how do these people make money are they on the government tit and whats the end game behind giving a bunch of people who not contributing anything free money

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Keeps her from breeding whites, meant to attract niggers



dam she thiccccccccccccccc white power

harram bro

it wont stop eating, even for a photo

obese people should be shot, no exceptions.
bunch of sub human animals

This is fucking disgusting.

They're considered disabled, so our tax dollars pay for them.

Wings of liberty

I found the full episode:


sad huh, it cant control itself, have at It I say flood your endorphins until you kick the bucket, as long as no 1 has to take responsibility

Her butt is in the front. man you guys have to watch this. I can make a rabbit if anyone wants.

I feel like this should be an eye opening experience

But how can fat people be fat if calories are only a concept?

Checkmate, bigots.

She is beautiful! #BRAVE

lmao I can't breathe. He said "She says it humiliating because I have to hose her butt but I'd walk through fire for that woman" LMFAO I can't. this show is so disgusting but wtf


Bet your ass she'll lose some weight if I keep her in my dungeon for a month without any food.
Maybe I'll throw a celery stick in there once in a while.

These people are lucky as fuck. Infinite gibs, just sit around all day eating, chilling, smoking pot probably, leeching from the system. Never have to work or think or do anything. Most of them have some poor saps bathing then and getting them everything they want. Die young after stealing millions of dollars from the system. Probably got an arsenal of drugs from painkillers to muscle relaxants so they don’t even contemplate their pathetic existence and just produce euphoria all day and live in their own little heaven. Fugg.

Meanwhile we slave away, unable to ever truly break into the realm of rich or wealthy, get treated like shit, underachieve for life and never find a woman with any real value as a person while we and everyone around us just fucking hates everyone and everything and we’re all dying inside watching our race get genocided and our countries crumble and turn to shit. I can’t even chill and smoke a blunt because my nigger job hair tests.

>trump voter
that's a bonified hilldawg right there

Join, everyone join my We are going to watch the full episode together. This is hilarious.

>keep her in my dungeon

Admit it: you just want this sexy beast all for yourself.

Wow...I could become a millionaire if I designed a keyboard for fat fingers

If you want to watch the full episode join my

The first five minutes are so disgusting but hilarious. I'll wait.

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Hair Drug Testing Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Shave Your Head Like Nigga Buy a Razor Haha

You might also become rich by becoming a nutritionist and giving useful advice. Like this.

body hair, pubes if they have to. if they can’t find enough hair to test anywhere on your body, it’s considered a refusal, which is the same as a fail.


Trigger Warning.

>this is what Pommespanzer actually belive

This is also what they believe.

They always forget that simply existing, and breathing, burns up a considerable amount of calories.


big black

What is that thing?

> Eat all this high calorie food
> Have no idea how jacked they could get
It's so hard for me to pack food away, but these pieces of shit do it like there's no tomorrow and waste all their potential gains.

Those aren't typos. It's just obesity-induced senility.


>counting calories doesn't guarantee weight loss

Technically correct, you need to count them correctly and stop at a target.

If you count your daily 4000 calorie intake it's not losing weight.

One of the hardest things for me to find out because I did my weight loss years ago, was how much energy you need to expend to get rid of that ONE cookie, or ONE portion of chips or ONE sugary drink.

The conclusion, that should be fucking drilled into the heads of anyone looking to lose weight, is that it's far easier to not eat, than to make up for what you eat with exercise.

Only now it seems that conclusion is getting wider spread, especially to the very obese who will take the most damage from even basic excerise (when you're 200kg a jog a day for a year will finish your ligaments for life).

Checked and glad I'm not the only one who saw it with the much better file name


>counting calories doesn't guarantee weight loss
This is true.
>counting calories doesn't guarantee good overall health
This is also true.
>enjoy your life
Depression and stress are linked with higher risks for cancer, the main killer of white people who don't drink&drive.

>lock fat asses in thier room
>feed only vitamins, minerals, and water until they get normal again.


How is it that only in America you have these ridiculously sized woman/man
Is there something in the food that we Europeans don't get

join the we watching it as a group lmao

No. She is just eating a lot of food and not moving. She doesn't even walk

Thank you actually
I'm almost fucking 200lb how much damage do you think im doing by going hiking everyday?

family or friends probably pay hoping their shit tier relative stops acting like a fat cunt, Hitler wouldn't have let this shit happen.

Yea ok but there is a difference between fat and being almost 700 pounds.
I've never seen anyone this fat in Europe no matter how much they ate

Yeah but if you watch the episode, all she does is sit. No walking, no moving, no nothing. That plus eating constantly.

>even the stick figure is fat

IT looks to me like they are contributing entertainment anonymous.

This is Amber Rachdi, she's lost the weight. What now?

Well doesn't it make you wonder how this morbid obesity is such a thing in America and in America alone?

It just seems so unnatural, what if the Jew screwed your food?

I know of some sugar replacements that are 600% more potent than normal and are not allowed in the EU but are allowed in the US.

What else can explain a epidemic like this?

There is no end game.

They're just pathetic.

it looks like she has those little caterpillar feet.


That's dangerously close to "rabbi".

>metrics are just concepts.
Yet I become tired and hungry after walking 10 miles.


lmaoo yeah

Fucking kek

>this show exists
>these "people" exist

>This is true.
Worked for me. I also run three times a week, which really accelerated my weight loss. I went from 215 to 155. Now I have to take in 3k a day just to maintain due to afterburner effect.

sugar alternatives are usually in diet drinks. they’re pretty bad for you i hear, but i highly doubt these morbidly obese cunts are drinking diet

They are on disability benefits. Because they're " disabled ".
My ex mother and father in law ( love the ex ) do this shit. But they're not even that fat. But oh they both claim disability and don't do shit. And it's because of weight issues. But again.....they aren't even that fat.
Also they get on Medicade or something and go to the doctor all the time to get pills. You know, any kind of pills. Fun pills. Whole medicine cabinet is stalked with them.
So these people I once knew, took money from you the tax payer to live, and then used your tax money to get fucked up on pills too.
Oh and they have foodstamps.

Running and exercise is very good for your health. Everyone should exercise for the many health benefits it provides.

HOWEVER for losing weight exercise is not that great.
Almost all of the energy your body burns is to keep its temperature, keep your brain active, and pump blood around, as well as repairs. A small percentage of your energy is spent on moving and activities, the human body is pretty effective at those.
That is, if you exercise, you won't spend that much more energy compared to if you are just browsing Sup Forums for the same period. The biggest chunk of energy spent is just being alive.
A much more efficient (time, money, effort) and effective way to lose weight is to eat less, or go periods without eating at all (and not overeating when the fast ends).
You can greatly reduce energy intake, while you can't greatly increase energy spending. If your goal is to lose weight, eat less. Still exercise, since it gives other benefits.

just kill those disgusting fucks off, holy shit, somthing like this shouldn't be allowed to live

Indeed. Although, I try telling people to avoid fasting since a lot of people freak out and binge.

was the person replying doing so unironically? I don't understand mentally ill people who identify as _kin


The absolute state of America

When will you fools understand that anime is superior to 3D?

Jesus fucking fuck.

Amerifats why

Make big bucks selling her excess skin to this guy?


lol every time there's a USA article there's the same 52% face in the photos. the meme is so funny because its so true.

i think a forklift might be long enough to reach

Everyone get in here:

we are watching episodes of 600lb life. Hilarious.

unless you're very short probably none dude, watch for unit abbreviations

change the episode

England is getting almost as fat as us nowadays but probably off a lot of the same products. I think it has a lot more to do with people eating low nutrient food excessively and treating soda like it's water more than any kind of super-sugar

200 lbs is only about 90kg approx. FYI Im 150kg and work 8-10 hrs a day in a steel factory. At 6'4" Im considered morbidly obese but have massive chest back shoulder and leg muscle. Thats what 20 yrs steel working does to you. Even when i stripped as much fat as I could was still 120kg. Its all relative

This is retarded advice. I lost 70lbs from lifting. And due to the increase of muscle mass I actually eat more than I did when I got fat. Exercise will destroy fat, as long as it's hard enough. Too many fat fucks stop at light walking or biking.

We started a new season and everyone in here wants to watch this episode. We watched OP's episode before. Sorry, but I'll be playing these for a while.

How much did other people have to pay to treat her fat ass?


This. Also muscle burns more fat so lifting is about the best work out you can do

>whats the end game

The purpose of welfare is to provide a safety net for people when they are temporarily out of work. Welfare queens are the biproduct of a bloated and efficient system in a society with rampant degeneracy and decadence.

I thin it was, she will probably dye her hair pink and write a blog about how doors are a symbol of opression


The only part of that pic that doesn’t burn my eyes

hahahaha why haven't I seen this before. Come closer my aryan princess, let me caress your overflowing butt cheeks

Votes. Turns out welfare is popular.

what the fuck is that like? i mean she can probably feel her 'calves' flopping over her ankles and feet. and goddamn she already has sores on her legs. she's gonna die of fat. sheesh

>what is the end game for this bitch?

short-term, amputation, long-term, a very wide casket.


How did she get in?