Every English Speaking Country Allows Gay Marriage

Been waiting a while to right that as a Sup Forums headline. Why fight a losing battle? Why not team up with gays and fight against our mutual enemy, Muslim immigration? Even the Mormon Church is trying to get gays into the fold. Why fight a battle you know you cannot win?


This is why the Anglo will go extinct.
The next millennium belongs to the Latino.

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, or questioning your sexuality?

discord gg/zamwgsS

fuck you fag. you are a degenerate.

Are you free of sin?

I know quite a few very devout practicing Mormons and they all hate faggots.


if you stand for everything and everyone you stand for nothing and no one

I know some devout faggots who hate Mormons....

When has the government ever said they wouldn't stand for you?

>Sample size of 723
Lol, using random sampling techniques a sample size of a few hundred would be sufficient if you were talking about a group numbering in the hundreds of thousands but there are over 6 million mormons in the US alone. The margin of errror for that study is so large the entire thing means precisely nothing.


I would rather die standing than bend a knee to the schwulstaffel

What about Liberia?

Why not team up with the sandniggers and exterminate the faggots?

Gays have gone from being accepted to being properly put down to being accepted in a constant cycle. This one won't change.

But I do think this is perfect evidence that the battle against Islam is unwinnable. It is always a feminine society that accepts degeneracy like faggots. And it is always penetrated, conquered and converted by a masculine society.

What did they mean by this?

We don’t need you. You fucked u- the country. Now that you need us all of a sudden you don’t hate Christians anymore.

go tried to get married there faggot

(Though it isn't legal YET - the Senate has yet to approve)

Are you admitting your own?

Not a race. So you're basically saying mestizos or Native Americans.