Boku no Hero Academia

What did Almight mean by this?

Two star crossed lovers.

Twice is nice boy, don't hurt him

he is there to settle things


Twice sucks, he needs to be hurt.

Almight is preparing himself for his big hockey game by talking to his coach AFO

How can you prove its not just you and me in this thread

pro tip you can't

Thai thread is just me samefagging, we all know that.

Would Uraraka saving Deku from Toga redeem her?

Because there are 3 people on 4chins: me, you, and that weird guy over there

But we arent on Sup Forums


That's me!



We don't talk about

Because we're the same person

This week's chapter was good It was shit

This numbers prove in the original Twice.
No they don't.
Check 'em.

>introduce 4 new villains this chapter
>show 4 old villains who look conflicted
Dabi, Spinner, Magne and Twice will leave the league and do their own thing. Save Stain or join the league of queers or join UA.

Is that a grown up dude dressed like a little girl? What the fuck.

None of them look conflicted at all.

Pls no bully

How does it feel to be wrong you're actually correct

do not check them, please do

It's Tora infiltrating the Villians alone to take revenge for Ragdoll.

They're not conflicted except for Twice whose psyche is literally in conflict, they're out trying to gather recruits



Is this the first chapter with Deku?

no, the first chapter had deku too

Yes, Deku never appeared before in this manga. This is his debut chapter. Bold choice, considering he's the main character.

No, Deku was also in chapter 1.

So how much of OfA will deku be allowed to use going forward? You can already see how he's starting to outclass certain classmates. At like 25% people like sugarman and ida would be completely pointless

Who would stop him
and why

Deku has been a clone of Twice since ch1 so no, he hasn't been introduced yet.

Thx guys

The plot would stop him to keep the story and other characters interesting and relevant. OfA is busted which is why hori has kept it's limit at 5% for months (in story) despite deku constantly lifting

>All for One, I've come to bargain!

Who's the sexiest Twice or Twice?

None of them, it's Twice

It's obviously me aka


It's actually Dabi. He's very hot.

"I gave my powers to the gravity girl lol get ducked herofags"

I have another scenario for you folks.

Twice uses his quirk on Toga.
Toga gets blood from Clone-Toga, and Clone-Toga gets blood from Toga.
Both use their quirks.
Twice closes his eyes and both Togas run in circles for a bit.

Will Twice be able to find the real Toga?

no but ur gay

I think twice is a fucking shit character and you should kill yourselves.

I can't wait to see more of him!

What is All might even doing?

Why would they use their quirks to turn into exactly the same person?

Is it just me or is there some deep symbolism going on here?

>November 11
>Eleven Eleven
>the number eleven appearing Twice
>which is two ones put together
>One for All and All For One

Call me an autist, because I might as well be.

He is bored since he doesn't have shit to do so he went to talk with his old pal OfA.

I had a thought in my mind that Twice this chapter was Deku's father, until it was revealed he was Twice. Do you think we'll ever see dekudad? Will he be a villain, and his schtick as a cook working far away is a lie?

They're not exactly the same person though. It's a clone with its own mind.

repeating digits!

good observation user!, it was fucking shit

Now I hope Horikoshi makes a lot of success and they give him Togashi-like freedom to do anything he fucking wants in the manga.

He can breathe fire.

That's all we know

he's going to play poker and risk it all on the heart of the cards

you mean like stop writing and drawing it?

I mean, both look like Toga already, why would they use their quirks to look like Toga?

Dekudad is the true mastermind.

My hiatus academia

To add to the confusion? She's crazy, look at her.

The Pharoh in the end was a fucking cheater he just drew whatever cards he wanted in the final duel

Is this the beginning of twice posting?

>in the end
cheating was literally the only thing he was good at the entire time

of course,

it already ended


>Toga gets blood from Twice
>transform into him
>Twice has a meltdown

Anybody have the Hannibal Lecter edit?

Giving focus to=!conflicted

>Only one chapter
>Becomes best villain and dark horse of the LoV

I just liked him when we first met him because he was japanese Deadpool. Now he's actual best (bad) boy




>you'll never take care of kids this cute

It'll probably play like a superman kind of thing, where he keeps lifting and thinking his maximum is 5% so he unconsciously keeps himself nerfed.

Deku about to go Absolute Madman on those toddlers


Even as a five-year-old, Pikatard is a failure at picking up girls.

>Kirishima and Todoroki sent flying by Uraraka

this is the official translation, dubs confirm

I want her to follow up on these evil expressions of hers.

What happens when Toga drink a cocktail of blood from different people

All this talk about Twice is making me think of that Korean girl group.

Gotta keep the sluts off her man

How can two perfs and a straitjacket can contain the fuckin AFO
This is real bullshit
This is why the Jump franchise are dying, the author don't even have the corrones to kill the Big Bad

What's the sexiest quirk? The least sexy quirk?

He probably could even free himself right now but is not interested in doing it

because akame ga kill definitely does that right

He probably wants to adopt shiggy. His compassion is going to get him killed.

> Twice is confused and dont know if he should join the good or the bad guys
> he splits and joins both
> later he has to fight himself

awkward father-son fishing trip with No Might and Shiggy when?

>it's another edgy chapter
Why is weekly manga so bad?

He didn't die because He won

He will obviously join the good guys and it turns out that his twin brother joined the bad ones at some point, because they mistook him as Twice.

>fight gets interrupted by a third Twice
>suddently hundreds of Twices appear as they had been hiding and multiplying on an abandoned island
>they killed every human on earth and everyone is a Twice clone

Sexiest: Brainwashing, Shapeshifting
Least Sexy: Grape balls, Extra limbs, Giant hands, Meatball

the perfect human

>Extra limbs
>not sexy

They can be put to good use, also

>not sexy

You can transform people in living onaholes

Either he doesn't give a shit and this is all part of his plan, or those 2 medicine containers are delivering medicine that paralyzes the body and by extension quirks

>wanting to fuck a fleshy potato