Swedistan 2k17


Other urls found in this thread:


sweden will lead by example in 2018




i hope jabath al nusra will execute you, retarded amerimutt

i'm a swedish citizen you negerbol ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>Making Sweden great again

you faggots are just creating more stupid headlines about this country. That's all, you are not helping.

i think it's helping

No it doesn't, the left wing media will not give a fuck about it since they know where it comes from. The only ones who will talk about it are the ones on the right and it will be pointed out as just another example of why Sweden is fucked.

It doesn't help, all it does is making us look even dumber than we already do.

they don't know where it comes from this is the status quo in sweden

They will, the alt right and Sup Forums is well known to the left these days. No one will get fooled by this aside from right wing media like PJW and Cernovich.

There have no talk about replacing the Swedish flag, it is just a Sup Forums meme. Unlike you we are not even tearing down any monuments or statues.



3 days it took 3 fucking days for you cunts to end up on info wars all starting from a 1 tiny thread.

How long till this spreads everywhere you cunts have started something big this time.

Why are we hurting Sweden?

i think you are giving aftonblaskan too much credit

it's ment to wake up the normies and create a massive backlash.

At the expense of killing Sweden?

A sacrifice must always be made

Think of Horst Wessel

It's for the greater good u know....

No it's not going to do that you don't understand what this is you've arrived 3 days too late into this.

This is what OP forgot to post

Sign the petition, lads.

Operation Swedistan:

1.Create significant traction in a movement to replace Sweden's Christian flag with an Islamic crescent.

2. Even those on the left will come to realise how Cucked their nation is if something like this even comes close to being considered by the Government.

3. A movement will organically form defending the Christian flag of Sweden. This will also give rise to a sense of nationalism in perhaps the most Cucked nation on earth. It will also create the opportunity for redpilling on an international scale.

5. (Stage 2) Protest online against these movements defending the existing flag. Claim that all those that wish to defend it are racist and xenophobic cretins that don't wish for Sweden to be 'Inclusive' and 'A safe space for everyone'


>1.Lets organize a mas petition to change Swedens flag to include the Islamic symbol

>2.Promote and spread the petition on across the net and make promotional material such as pictures and adds etc.

>3.The final blow spread the material on Tumblr and watch it take off like wildfire.

The main narrative will be that Sweden hasn't been multicultural enough and must change their flag.

Make Tumblr do the dirty work for us.

yeah i agree
sorry guys

@gudschy @swedishpm @asaromson @annieloof @vkawesa @AnnelieNordstro @FiJonkoping @FIGotland @uf_stockholm @CamillaKvartoft @AgnesWold @LisaGemmel @FiMiljo @fiuppsala @lisakpalm @MariaBorgstrom @Kvinnolobbyn @ManForJamst @Machofabriken @Kvinnolobbyn @fiboras @lundsfeminister @MalmoMJB
@FiCarl @MalinBjork_EU @Feministerna @FiStockholm @ngfemgbg @fempers @FemiFiction @JessicaBLarsson @Gita_Nabavi @SisselaNB @CBillskog @margarethemuntz

here are some twitter names from feminist community leaders
don't copy paste, lurk their followers and look for key words like "politik" and "fem"

I don't think this is a good idea either. It's cruel.
What will happen more:
>Swedes wake up enough is enough
>Swedes despair

this is my country where i have family living a lie every day calling me a nazi. is it really cruel?


And for salty swecucks; we're doing this to HELP you

All good

They expect one of us in the wreckage

swedes are subhumans its ok to be cruel towards them

What sort of operation is this?

Subversion? Subterfuge?

operation take the sheep to hell to wake them up

I'm just looking for the correct term to classify it.

dunno let me know

Accelerationism, and all that. Still think it's a bad idea since swedes are eternal cucks and will probably actually go for it.

You have to do this in Swedish if you want to reach normies. English is autism.

As awesome as this is it's not as simple as "it's one to be white" I would think Sven would smarter...

Don't swedecucks produce 90% of their music in English?

>metro. se/artikel/Sup Forums-anv%C3%A4ndare-bakom-falsk-namninsamling-f%C3%B6r-att-%C3%A4ndra-sveriges-flagga

Has no one seen this yet or what?

While Swedes are generally good at English, they don't prefer it over Swedish.


Yes so that we can market it internationaly

We shall fix it too.

here is an updated version of du gamla du fria to go along your new flag


>you are giving them too much credit

told you so, they saw through it immediatly. Meanwhile at alex jones site.


good job retards, all you did was creating more Sweden YES! memes and dumb headlines.