ITT: we post best girls of their respective series



Too good for her shitty show. Gayest MC in memory.







Saw random Patlabor movies on Showtime back in the day. As I understand it the movies have nothing to do with the series. They're like parallel time lines/different takes on the same story? Kind of like Tenchi Muyo and Tenchi Universe?





Girly tomboys are the next stage of evolution



Tomoyo a shit.

by far the best example of the non-main girl being the best choice for MC. it was utterly retarded how hard she got blueballed in the end.

Mentally 13 year old half-elf scum and bed-warmers need not apply.


Very good taste in this thread.





I'd have to question their sanity if anyone thinks otherwise










Jotaro best girl.
Those abs.








If I won't post her, no one will.

best imouto coming through



Correct. Everything except these was wrong.



Ho ho ho loli and Hime are top tier, but they are surpassed by Catherine and Mariydi.






Too lazy to find a picture of her by herself

She's just so cute and I love her so much. She'd probably punch me if I called her cute though.

I like her ship counterpart....

It would've taken 10 seconds to crop Rei out of the picture you lazy fuck.

Good idea user.

You obviously forgot to mention Lacie but I'll forgive you.



My waifu deserves more love. Best Buster and KEY girl.


Girl of the year, every year.




My nigga


With Kyou in close second.

resident juzoboy representing.

Hakaze is best too.


