most beautiful fictional things I can ask for but I haven't watched it since I tried it back on 2010
Those are horribly outdated anyway. They're getting phased out by 1 or 2-cour shounen anime like Nisekoi, Shingeki no Kyojin and Mob Psycho, with minimal filler shit and the potential for later seasons instead of literally hundreds of crappy episodes.
I still haven't finished TTGL (dropped it at around ep 18 last year at some point.
Never watched Trigun either.
Passed on OPM and Boku Dake when it was airing.
Dropped Psycho Pass like halfway through.
Save yourself that pain of no S3
SAO, Steins;Gate, Fate/Zero, Psycho Pass, RE:Zero
All shit, don't bother.
I always planned to watch this, but in the Sup Forums FAQ, they give a spoiler for the anime when demonstrating how spoilers work. After reading that I've never wanted to watch the anime.
I know right? I don't want to suffer, so I'm holding back.
I do know the novel exist, and I know by common sense that the anime is relatively inferior to the novels, and I know I won't read them because I don't read novels!
It's a good show and even knowing what happens before i watched it the first time i stilled enjoyed it. I'm sure i would have enjoyed it more going in completely blind but whatever.
The music is god tier, however, and certainly worth your time if your into blues and/or jazz. Yoko Kanno and The Seatbelts are really fucking good.
Aw don't be mad. I'll just let you feel superior about which children's cartoon you like more
please watch castle in the sky, user, for me. it's my favorite and the soundtrack is wonderful.
No, you need to. NOW. I prefer Monster (because gore and neonazi psychopathic children), but LotGH is still astounding.
Don't bother with anything else until you've seen (in order):
One Punch Man (fucking hilarious)
Castle in the Sky
Death Note
Cowboy Bebop
And NEVER watch SAO. (I made that mistake)
>they give a spoiler for the anime when demonstrating how spoilers work