Sikhs are brotier

>sikhs are brotier

yeah, they're eating those jews alive

All Pajeets arelike this only
Some drink cow piss some poo on the streets

The rats represent Islam. Muslims have a great affinity for rats.



>sikh thread
>bring islam into it
t. turban pajeet, how's welfare

>no turban in sight

seems unlikely

well im not mouth kissing them

They help out on the local Jew population. Its why I let them sleep in the barn.

>No turban
>Shit mustache
Yeah no

>Pajeets are motivated by domination thats why they help Jews.They know that Jews are at important positions in government and if they help them then their generosity will not be forgiven
>jews help them in immigration so thats why India and Israel are friends.


Good one

Wtf is this shit? the worst thing us keralites have done is eat a shit ton of beef to piss off north Indian street shitters

Whats wrong in eating beef faggot?
Do your people dont eat beef?

>eating beef
Nigger wut?

Well faggot north Indians dont eat beef and us keralites eat a shit ton of it to piss em off

>sikhs are brotier
Biggest meme on Sup Forums

Us south Indian keralites eat beef not north Indian street shitters

Havent you heard about beef idiot?
Beef,chicken,non veg
Retard fuck
Stop having sex with your sister and cousins
God damn it
You are so retard

sikhs are noble savages worthy of respect. just not worthy of the right to vote.

you know what we call people who dont eat meat?

Pajeet where do you live in US?

Ok you can call north Indians that dumb cunt

Faggots dont eat meat bc they get all the meat right in their ass during sex.

Sikhs are shitskins who will always vote in their own best interest and against the best interest of whites.
They can be bros with the rest of their street-shitting countrymen and stay the fuck out of white countries. They are literally useless to the US as we have enough cab drivers and welfare recipients.

underrated post

also highly underrated

They suck Jew cocks so that they can get inside America and sell groceries and drive taxis.
Israel and Indians are having good relations thats why these Jews and Pajeets are spreading like cockroaches

delete this

The only Sikhs I've ever met have been well-dressed, professional, and extremely right-wing. Sikhs also have a martial culture and like 90% of Sikh men serve in the military, which is more than anyone wasting their life on Sup Forums can say.

Ok even if i believe all those things,they are racists as fuck.
One Sikh doesnt trust another Sikh

In which military do they serve shitface?

>they are racists as fuck
>One Sikh doesnt trust another Sikh
>In which military do they serve shitface?
In literally every military. Sikhs have fought and died in the British and American militaries for over a hundred years.


Gee who could be behind this?

Individually, some of them may be ok people. But when you have literally thousands of them move into an area along with other poos and pakis, and then they get the numbers to vote as a block, they will ALWAYS put their own candidates into office who will vote for MORE immigration, MORE welfare, MORE accomodations for their "culture" at the expense of your culture, and MORE money fo dem programs. They've learned to yell "racist" just like any shitskin whenever they encounter any resistance. Seriously, I live in a place that will either be swallowed up by Poos or Chinks/Koreans within the next 10 years and I hate all of them so fucking much.

Idiot i am white Pajeet.
And by the language you are using it seems that you are the racist one here.
I have never seen them in US army or any army.All i know is that they fight using swords and are loud as fuck like they cant work hard or harder.


They aint eating Jews they are partnering up with jews


As a leaf I can confirm this, one of our 3 major parties is now run by a sikh. He's pro immigration (even for Canadian standards) and overall a huge shitlib. People are really hyping this faggot up.

Yeah these Sikhs are partnering up with Rich Jews who keep government in their pockets and are promoting immigration.

The "Sikhs are Bro-Tier" and "Sikhs hate Muslims even more than us!" memes really needs to die. The people who repeat that nonsense have likely never met a Sikh or have only seen one or two. Around here, entire apartment complexes have been taken over by them in a few adjoining suburban towns, and it's like Calcutta down there now. Filthy, run down, and crowded. And the Sikhs here stand with their "muslim allies" at every stupid protest or gathering. They are almost worse than the other poos, since they wear the turbans and then cry about people who look at their turbans. I wish they'd all fuck right off, back to their own Singhland.

Corrupt money from their country leader goes into pockets of our leaders and thats why they promote Pajeets into our country.
Moreover see GOOGLE AND MICROSOFT CEO both pajeets who are working for JEWISH company and the partnership between Pajeets and Jews is fucking up the country.


those are probably hindus since they're not wearing sikh man hijab

By this logic, anyone who lives in New York or London can't eat bacon.

He is a kahlistani faggot